Bai Jingxuan smiled and gestured a please gesture, "Continue."

"If you fail, all the employees of Li's Group will look down on you." Jiang Fei curled her lips, smiling "harmlessly" to humans and animals, "Even President Li will know that you are a complete waste!"

"Hahaha!" Bai Jingxuan laughed, "What if I win the bidding?"

"You should have received the news that several companies are bidding together, unless the Li's Group increases the amount with the previous bid. In that case, even if the project is won, it will lose money." Jiang Fei seemed to be earnest, "Bai Jingxuan, you are halfway It's better to quit than let Li's lose money."

"The Li Group will earn the money for this project." Bai Jingxuan took a sip of coffee leisurely.

"You didn't answer the video, and the phone didn't record it." Jiang Fei said suddenly.

"Yes." Bai Jingxuan nodded.

"Do you think I'm really so kind to buy you coffee?" Jiang Fei gave Bai Jingxuan an idiot look.

"You seem to have a very poisonous scheme."

Jiang Fei received a photo from the maid. It showed the scene of the two having a good time talking. She tapped her phone, edited a text message, and sent it to Li Tinghe's phone with a newly purchased number:

[Mr. Li, regarding the bidding of Qianshui Jinwan, I had contacted the competitors of the Li Group before, all of which were instigated by Bai Jingxuan. If I don't agree, she will fire me. Unexpectedly, she fired me after she had used me up. Please don't be fooled by her! ——Jiang Fei. 】

After sending the message with pictures and text, she even showed the content in front of Bai Jingxuan, "Do you think the coffee tastes very good?"

"Very good." Bai Jingxuan couldn't help but applaud her, "Get the hell out of here, and even set me up with such a big trick."

"You can't beat me."

"You underestimate Li Tinghe's trust in me." Bai Jingxuan smiled slightly, "Your provocation will not succeed."

"However, if this photo is leaked, everyone will think that you betrayed the Li Group."

"It makes sense." Bai Jingxuan stood up and took the initiative to buy the bill, "It seems that our conversation has collapsed." She waved to the waiter, "Pay the bill."

"Hello, the total is four hundred and eighty yuan." The waiter attached the dining receipt.

Bai Jingxuan scanned the QR code to pay.

Jiang Fei picked up the cup in front of her and respected her from afar, "Thank you Director Bai for the coffee, it tastes delicious."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Bai Jingxuan's attitude was also extraordinarily polite, "I only paid my share."

It's not a question of whether to treat or not, Jiang Fei is not worth a dime of this bitch.

"Hmph." Jiang Fei settled her account and left in a good mood, "Director Bai, betraying Mrs. Li, you have committed a serious crime. I will wait for Mr. Li to dismiss you."

Bai Jingxuan didn't say a word, stared at her leaving back, but sat back instead.

The maid Jiang Fei sent in the dark also left.

Bai Jingxuan sent a message to Li Tinghe:

【Honey, what do you think? 】

As smart as Li Tinghe, of course she knew that she was referring to betraying Li Shi, 【Trust you. 】

Those three words warmed Bai Jingxuan's heart. She smiled and sent an emoji before asking: [Where is the photo Jiang Fei sent you? 】

Li Tinghe guessed what she was going to do almost immediately, and immediately forwarded it to her.

Bai Jingxuan looked at the photo and smiled coldly, "Jiang Fei, hang yourself with the rope you gave yourself, you are not wronged."

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