Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 518: The Hard-working King Yan (Part 3)

On that day, Emperor Yongping commanded the elites of the two north and south battalions and ten guards, and with most of the honorable and military generals, he left the capital in a mighty manner, went straight to Longxi Mansion, and marched to conquer the northern barbarians in person.

On the same day, Duke Ding Xu Shuo led a guard out of the capital and headed for Xueji Pass in the northeast.

Such a large-scale mobilization of troops and horses is definitely an unprecedented feat for the people of the capital.

Everyone is looking forward to the great army to be victorious and return triumphantly.


Yan Wangfu.

King Yan, who almost lost his life after an assassination attempt, has woken up, but his body is now very weak.

The whirlwind guards who followed him had already lost all casualties in that assassination.

The serious injury will not hit King Yan, but the sad ending of the people around him makes King Yan's heart sink into boundless sadness.

This is in Beijing!

Underworld assassins, Beiman assassins, and even a third party of unknown origin...

The whirlwind guards who once followed King Yan were gone.

King Yan, who woke up from a coma, felt alone for the first time.

Princess Yan still did not show up, but just arranged someone to take care of King Yan.

Jealous and jealous?

Today's Princess Yan has long had no such thoughts.

The maids she arranged for King Yan were all young, beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

King Yan's eyes flashed for a moment when the battle drum of Emperor Yongping's personal expedition sounded, but soon, his eyes dimmed again.

It's definitely not a trivial matter.

However, Emperor Yongping did not ask his opinion.

Emperor Yongping left the capital, and the matter in the courtroom was only explained to the princes, and he never gave King Yan a word.

Of course, the hunt for the murderer of King Yan's assassination continues.

But obviously, no progress has been made.

When rumors spread in Beijing, Huangcheng Division's energy changed direction. What's more, Emperor Yongping evacuated the capable town army Hou Yanmao and replaced him with the incompetent Prince Gong.

King Yan naturally knew of King Gong's method of suppressing rumors, but he remained silent as usual.

For a while, King Yan felt that the world of the Tang Dynasty might be over.

Natural and man-made disasters are not scary, what is scary is that those who deal with these things are all idiots.

When Emperor Yongping led the army to expedition to leave the capital in person, without a word to him, King Yan's heart was completely cold.

To be precise, during the period of time when he was seriously injured and unconscious, Emperor Yongping only visited him once and didn't say anything again, which made King Yan's heart a lot colder.

"Your Highness, it's time to take medicine!"

The beautiful maid suddenly came over with a tray, and on the tray was a bowl of medicinal soup with a bitter taste.

"What is the princess doing?"

King Yan did not drink the medicine immediately, but looked at the maid who brought the soup medicine and asked softly.

"Go back to Your Highness, the servants don't know."

The maid shook her head quickly.

She was just the person who was arranged by the princess to take care of King Yan. What was Princess Yan doing in the backyard, she was a little maid, how could she know?

"Go, ask someone to call the princess to come!"

King Yan raised his finger and pointed at the other party.

The maid hurriedly responded and hurried out to call someone.

When the maid left, King Yan picked up the soup bowl and drank the soup in two mouthfuls.


However, good medicine is bitter.

Princess Yan didn't come quickly, so it can be said that she rushed over in a hurry.

"Does the lord have any orders?"

Seeing King Yan, Princess Yan's expression was very indifferent, and looking at King Yan's eyes, it was even more calm.

In the past, she was really attached to King Yan. But now Princess Yan has seen it through and understood. What she once longed for was destined to be empty. That being the case, then, there is no need for her to make herself too compromised.

As for whether King Yan would divorce her, or abolish her position as a princess, Princess Yan really didn't take it seriously.

Because she is almost certain that as long as she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, such as putting a hat on King Yan or conspiring, then her position as Princess Yan will be very stable.

Even if she had a quarrel with Mrs. Xu, she still came from the Xu residence.

It is impossible for Old Taijun Xu to come out and say that she wants to break up with her. After all, she is also Princess Yan.

Relying on Xu Mansion, she became Princess Yan.

Originally, she could only rely on the Xu residence because she wanted something.

But when she doesn't ask for anything, then it doesn't matter if she relies on the Xu residence or not.

On the other hand, the Xu residence still needs her identity as Princess Yan.

If she is abolished or terminated, the relationship between Xu Mansion and Prince Yan's Mansion will also be broken.

As for King Yan?

King Yan, who was respected by the people of the Tang Dynasty, was shameful.

Without sufficient reasons, King Yan naturally couldn't do anything to Princess Yan.

"Can we just talk like this?"

King Yan frowned when he saw that Princess Yan was ignoring him.

"That's good!"

Princess Yan chuckled, "What the lord wants to do, do what he wants. The concubine will not interfere. As for you, just pretend that the concubine is a stone carving and wood sculpture."

"Of course, if you have anything to do, I will do whatever my concubine can do!"

Princess Yan smiled very naturally and calmly.

She used to have King Yan in her heart, so she did a lot of wrong things.

But, what about King Yan?

On the face of it, he values ​​her, Princess Yan, but in fact, he treats her with false feelings. She obviously did those wrong things because of him, but he never cared about the reason, only the result.

In this case, then, she will give her the result, who cares about the reason.

"Are you resenting this king?"

King Yan frowned even tighter.

Concubine Yan chuckled softly and said, "My lord thinks too much, concubine doesn't hold any grudges against anyone now. Oh, yes, if you want to take that girl into the mansion, concubine doesn't have any opinion!"

"My concubine can also assure you that she will definitely not do anything to that girl, and she will never hurt Nian'er again!"

"If you are still worried, then the concubine can avoid going to Bieyuan."

Princess Yan spoke candidly.

However, King Yan frowned even tighter.

"I am afraid that the capital will not be peaceful. I called you here, just to remind you, there is nothing else!"

"Nian'er will not return to Beijing in a short time."

"As for Nian'er's mother, she won't even live in the mansion."

"Also, don't be too angry with your daughters, they..."

"If the lord has nothing else, the concubine will retire!"

Before King Yan could finish his words, Princess Yan interrupted him directly.

People are temperamental.

Because you have a temper, you have to fight for your breath.

Princess Yan believes that she has done her best to her daughters. From childhood to adulthood, she has never owed a single star to her daughters, but she was sent to the Wynn Temple, and several daughters did not respond at all.

How could she not be angry with this?

Now that she is back in the capital, back to the Yanwang Mansion again, and a few daughters have come together again, what does she think she is?

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