Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 555: The Road of Tribulation and Fortune!

Southwest of the Tang Dynasty, Jiannan Prefecture, and Jindu City.

As the most remote prefecture in the southwest of Datang, the economy and culture here are very backward. Many mountain tribes do not obey the education, and conflicts often break out, and occasionally they go down the mountain and break into the village to loot.

In the face of the barbaric mountain people, even the officials of Jiannan Prefecture have nothing to do.

Although the imperial court had a town army stationed in Jiannan Mansion, the town army had to eat and survive.

In the face of mountain tribes who are familiar with mountains and forests, unless it is a large army pressing the border, otherwise, a small-scale army to suppress the chaotic mountain people is purely sending death.

The mountain people are brave, and they have always turned a blind eye to the law and discipline of the court.

If they annoyed these mountain residents, they even dared to rush into Jindu City and hang the prefect of Jiannan Prefecture in the lobby of the prefect's yamen.

This is not to intimidate anyone, it is the truth.

More than a hundred years after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the prefect of Jiannan Prefecture, more than a dozen people have been hanged in the lobby. Over time, if anyone leads the prefect of Jiannan Prefecture, they will have to ask the family to prepare the coffin first.

Under such circumstances, the later prefects of Jiannan Prefecture were used to being a tortoise. As long as there is no threat to his life, no matter how the mountain people make trouble, unless the mountain tribes rebel, otherwise, the prefect of Jiannan Prefecture can endure it.

The direct result of such a social environment is that although Jiannan Prefecture is a part of the Tang Dynasty, the people of Jiannan Prefecture do not have much sense of belonging to the imperial court of the Tang Dynasty.

When the Daoist of Jie Yun Dao came to Jiannan Mansion, he also had an epiphany, and realized that he could completely turn Jiannan Mansion into the territory of their Jie Yun Dao, so as to realize his grand goal of establishing a Taoist kingdom on earth.

In order to win the hearts of the people, the people of Jie Yundao secretly mobilized a large amount of rice grains and transported them into Jiannan Mansion.

Affected by the harassment of the mountain people, the people of Jiannan Prefecture had a very miserable life.

What Jie Yundao did, it was a matter of course to win the hearts of the people.

Next, as long as the mountain tribes who are disobedient to the good fortune are subdued and the Dao of Jie Yun establishes a country in Jiannan Prefecture, there will be no obstacles.

The mountain people are savage and unwilling to accept education. There is only one way to make the mountain people surrender, and that is to beat them.

This point is really not difficult for Jie Yun Dao.

Although the power of the Dao of Jie Fortune on the surface was almost destroyed by the court, the power of the Dao of Jie Fortune was the foundation of the Dao of Jie Fortune. Among them, there were many dead men who were not afraid of death.

An army composed of dead soldiers went deep into the mountain forests and leveled the mountain tribes.

The Lord of Jie Luck is a real ruthless character.

In his eyes, all living beings are ants, and there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed.

Mountain people, if they do not surrender, then they are cattle and sheep to be slaughtered, and if they kill them, they will kill them!

In the face of the killing of the mountain tribes presided over by the Daoist Jieyun, the mountain tribes also refused to admit defeat. Several major tribes united and prepared to kill all the people of the Jieyun Dao, and then rushed to Jindu City to vent their anger with the massacre. .

However, in the face of the army of the mountain people tribe, the Lord of Jie Fortune took the lead and killed several chiefs of the mountain people tribe by himself, and suppressed the resistance of the mountain people tribe with absolute force.

The unmatched formidable force directly defeated the resistance of the mountain people.

Then, Jie Yundao used some methods to show the mysterious power of Jie Yundao, making all the mountain tribes completely surrender to the mystery of Jie Yundao.

"It's time to establish a country!"

Jiannan Mansion was pacified, and Daoist Jie Yun knew that it was time to establish a country!

Today's Jie Yun Dao completely controls Jiannan Mansion. As long as it blocks the only main road connecting Jiannan Mansion to the outside world, Jiannan Mansion can become a country of its own.

Affected by the battle of Huang Fengkou, the Daoist Jie Luck arranged 3,008 cattle and crossbows at the Jianmen Pass outside Jiannan Mansion.

At that time, even if the imperial court dispatched 100,000 troops, they would only be able to shut down the sword gate with hatred.

What's more, after conquering the mountain people tribe, the Daoist Jieyun asked people to train the mountain people. With the advantage of the mountain people fighting in the mountains, the imperial army may have lost their soldiers before they reached the Jianmen Pass.

"Master, do we really want to establish a country?"

Zhang Yi, as the only disciple of the Daoist of Jieyun Dao, is also the holy son of Daoist Jieyun Dao. Although he brought Du Qingruo, the saintess of Daoist Jieyun Dao, back from the capital, he was really confused about the establishment of the Dao of Jieyun Dao in his heart.

"Good disciple, it is God's will for me to establish a country based on robbery and luck!"

"Only by establishing a country, I can win the fate of the heaven and inherit it for thousands of generations."

The excitement on the face of Daoist Jie Luck has been planned for so many years. Before him, generations of Daoists have all gone the wrong way.

And the reason why he was able to find the right way is to thank his good apprentice for the inadvertent words.

Now, everything is ready, and it is imminent to establish a country.

"Good apprentice, on the day the saint was enthroned as the emperor, I prepared for the teacher to arrange the marriage for the two of you. What do you think?"

Daoist Jie Yun looked at the disciple he accidentally accepted, his eyes full of concern. He is very satisfied with this disciple, not only because Zhang Yi mentioned him, but also because Zhang Yi's personality is very similar to him.

"Everything is up to the master!"

Zhang Yi's expression was very indifferent.

In his heart, he was actually a little confused.

At the beginning, in order to follow the master of the robbery and fortune to practice, he broke off the world, his parents died, and his daughter-in-law and son also cut off their relationship with him.

But now, he is getting married again!

what is this?

It's just that after being with Daoist Jie Luck for a long time, Zhang Yi somewhat understands this master's temperament, and knows that this kind of question should not be asked, nor can it be asked.

"Very good, then spread the word to the world!"

Following the words of the robbery Daoist, the news of the establishment of the robbery road spread at a tsunami-like speed.

In just a few days, in the vast territory of the Tang Dynasty, everyone knew that the robbery and fortune were reversed, and the country was established!

When the news reached the capital, it was the funeral day of Mrs. Xu.

The team of Emperor Yongping's class teacher returning to the dynasty was worthy of arriving in the capital.

Upon receiving the news that Jie Yun Dao had established a country in the southwest, Emperor Yongping almost didn't fall off his horse.

Beiman is still looting in Longxi Mansion, and the savages in the north are also looting people everywhere and looting all kinds of materials.

"The thief should be killed!"

Emperor Yongping is really going to explode with anger, one by one, they are bullying him!

Unbeknownst to Emperor Yongping, however, these were just appetizers.

On the day that Emperor Yongping returned to Beijing, three thousand cyclone cavalry under the command of King Yan followed into the capital, rushed into the imperial city, went straight to the imperial palace, and surrounded the Temple of Heaven.


Emperor Yongping looked at King Yan who was leading troops around the palace in a daze, and couldn't understand why King Yan did this. Even if King Yan was not born to his mother and queen, his support was as great as the sky.

"This, I have to ask the Empress Dowager!"

Yan Wang smiled slightly.

Chapter 1, ask for a monthly pass!

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