The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 114: The female devil who brought disaster to the country

Acupuncture and moxibustion plus desensitization treatment, this is Luo Ziling's initial plan.

He immediately thought of his grandfather's many days of discussions with him on asthma and allergy treatment when he left the Northwest.

It turned out that Grandpa wanted him to treat Ouyang Feifei, so he spent a few days carefully discussing this aspect of diagnosis and treatment techniques with him. After Luo Ziling thought about this, he couldn't laugh or cry for his grandpa's painstaking efforts.

He did not hide Ouyang Feifei, and told her his initial thoughts. After talking about the treatment method, he said: "Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment should be carried out on a regular basis, preferably once a day. Supplemented with drugs and desensitization Therapy, I think at most half a year, your stubborn illness can be completely relieved. I will write you a few prescriptions in a while, and you can take it strictly according to the doctor's instructions!"

"Thank you so much!" Ouyang Feifei rarely smiled, and then said, "Is the daily acupuncture treatment a little troublesome?"

Ouyang Feifei rarely smiled, leaving Luo Ziling stunned.

He had to admit that Ouyang Feifei was not so good-looking when he smiled, and he felt dizzy.

Fortunately, Ouyang Feifei's smile stopped immediately, otherwise he might behave badly.

This is not to blame him, it can only be said that he has too little contact with girls and has almost no experience with girls.

Getting along with Yang Qingyin so well, it's just that the two of them have similar personalities, and everything happens naturally, without any pretentiousness.

"I brought acupuncture equipment today, should I start today?" Luo Ziling is an impatient person. Once he decides something, he hopes to start doing it immediately.

Ouyang Feifei hesitated, but still agreed, "Then go to my room!"

With that, Luo Ziling got up and left without waiting for Luo Ziling to agree.

Luo Ziling quickly followed.

Walking side by side with Ouyang Feifei, Luo Ziling couldn't help but straightened her waist. This woman was too tall.

Luo Ziling is also very strange. The women who have been with him more often are quite tall.

Whether it is Ouyang Feifei, Ouyang Huihui, or Lin Lan, they are at least 1.70 meters tall. Yang Qingyin is a little shorter, but still has a height of 1.7 meters. Looking at ordinary girls in schools, it is rare that they have such a height.

It seems that for a woman to be beautiful, she must be tall, otherwise her beauty must be compromised.

The two did not enter the house through the front door, Ouyang Feifei led Luo Ziling into the main building through the side door.

When passing the aisle, Luo Ziling heard a voice coming from the living room, but he didn't hear it clearly.

After two turns, Luo Ziling saw Ouyang Feifei's equally beautiful but also cold assistant Wang Qing appeared in front.

After Ouyang Feifei gave Wang Qing a few words in a low voice, she continued to move forward without stopping.

After Wang Qing heard the instructions, he immediately walked away.

Luo Ziling followed Ouyang Feifei into a room.

This should be Ouyang Feifei’s residence here. It is very tidy and clean. The decoration style in the room is very similar to her personality. There are not too many feminine fancy decorations. It is a bit neutral. Luo Ziling can even feel the style of the room. Arrived slightly cold.

It feels very comfortable anyway, without any fancy.

While Luo Ziling was curiously examining the situation in the room, Ouyang Feifei's assistant Wang Qing walked into the room with some things in his hand.

"Then start treatment!" Ouyang Feifei whispered to Luo Ziling, and then said: "I will change clothes first!"

Without waiting for Luo Ziling's promise, he walked into the bathroom with Wang Qing.

Luo Ziling originally wanted to order Ouyang Feifei to change clothes to facilitate his treatment, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he didn't expect this woman to think of it without his instructions.

He was not idle either, and took out all the diagnostic tools he had brought.

He had prepared the necessary alcohol, silver needles, moxa sticks and other things. When he went to treat the founder of Long Teng named Li Haiyang, these utensils had worked.

However, for Ouyang Feifei's treatment, the used utensils can no longer be used. The initiative is that the silver needles cannot be used for other people before they are disinfected. Fortunately, Luo Ziling carries a lot of silver needles, so there is no need to reuse them.

After Luo Ziling prepared all the utensils and waited for a long time, Ouyang Feifei still did not come out of the bathroom, even her assistant did not see it. Luo Ziling couldn't help but wonder, not sure what the two women were doing in the bathroom.

It wasn't until about half an hour later that the bathroom door opened, and Ouyang Feifei, who had changed into her pajamas, came out of it, followed by Wang Qing. It turned out that Ouyang Feifei took a bath, and Luo Ziling couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

When Ouyang Feifei approached her, the fragrance emanating from her made him take a deep breath.

It smelled so good, but he couldn't tell whether it was the smell of shower gel or the fragrance of a woman's body.

Very intoxicating, Luo Ziling couldn't help but shudder a few times, his pores shrank and opened quickly.

"Which parts need acupuncture?" Ouyang Feifei asked Luo Ziling in a low voice.

Luo Ziling roughly talked about a few locations to zhēncì: Yuji acupoint on the palm, Kongzu on the arm, Dingchuan and Dazhui on the cervical and Fengmen on the thoracic spine hole.

There is one acupuncture point that is very important, but its location is quite awkward. It is the Tanzhong point in the middle of the line between the two breasts. In front of Wang Qing, Luo Ziling is embarrassed to say.

After listening to the acupuncture points and positions mentioned by Luo Ziling, Ouyang Feifei thought for a while and motioned to Wang Qing to help her lie down on the bed and untie her nightgown a bit.

Wang Qing walked forward without saying a word, helped Ouyang Feifei to lie down, and then unbuttoned her nightgown for Ouyang Feifei, revealing her beauty. Ouyang Feifei's skin is very white, very delicate, without any blemishes.

Luo Ziling has only seen Lin Lan's body. In comparison, Ouyang Feifei's skin is much more delicate than Lin Lan.

The beauty of two women is of different qualities.

One is rugged, full of heroism, and has the taste of a female man.

Ouyang Feifei is a woman's natural beauty, with smooth and delicate skin.

Jia Baoyu's words in the Dream of the Red Chamber: Women are made of water. This is not appropriate for Lin Lan. She seems to be steel and iron. There is no tenderness on her body, and she seems to be completely out of touch with water.

Such a metaphor is suitable for Ouyang Feifei.

A few days ago, I saw Ouyang Feifei wearing professional attire. Today I saw her take off professional attire. There is not much concealment of the most real beauty. Luo Ziling felt that the beauty of this woman in his heart had risen several levels.

The female devil who has harmed the country and the people---he couldn't help but feel this way.

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