Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 791 Fu Bao: The Clown Is Actually Myself

The discovery of Yinshan further confirmed Fubao's guess.

Here is the earth!

But this Great Tang is not the Great Tang she knew.

Or to be more precise, the humans of this era are not the humans of the era she knew.

Civilizations continue to play out on Earth and then die.

Scientists once calculated that the lifespan of the earth has been 4.6 billion years. In such a long time, what happened on the earth?

No one can give a definite answer.

Are humans native to Earth, or have they migrated from aliens?

The origin of human beings, the origin of life, is really a very difficult thing to explore.

Before Li Huang, the founder of the Tang Dynasty, appeared, Fu Bao never thought about it so much. After all, for her, this kind of thing was simply going back to think after she was full.

But now everything is different.

The system is real.

With food, gold, silver, and materials, a powerful soldier can be created, although he can only passively accept orders, he has no wisdom.

But this is completely against the scientific theory of the birth of life.

Fubao always felt that the scientific product of the system was all unscientific.

For example, she used her DIY system to create a sign-in task, and came up with a magical decree that could make the robbery road method fail.

Many things are very unscientific.

Then, Fubao also overturned the scientific setting and turned to theology.

For example, the god of ice and snow that the Frostlings have always believed in, this god may really exist. Otherwise, who is going to explain to her, what is going on with the characteristics of Frostling people who are not afraid of cold?

Humans, warm-blooded animals.

In the face of cold and heat, under normal circumstances, the body will respond.

But the frost spirits did not respond to the cold.

When Shen Wansheng and Boss Xu were busy organizing people to dig silver mines, Fu Bao was thinking about life.

Then, in the case of Fubao's complete ignorance and complete ignorance, after the men of the Japanese country surrendered, they were all taken to the Silver Mountain to be responsible for the excavation of the Silver Mountain.

As for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty?

Just do a good job of supervising to ensure that the silver mine is excavated quickly.

More and more Japanese people became mine slaves mining on the Silver Mountain. As for the Japanese women and very young children, they were loaded on ships and sent back to the Tang Dynasty.

Fu Bao struggled for several days, but he didn't figure out what was going on in this world.

After all, she knew too little, and everything depended on her brain.

For example, what is the origin of her grandmother? If a system owner like Li Huang wants to grab the world's luck, then with her starting point, she definitely won't be so miserable.

For another example, what the hell is the Frost Spirit?

She couldn't figure out what was going on, so she decided to stop thinking about it.

There is an old saying that what should come will always come. It is a blessing, not a disaster, and a disaster cannot be avoided.

Fu Bao, who no longer wondered what was going on in this world, was about to go to his eldest brother to ask how the silver was dug, and found that the silver mountain was already a very busy construction site, with countless Japanese people. In mining, the kind with shackles.

"Little sister, do you want to understand that?"

Jane replied that Fu Bao came over, and Boss Xu greeted him with a smile.

Two days ago, he saw his little sister frowning and thinking hard, and he wanted to help, but was driven aside by Fu Bao.

"I don't want to understand, I don't want to understand, I don't want to!"

The truth of the world, I don't know how many people are exploring.

Those famous scientists don't understand this, and Fubao thinks he should not waste his efforts.

"Little sister, what are you thinking? Tell me to Big Brother!"

"Brother, you say, what is the truth of the world? Where do we people come from?"

Seeing that his eldest brother is so curious, and that being alone is not as good as everyone's Lele, Fu Bao did not hide it this time, but threw the problems he was thinking about to his eldest brother.

"You said, the same people, why aren't the people of Shuangling afraid of the cold?"

"Also, since there are people in this world who are not afraid of cold, is there another person who is not afraid of heat?"

A few questions from Fu Bao were thrown away at once, and Boss Xu was completely dumbfounded.

"Little sister, what's the problem?"

"What do you think about these questions?"

Hearing Fubao's question, although Boss Xu was dumbfounded, the reason for his dumbfoundedness was not the question itself, but why Fubao thought about these questions.

"Little sister, I see you, you are full!"

"What do you care about the world? Anyway, we have lived through our lives. As for where did people come from? Even if they fell from the sky, what would happen?"

"It doesn't matter whether he is someone who is not afraid of cold or someone who is not afraid of heat, as long as he doesn't come to provoke us, even if he is human, he has nothing to do with us!"

"You, you, you are such a small person with a small brain, and you don't know what you are thinking about all day?"

After listening to Fubao's problem, Boss Xu was not affected by Fubao's problem at all.

When his eldest brother turned around and left without a word, Fubao had an inexplicable feeling, what the heck, is the clown actually me?

Fu Bao, who didn't give up, thought it might be because his eldest brother didn't like to read, so he went to Shen Wansheng again.

As a result, the second crit hit!

When Shen Wansheng heard Fu Bao's question, his reaction was the same as Boss Xu's.

"It doesn't make sense!"

Fu Bao was depressed again.

She has read many books written by the ancients, all discussing the relationship between heaven and man, as well as Tao, nature, human desires, heaven's principles, psychology...,

Why don't scholars like her second uncle consider these issues here?

The previous problem has not been solved, and Fubao has a new problem in his head.

Fortunately, this time, she did not take these questions to heart.

To be precise, she doesn't have the time.

Li Huang took people to the extreme north to help her father Xu and his second brother in their battle against the Shuangling people. Finally, the news came that they had found her father and second brother.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected.

Old Master Xu, Old Second Xu, and Yan Jing and others, the army in command had indeed found the kingdom of the Shuangling people, and they had fought against each other several times.

However, the results were not ideal.

To put it uglier, Mr. Xu and the others were held back by the people of Shuangling.

They were supposed to fight quickly, but they turned this battle into a protracted one.

Even if Old Master Xu and the others wanted to retreat, it was impossible, they were bitten by the Shuangling people.

As the weather heats up, the cold resistance effect of Shuangling people is greatly reduced, and their own strength also decreases as the temperature rises.

But with the advantage of local combat, they dragged Old Master Xu and Old Second Xu here.

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