Thinking of this, Qing Chi had a little realization that divine calculations are not as good as heavenly calculations, and he suddenly understood the identity of this woman named Xiao, and couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

Then he turned his head and said to Baiyunlou: "Junior Brother, you can accompany Huo Ling'er around the garden to see the scenery. Senior sister and younger sister Xiao will finish this game of chess, and it will take half a day at most."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou knew that the senior sister was already thinking about it, so she was relieved, since it only took half a day, she responded.

While replying, his divine sense couldn't help probing the chessboard, and Baiyunlou suddenly felt dizzy.

The black, white and white chess pieces on the chessboard are like the rules of heaven and earth, and the overflowing fluctuations are shocking.

Baiyunlou quickly withdrew his spiritual thoughts, without stopping any longer, pulled Huo Linger out of the corridor, and wandered around several gardens in the villa.

After a while, Baiyunlou remembered that the half a day Senior Sister Qingchi said was not half a month in the world.

It may have been bright in the human world for a while, and the two junior sisters are still waiting in the Qingyun Cave below.

Thinking of this, Baiyun Tower took the Pure Yang Sword Gang hanging aside, and poured it into a divine sense, shaking the sword intent three times in a row.

Just after the three tremors, three extremely rapid tremors came back in an instant. If it weren't for the strong spiritual sense of Baiyun Tower, it would not be possible to tell that these were three consecutive tremors.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyunlou understood a little bit. It should be that a junior sister in the lower realm received the shock of the sword intent, so she sent it back three times with the sword intent.

Only limited by the rules of this miraculous space, the normal three tremors became abnormally rapid tremors here.

At this moment, Baiyun Tower sensed three vibrations coming from the sword gang. Although each vibration was extremely short this time, the intervals were much more normal.

After thinking about it, this time it should be the junior sister from the lower realm, who has realized the rather lengthy shock that he sent back.

Needless to say, Junior Sister Dongfang should be guarding the Sword Qi Hall, so she carefully sent back the second round of tremors with sword intent.

That being the case, Baiyun Tower also reverberated the sword intent three times. After adjustment, Junior Sister Dongfang should be able to receive quite normal tremors.

After a while, there was no more message. It seems that Junior Sister Dongfang has received the message from here, so she should be relieved.

Looking back in the direction of the corridor, Baiyun Tower thought secretly, since he found the senior sister, there might be other changes if he went back rashly.

It's better to wait for senior sister, half a month or half a month, then accompany senior sister and junior sister Huo Ling'er to return to the lower realm.

The two junior sisters in the human world are easy to deal with. Trembling the sword intent every once in a while should reassure the junior sisters.

Thinking of Senior Sister Qingchi's words, Baiyunlou secretly said: Senior Sister's words seem to have a lot of meaning, so let's accompany Huo Ling'er around the dozens of courtyards.

This manor has a radius of several miles, and there is a Qiongge hall in the middle. The door of the hall is closed, and it is inconvenient to enter without the owner's permission.

However, there are more than ten courtyards scattered around the main hall, all of which have extraordinary scenery, so you can walk around casually.

After passing through several courtyards, Huo Ling'er saw a green fruit tree full of juicy and juicy fruits when passing a courtyard, and she wanted to eat it.

Baiyunlou pulled Huo Ling'er to the fruit tree, with the eyes of the sky, the power of rules spread all over the tree, and even the reddish fruits seemed to be made of power of rules.

Seeing this situation, Baiyun Tower hesitated slightly, but still slightly cupped his hands in the direction of the corridor: "Master here, my junior sister is greedy and eats two of your fruits, I am bothering you."

After finishing speaking, seeing that the other party did not respond, he thought to himself, this is a default.

So Baiyunlou raised his hand and picked two red fruits, gave one to Huo Linger, and held one in his hand to look at it.

The strange thing is that when the fruit was hung on the branch, it was still surrounded by the power of rules, but when it was taken off, it seemed to turn into a mortal thing, without any abnormality, and after a bite, it was very sweet, crisp and refreshing.

After eating one, he reached out and picked two more red fruits, and handed them to Huo Ling'er, who was at the side, before going to another courtyard for a stroll.

Suddenly, Baiyun Tower looked at the small pool in the courtyard here, and felt that the small pool with a radius of one zhang was very round, and the roundness was a bit unusual, so he walked over to have a look curiously.

This is a pond made of white jade, it is only one foot deep, and it is full of spiritual liquid, as if it is about to overflow the jade pond. It seems that there is nothing unusual, it is nothing more than a round and full small pond.

Suddenly Huo Ling'er exclaimed: "Wow, it's so beautiful, I saw that big pillar in the academy."

Baiyunlou couldn't help being startled, he was also looking at a small pool, how could there be a difference, he was still working with Celestial Eye.

In a flash, he looked at Huo Ling'er at the side, as if he didn't use any supernatural powers, Baiyunlou couldn't help but retract his Tianyantong to look.

As a result, there was still only a pool full of clear liquid.

"Eldest brother, can't you see it? Don't worry about the water in the pool, just look at the bottom of the pool." Seeing that the senior brother was still in a daze, Huo Ling'er warmly reminded him.

So it turns out that there are indeed hidden rules everywhere in this courtyard, and a small idea of ​​perfection can cover up his great celestial vision.

Baiyunlou couldn't help but be a little vigilant. Recently, he has been relying too much on the Celestial Eye. In the final analysis, the Celestial Eye is just a supernatural power that can see through some falsehoods.

If you want to be truly powerful, you still have to start from the source and explore the truth of the laws contained in the way of all things.

Just like this pool full of psychic liquid, the owner here used a meaning of perfection to make the visitors only feel the perfection and ignore the bottom of the pool.

While the bottom of the pool looks like jade, there is also a rule of transparent characters contained in it.

Baiyun Tower inspected the jade pond then looked intently at the bottom of the pond.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, isn't this the human world under the clouds?

Although this place is two hundred miles away from the human world, with the eyesight of Baiyun Tower today, one can still recognize the academy quite clearly, and even see the lake under the gate of Qingyun Mountain.

Surprisingly, the Baiyun Tower saw through the lake water without using the sky eye, but also saw the pillar of luck rising from the back mountain of the academy. The white beam of light rose from the back mountain and went straight into the dome.

Looking intently, there is a surge of luck in every city, just like what the Sky Eye could see before.

It's just a little far away, and I can't see it very clearly, Baiyunlou secretly said: It would be nice if it was a little closer.

As soon as this thought came to him, a city that he could see was much closer.

Huo Ling'er couldn't help but exclaimed, shouting that it was fun, thinking that the senior brother had touched some mechanism, she shouted in a waxy voice: "Senior senior brother, look at another place..."

Baiyunlou was also taken aback by the sudden change in his thoughts. Hearing Huo Ling'er's shout, he tried it on his own thoughts, and the viewing direction could indeed be changed according to his thoughts.

Now Baiyun Tower became interested, I didn't expect this place to have such a fetish, just took this opportunity to investigate the human world, and it was worth the hard work to come here.

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