The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 84: You won't force me to marry you

In a closed room in a small building in this mysterious courtyard, several healthy men are sitting together watching a video. In the video, several men fought very fiercely, and their moves were quick and swift.

What was shown in the video was the process of Luo Ziling fighting with the two men just now.

"What the **** is this kid? He is so skillful!" After watching the video, a big guy couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, "He actually defeated our two dragon masters."

The big black-faced "Falcon", who was just defeated by Luo Ziling, didn't blink while watching the video of the fight.

He could see that Luo Ziling was better at speed, and there was nothing peculiar about his moves.

"His speed is very fast, and most of us are not as fast as him." After watching the video playback, the pale "Shanying" summed up the characteristics of Luo Ziling. "The move is decisive, without any hesitation. It's really natural for special forces."

"Head, but he doesn't want to join us," Falcon glanced at Shanying. "It's a pity."

Shanying is the squadron captain of this squadron and is very powerful.

Falcon's ability is also outstanding in the entire Dragon Teng, but the two of them teamed up, and they were defeated by Luo Ziling, and the depression in their hearts was really beyond description. It can be said that this is the biggest setback they have encountered since joining Longteng.

Longteng is the most elite special force in China. There is no one. All the members are selected from the special brigades of various war zones, which can be said to be the elite of the elite. The team members of Longteng are proud of their unique identities, and everyone thinks that they are the best soldiers.

No matter which team member, one can count as a hundred. If it is wartime, one person may cause a devastating blow to the enemy.

But today, they were defeated by an unknown boy, and they were defeated by the other.

This situation shocked the whole team. All the members who did not go out to perform the task were called up to watch the video except Lin Lan.

Yesterday, when Luo Ziling followed Lin Lan to treat Long Teng's soul, that is, the old man who temporarily lost his mobility, the team members felt that this young man was extraordinary, and the old man felt the same.

Under the instruction of the old man, today the two masters of Falcon and Shanying stopped Luo Ziling and tried his best.

However, it turned out to be a surprise to everyone, an unknown boy from outside slapped Long Teng in the face.

No, it's not just a face slap, it's all beaten.

However, both Falcon and Shanying knew that Luo Ziling's victory was not fortunate, but because his strength was obviously higher than them.

It's not that they can't accept failure, but they will find the reason after failure, so they immediately watched the video just now.

"His speed is only comparable to fènghuáng." Shan Ying said softly, and walked out of the room.

Fènghuáng is the captain of the Longteng Team, the strongest person.

Fènghuáng is also a woman's representative, the most charismatic person in Longteng. She is also the person who makes many mercenaries talk to killers in a certain world. Her strength cannot be compared with many men, but her speed is beyond the reach of most people.

Many powerful men were wiped off their necks before they showed their advantages.

This woman's greatest hobby is to cut someone's neck with a knife.

As the squadron leader, Shanying actually compared Luo Ziling's offensive power with that of fènghuáng, which surprised the other players.

"This kid hasn't left yet, do you think something will happen to the peacock?" After Shan Ying walked out of the room, another team member asked his companion in a low voice, "He has been in the peacock's room for a long time."

"Lynx, don't talk nonsense," Falcon kicked his talkative companion. "You don't know the peacock's temperament."

"It's not impossible that her life-saving grace has influenced her heart of the iceberg." The Bobcat grinned, "Only this kid can hold the peacock."

But Bobcat's words were ignored.

Relationship issues are not a topic of interest to them,


After handling Lin Lan's injury, Luo Ziling finally couldn't hold back her exhaustion, fell on her bed with a plop and fell asleep like this.

He was too tired to do anything, so he wanted to lie down and get a good night's sleep.

Lin Lan hesitated, stepped forward, probed Luo Ziling's nose, and found that he was really asleep, and then woke up. This guy should be too tired to hold on and fell asleep.

Seeing Luo Ziling's peaceful way of sleeping, Lin Lan couldn't help but look a little dumbfounded, and Qiao Quan immediately turned red.

This guy is really good-looking, and his posture in the fight just now was very handsome.

She was also very sleepy. After yawning twice, she finally decided to sleep first.

I wanted to sleep in another place, but I felt tired and didn't want to move.

In the end, she lay down beside Luo Ziling, and soon fell asleep.

I don't know how much I slept, the two woke up almost at the same time.

Looking at Lin Lan lying on the side, and with his hand still on her lap, Luo Ziling was taken aback and jumped quickly.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Seeing Lin Lan looking at him with his eyes half-open, Luo Ziling couldn't help blushing.

"You are too sleepy," Lin Lan slowly sat up, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

"I'll go back by myself, you have a rest," Luo Ziling rejected Lin Lan's kindness.

But Lin Lan didn't listen to him, and planned to change clothes and go out.

"It's far away from your There is no car passing by." She said coldly.

When she woke up, she found that she had slept with Luo Ziling for two hours, and she couldn't help being very angry.

She knew that her comrades in arms were paying attention to the affairs between her and Luo Ziling. The two stayed together for several hours, and it was inevitable that some people would guess.

Although she doesn't care what others say, if everyone thinks she has had something with Luo Ziling, then it must be bad.

"Then ask someone else to send me there!" Luo Ziling also knew that this place was very remote, and he would definitely not be able to get a car, let alone a bus, so he could only put it back and let Lin Lan arrange another person to send it.

"No one will send you off," Lin Lan said, asking Luo Ziling to help her put on the leather jacket, "I can keep driving."

"No, if the wound opens, then you will have more pain, and I will have more trouble," Luo Ziling refused to help Lin Lan change clothes, "Also, you are a woman, I am a man, do you know if you are a woman or not? Know? I won't help you dress."

"You have looked at my body and touched it all over. You are talking about this now?" Lin Lan was annoyed. She took out a blocking gun from nowhere and pointed it at Luo Ziling, "Believe it or not, I shot it. you."

Luo Ziling was taken aback by the black hole's muzzle and asked tremblingly: " you force me to marry you?"

In ancient times, when a woman was seen or touched by a man, it was not the man who married.

Is Lin Lan also such a traditional woman?

"..." Lin Lan really wanted to destroy this guy with a single shot.

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