The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 108: Inquire about the situation

After a few days with Yang Qingyin, Luo Ziling's depression was completely gone.

He was very happy when he opened the door of the dormitory.

When he opened the door of the dormitory, the three guys who had already returned to the dormitory rushed over like a hungry wolf pounding for food.

"Boss, tell me honestly, what did you do with Ouyang Huihui just now? Did you hold hands? Have you beaten up yet?" Cao Jianhui rushed forward, hugged Luo Ziling and threatened viciously, "Frankly and leniently, resisted throwing the window. "

"Maybe they have already pushed them," Wu Longjiang said with a smile: "Boss, you are not easy, just a few days after coming here, we and the girls in the class are not familiar with each other, you have already soaked the school flowers."

Li Fuming asked more shamelessly: "Boss, is Ouyang Huihui still wrong? We were discussing this just now, and our common conclusion is that she has not been exploited yet."

Li Fuming's words completely angered Luo Ziling, and he threw the three guys out, "Go away, get me away. The dog can't spit out ivory."

Luo Ziling's anger did not let Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang back down. In the end, Luo Ziling kicked each of the three in the **** and threatened again. If anyone dared to chew their tongues, they would talk about the matter between him and Ouyang Huihui. , He will not talk about roommates, and take a vicious lesson.

"Boss, you really didn't have an adulterous relationship with Ouyang Huihui?" Cao Jianhui sensed that something was wrong, and put down the laughter, and asked with a serious face: "Are you looking down on her, or she doesn't want to be with her? Are you dating?"

"Do men and women have to have that relationship?" Luo Ziling glared at Cao Jianhui, but finally explained: "My grandfather and her grandfather are old friends. There is a misunderstanding between us. There is nothing else. do you understand?"

What made Luo Ziling angry is that the three guys shook their heads in unison: "I don't understand."

Luo Ziling almost rushed forward and beat them violently.

In a rage, he was too lazy to explain, lying on the bed in his clothes and playing with his cell phone.

"Boss, the forums are all posts related to you!" Cao Jianhui came over again, "You have now become one of the most popular boys in Yan. This year's school draft rankings, maybe you can Enter the top three, or even the top card. Haha, if that's the case, you will give us the dormitory. Our class has won the honor and soaked a lot of school flowers. In that case, we will be proud of you."

Luo Ziling has no interest in the things Cao Jianhui said, and even the forum posts Cao Jianhui opened on his mobile phone is too lazy to read.

"I want to wash and sleep, I'm sleepy today." Luo Ziling pushed away Cao Jianhui, who was still very interested, stood up and prepared to wash in the bathroom. When he walked to the bathroom door, he reminded Cao Jianhui very seriously: " Besides, don’t talk about Ouyang Huihui and I in the future. I am not familiar with her and have nothing to do with her."

After Luo Ziling entered the bathroom door, the other three guys looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, and finally sighed helplessly and lay down on the bed a little disappointed.

The next day, Luo Ziling still didn't go to military training. He went to a quiet place in the school to wait for Lin Lan around eight o'clock.

One minute to eight o'clock, a Hummer with an ordinary license plate appeared in the field of vision, rushing all the way to him and then stopped.

The window of the car came down, and Lin Lan, wearing sunglasses and black leather, appeared in front of Luo Ziling with a cool look.

"Morning," Luo Ziling said hello, got into the passenger seat, buckled the seat belt, greeted Lin Lan, and immediately said his dissatisfaction, "I thought you would pick me up in a regular car. Unexpectedly, it's still the same car."

How is this different from yesterday? Luo Ziling can only smile wryly.

"It's not a military license!" Lin Lan didn't explain too much. He quickly turned the steering wheel with one hand. After turning around, he banged the accelerator and the car quickly drove towards the school gate.

Because the car had an ordinary license plate, Lin Lan didn't drive as crazy as usual. The time spent on the road was ten minutes longer than yesterday.

When Lin Lan walked into the small building where the old man lived, the old man was ready for treatment.

"Ziling, I am ready," the old man greeted Luo Ziling with a smile on his face, "After your treatment, I feel much better in the past two days. I am not so pessimistic about my condition."

"Chief, your illness will definitely get better," Lin Lan became excited as the old man became optimistic. He looked at the old man and then at Luo Ziling. "He will definitely heal you."

"I warn you, even if he can't be cured, you must not embarrass him," the old man said to Lin Lan majesticly, "No one is allowed to be rude to him, understand?"

"Yes, Chief!" Lin Lan straightened and said loudly.

The old man's words made Luo Ziling feel comfortable immediately. If anyone dares to embarrass him in the future, he will ask the old man to complain.

"Yesterday, those rascals were embarrassed in front of you." When the old man lay down and was about to receive Luo Ziling's treatment, he talked about yesterday as usual. "They only know now that there are mountains outside the mountains. There are outsiders. Otherwise, they really think they are invincible in the world."

When I said this, also gave Lin Lan a stare.

Lin Lan didn't dare to say a word, but gave Luo Ziling a weird look.

Luo Ziling explained a bit embarrassingly: "Senior, I was taken aback by them yesterday. I thought I was not satisfied with my treatment and wanted to kill me, so I resisted desperately and made heavy moves, hoping they were not injured."

"It won't be hurt," the old man shook his head, and then asked Luo Ziling with a smile, "your martial arts is taught by your grandfather?

"Exactly," Luo Ziling did not deny. "Everything I know is taught by my grandfather."

"Back then, I played against your grandfather, but every time I failed miserably," the old man said cheerfully, looking forward to recalling the past, "I swear I must defeat him, but then I never met again. He is now. It seems that I can't beat him even more."

As he said, the old man patted his legs that he couldn't stand up, and said sadly: "I can't even count as a normal person, so how can I compete with him again? Also, the apprentice he taught is better than what I taught. The disciple is much stronger than it can be."

This made Lin Lan a little unconvinced, but in the end she just curled her lips and said nothing.

Luo Ziling was doing preparatory work, but after hearing the old man's words, he still couldn't resist curiosity, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, do you know why my grandfather took me to the northwest when I was young?"

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