Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 189 The question of Xu Laosan

Don't wonder why hollow hairpins are more expensive than solid ones!

Because people who can afford gold hairpins, except for a few who are swollen and fat, most people only value the jewelry value of the hairpin, not its value as gold itself.

This hollow hairpin, evaluated by the values ​​of later generations, is a top luxury.

As for why not wear a solid gold hairpin?

With such a heavy solid gold hairpin on his head, just ask, are you tired?

"Buy a wooden hairpin!"

Mrs. Xu is in control of the family's finances and knows that the family is not short of money. Especially when Yan Jing came over to announce the decree last time, in addition to those canonizations, there was still a reward of one thousand taels of silver.

The one thousand taels of silver in hand was the fundamental reason why Mrs. Xu and Mr. Xu could give up the carriage business without hesitation.

When the two of them fled to Lingshui Village, they were blessed by the villagers.

Both of them are sincere people, and what they pay attention to is that the grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring.

Therefore, when the village is going to participate in the dragon boat race, they have no refusal.

But if the villagers themselves don't want to win, then this kindness will come to an end.

Before by the river, Mr. Xu spoke clearly.

"All right!"

Mr. Xu didn't insist.

Quickly paid the money, took the hairpin and left.

Mr. Xu drove the car and took Mrs. Xu to buy some cakes before driving to the county school.

Today, the third Xu Laosan is still riding in a carriage, which is the one driven by the house of Li Jinding, the second old Xu's father-in-law. Each trip costs two cents. Originally, Li Jinding didn't want to receive the money, but Mr. Xu firmly refused.

Brothers are still clear.

If Xu Laosan only sits once or twice occasionally, it's fine if he doesn't charge money. But Mr. Xu takes the car every day, so it can't be counted as money. After all, this carriage was rented by Li Jinding's house from Lao Xu's house.

The old Xu family has to collect rent.

It doesn't make sense to charge rent here and not pay for the car there. This is a bit of a hooligan!

When the ox cart arrived at the entrance of the county school, Mr. Xu saw the carriage waiting there, and the driver was Li Jinding's eldest son, Li Shoushan.

When Li Shoushan saw Old Man Xu coming in an ox cart, he hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and bowed to Old Man Xu.

After some greetings, Li Shoushan drove the carriage away first.

Mrs. Xu specially gave him a basket of cakes and asked him to take them back for his family to taste.

"Daughter-in-law, this is not a solution!"

After Mr. Xu drove away in Li Shoushan's carriage, he looked at Mrs. Xu, "At this hour, I went back to Lijiashan from the county seat, and it was already dark when I got home. The third child comes out of the county school every day later than this hour. what!"

Before, Mr. Xu thought that the carriage of Li Jinding's house was pulling some passengers along the way, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Mrs. Xu also saw it, and that's why she sent the basket of cakes.

Although the two families are in-laws, it should be Mr. Xu and Mrs. Li who are walking more, not Mr. Xu and Mrs. Xu.

But because the matter involved Mr. Xu, only Mr. Xu and Mrs. Xu could express their opinions.

"How about buying a yard for the third child in the county?"


Mr. Xu glanced at his daughter-in-law, "Daughter-in-law, what do I think, you have been thinking about breaking up the family?"

Mrs. Xu rolled her eyes at Mr. Xu and said, "Am I thinking that their brothers are all grown up?"

"Daughter-in-law, let's talk about it, I have to talk about you!"

Mr. Xu immediately looked at Mrs. Xu seriously and started the wife-teaching mode.

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