The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Vol 2 Chapter 680: People player tevez

"I often think about when I will retire. I always calculate the time when I retire. But I didn't think that one day, it was actually Lord Jue first." Giggs sat down next to Dong Fangzhuo, and said with infinite sigh.

   Grandpa's departure obviously filled the three old guys with emotion.

   "Maybe, it's time for us to leave."

  Ryan Giggs was even a little distracted, and Ferguson's departure seemed to make him lose momentum.

   Coincidentally, all three actually returned to the Carrington base at the same time.

   "God, what am I doing wrong?"

   "The night before, he called me and said he wanted to talk to me. He called me and told me that he was leaving, but let me stay. I am 34 years old."

"When I ended my conversation with him last night, I fell into tremendous sorrow because he occupied so long in my life, I can’t accept that he is not here anymore, he occupied a lot in our life Has been managing, nurturing and driving us."

   At this time, Giggs had never been like a child. It seemed that he had suddenly returned to his teens. Ferguson suddenly appeared in front of him in Mercedes, and then told him that Manchester United would sign a professional contract with him.

   Paul Scholes and Gary Neville stood not far away, and just quietly listened to Giggs' memories, because they were not as talkative as Giggs.

   Several people are almost ‘mourning’ Ferguson, as if Ferguson seems to have met God, not just left the team...

   But after all, I still have to live on. After remembering the training ground for more than an hour, everyone still went back to their homes.

   Soon after returning home, Dong Fangzhuo received a long absence...

"Hey, brother,"

   "Do you know the call is coming?"

   "Sorry, I just want to wait for this matter to settle before I call you. Actually, I have always been upset."

   Yes, it is Ronaldo.

  He finally brought Dong Fangzhuo a call.

   "I am really sorry."

  Cristiano Ronaldo apologized vigorously on the phone. Apparently, he always felt that he had secretly left Manchester United and was sorry for Dong Fangzhuo.

   "There is nothing wrong with your transfer. There is nothing wrong with leaving. Real Madrid is, after all, the biggest stage. Haven't you wanted to go to Real Madrid since childhood? One day, you will wear Real Madrid's No. 7 jersey."

   "I just think that you should tell me in advance, there is no need to tell me until now."

   There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and then I spoke again: "I was just worried about hurting your heart, so I never dared to speak or answer your phone."

"Stupid you, why broke my heart, you have to run your career well. Whether it is in a team or not, we will be good brothers. I know, you must be a little depressed in the past two years because I have Pressed on your head, now it’s okay, you have become the first card in Real Madrid. What a wonderful thing."

   "Thank you."

   The two chatted for almost half an hour before hanging up the phone.

   Dong Fangzhuo lay in bed for a long time and could not fall asleep...


   The next day, Dong Fangzhuo was still the first to come to the training ground...

   It seems that the training ground made him feel a lot stranger, because here, there is no Pique, Solskjaer, Smith, Ronaldo, and many teammates. The madness of the blood-sucking world of EXO

   Professional football is so cruel, you will never stay in the same club.


  Is it time to leave?

   As he ran, this problem appeared in his heart. Without Manchester United, the heart has become empty. What's more, the best friend left.

   Am I also looking for a transfer?

   But where can I go? Ronaldo's worth has soared to 80 million pounds, and he is willing to take more money to take him away.

royal house Madrid? People have already smashed out more than one billion, and while Ferguson left, it stands to reason that there should be many clubs consulting themselves, but until now there is no one...

   At this time, the training ground became agitated, it was because everyone stopped training and watched the new Manchester United coach Moyes who walked in at the door.

   Moyes with blond hair looked full of spring breeze, and changed from coach Everton to coach of Manchester United, which is naturally in a good mood. But what is the guy next to him?

   looks fierce.

he is……


   I wipe, this guy is coming!

There was a trace of consternation in Dong Fangzhuo's eyes. He remembered that Tevez came to Manchester United on loan this summer. It was a loan, not a transfer. Last season, the Argentine striker also played a world-class level in West Ham United. He still came.

Smith and Solskjaer left, and Manchester United is definitely trying to reinforce a striker. It is not surprising that Tevez is coming. It seems that this deal was finalized when Ferguson was still in. He does not believe that Moyes is in You can get Tevez in one night...

  Why not Suarez?

   This guy is only one year older than himself, born in 1984, 23 and a half years old, at his peak, he is no less capable than any forward. Needless to say, it's time to grab the rice bowl. Whether it is for Rooney or for him, it is definitely a big impact. I just don’t know if Moyes is going to play 433 or 442. If according to his original style in Everton, Moyes must be playing 442. If he inherits Ferguson’s tradition, it is 433.

   Dong Fangzhuo suddenly felt that the current Manchester United really encountered the test. Every coach has his own familiar lineup and play style. Moyes must have played his own hand. He has an ominous hunch...

   Manchester United fans welcomed the arrival of Tevez, at least to dilute the sadness caused by the departure of Ronaldo and Ferguson.

   "Hello captain,"

   In the line-up welcome, Tevez looked at Dong Fangzhuo's eyes with some arrogance. With a look of flesh, he always showed no trace of murderousness.

   "Welcome to Manchester United," Dong Fangzhuo also seemed to feel the strange look in Tevez's eyes, but he still expressed his welcome calmly.

   Lao Tzu is the captain of Manchester United. You have to lie on the tiger and you have to be the dragon.

   Tevez is a talented player. Even Messi doesn't pay attention to him. Argentine fans like him even more than Messi. He is called the people's player of Argentina.

  What is a people's player? That was because when Argentina was later in Messi's downturn, Tevez stood up again and again to save Argentina, so he got such a nickname.

   This guy is not easy to get along with, arrogant personality, get along well, can be said to be very loyal, get along well? That is a bomb...

   In the subsequent group training, Moyes did not dare to play his most familiar 442 directly, but still used 433, but Rooney's position was adjusted to the right, Tevez went to the left and Dong Fangzhuo was still in the middle. Fairy Fox Entertainment

   At present, no one dares to understand Dong Fangzhuo's position in the middle road, who is full enough to support the change of the position of the Premier League's best shooter and the Champions League's best shooter?

   Training results,

not good.

   Tevez doesn't like passing...

   Complete the offensive before Manchester United thunder.


"Tevez is easy to use, but it depends on whose hands, Manchester United will be turbulent when Lord Lord leaves, and this season, we will get back everything that belongs to me." At Stamford Bridge, Mourinho is ready to go. Manchester United came to Tevez without making him feel much pressure.

   For three years, he has made him dare not take it lightly, and finally changed the head coach. The retirement of Lord Jue made him relax.

   The current Manchester United may not be as pressured by Liverpool and Arsenal as they have brought Chelsea.

   Chelsea, who was in the transfer market a few years ago, has finally ceased to be the protagonist in the transfer market this season. There are of course many reasons for this. On the one hand, Abu began to tighten the money, no longer throwing money away like the previous years. On the other hand, after exploring and accumulating experience, the current Chelsea club has become mature and rationalized in the transfer policy. The most important and fundamental reason is that after several years of buying, selling and accumulating, the current Chelsea lineup has matured and stabilized, and there is really no need for major changes. But even so, this summer Chelsea are still very fruitful, and they have reached a higher level in terms of overall strength. They are still the most powerful contenders for the Premier League championship next year.

   This year Chelsea's massive purchase of players was only the Ligue 6 champion Lyon winger Malouda, but the few players they introduced for free are really worth the money. Ben Haym, Pizarro, Sidwell, and the recovery of Brazil's central defender Alex, the three major criticisms of the Blues' frontline five substitutes, unfavorable wingers, and lack of depth in defense last year were solved in one fell swoop. All the introductions are crucial We don’t spend much money on big things. We can only say that the senior Blues did a good job at this year’s transfer.

   From the goalkeeper to the striker, Chelsea is already armed to the teeth and is waiting to regain the league title.

Cech’s performance in the Premier League in recent years has proved that he is one of the best goalkeepers in the Premier League and even the His position as the number one goalkeeper is unshakable, plus his strength is far higher than that of the famous The position of Chelsea goalkeeper is still the most powerful in the Premier League.

Last season's injury to Terry and Carvalho caused Chelsea to suffer too many losses in points, but this season with the arrival of Ben Haym and Ales, Chelsea's central defender is greatly strengthened, even if it is dealing with With the "nerve knife" Boralus, Mourinho no longer needs to worry about his defense. The right-back may be Chelsea's biggest flaw at the moment, but Mourinho can make Ben Haim and Ales cameo and change to a three-back midfielder when attacking, so that Cole can be liberated to give full play to his assist ability.

In the midfield, there are too many Chelsea generals, not to mention the main forces such as Lampard, Barak, Malouda, Essien, even Mickel, Makelele, Wright Jr., Joe Cole, etc. The players who get any Premier League team are the absolute main force. Last year, in order to take care of the coexistence of Barak and Lampard, Mu Shuai temporarily gave up the weapon of the side attack, but with the arrival of Malouda, Chelsea's side attack will be reused again. In particular, the left-side corridor formed by Malouda and Cole will make the right of any Premier League team tight.

On the front line, last year's downturn in Sheva caused Drogba's hardship. With the arrival of Pizarro this season, plus the original Sheva, Kalu, Robben, the Blues' frontline is even more daunting. Sheva can integrate into the Premier League, Chelsea's striker configuration is not inferior to Manchester United.

   "We want to win the community shield!"

   "Let Manchester United completely lose confidence from the first game!"

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