There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 103 It’s really ugly to be dressed up like this by my mother

"Ah? That's great. Don't we have everything we want in the future? Just tell Master Huang and it will be delivered to us?"

Zheng Xinyue covered her small mouth and looked at her mother with sparkling black eyes, full of excitement.

"Yes, it's just vegetables. Why don't you bring some food?"

After Gao Guilan was happy, she felt a little unsatisfied. Vegetables didn't satisfy her hunger, and fruits were delicious but they didn't relieve her hunger. What her family lacked most now was food.

"Mom, can I take the vegetables to the city to exchange for food?"

Zheng Xinyue guided her mother to think on the right path.

"The fruit must not be taken out. We can't explain the origin of such big and good peaches and apples. These are fairy fruits. How can they be found in the world? Vegetables also need a letter of introduction before they can be sold to the supply and marketing cooperative."

After hearing her daughter's words, Gao Guilan's eyes suddenly brightened but then dimmed again.

She began to worry. Now that she wanted to sell agricultural products in a supply and marketing cooperative, she had to get a letter of introduction from the village. Would she dare to go to Zheng Maoshan and ask for a letter of introduction? All we grow at home are potatoes. Where can we get these vegetables?

"Mom, we can go to the city and find someone from the city to secretly change it."

Zheng Xinyue reminded her in a low voice that people at this time were timid, and her mother was a different kind of bold. If she was afraid, she would have to keep these vegetables for herself.

"Okay, I'll go to your master to get a letter of introduction, saying that you have a stomachache and need to go to the city to see a doctor."

Through Zheng Xinyue's guidance, Gao Guilan finally made a decision. What was he afraid of? Just be careful. Isn't it okay if you don't sell the money and just exchange it for corn noodles?

"Xinyue, just watch at home and don't open the door to anyone who comes. Mom will go find your master right away. ╰╮"

Gao Guilan can't worry about leaving her home now. It's unbelievable that so many treasures are being seen. If the source is unclear, her home will have to be cleaned up.


Zheng Xinyue took a bite of the apple and happily agreed. It was so exciting to be able to speculate with her mother.

Gao Guilan returned soon and sent a letter of introduction without any hindrance. Zheng Maoshan also asked if he could send Xinyue by car, but Gao Guilan refused.

The two women filled half of the eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes into a large basket. The basket was covered with a rag, so you couldn't tell what was inside.

It's just that the smell of tomatoes is obvious and can be smelled through the backpack, so I'm afraid of meeting someone.

But now that everyone in the village is working in the fields, if they encounter an inspection in the city, they just visit relatives and give them home-grown vegetables. Others don't need to be afraid, and no one will care.

"Xinyue, you stay at home and look after the house. Mom will go by herself."

This kind of dangerous thing makes me highly nervous, even if I am brave enough, my heart will jump.

Gao Guilan didn't dare to let her daughter go. What if she was frightened and convulsed?

"Mom, you wrote the letter of introduction under the pretext of seeing me a doctor. Shouldn't others be suspicious if I don't go?"

Zheng Xinyue didn't want to let go of such an exciting thing, so she reminded her mother in a low voice.

"Yes, you can't go, but stay away from mom when selling things, and don't come over."

Gao Guilan slapped her thigh and was worried that her daughter would be frightened. Why did she forget that she was writing a letter of introduction as an excuse for her daughter to see a doctor?

"Go change your clothes and smear your face with pot ashes so that no one can recognize you."

Gao Guilan thought carefully and even used disguise.

He put on tattered clothes and tied his scarf behind his head. He immediately changed from an arrogant and aggressive person to a sickly person who was about to starve to death.

Zheng Xinyue was also dressed up as black charcoal by her. Zheng Xinyue looked at herself in the mirror and blinked. It was really ugly to be dressed up like this by her mother. Only the whites of her eyes and teeth were white, and the rest of the exposed parts were dark. Yes, is her mother going to steal landmines with her wearing makeup?

Good night, the update is over. Please vote for recommendations. Thank you.

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