The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8223: phase comes from the heart, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!

"This is right!"

A smile appeared on Zhong Wen's face, and the three plumes of smoke rising upright from his body fell into his body.

Obviously, Zhong Wen was very satisfied with everyone's actions.

Yuan Jie stretched out his hand and inserted the bead in front of him, which had absorbed countless ferocious beasts, into the string of beads he had always held in his hand.

Then, he looked at Zhong Wen, clasped his hands together, and said slowly: "Next, I'm afraid it will be up to you to show off your skills."

So far, all five of them have taken action, but Zhong Wen is the only one who has not shown his strength, so Yuan Jie is obviously trying to conquer him.

Zhong Wen seemed to be in a very good mood, and did not show any displeasure because of Yuanyue Jie's words. Instead, he smiled slightly and said, "Now, I will tell you some good news."

"On the only way to the central area, there is a place of hundreds of whirlpools, composed of hundreds of whirlpools."

"A vortex is a space, and there are good things hidden in some spaces."

"Not only will there be transcendent magic weapons, but there will also be treasures from outside the tripod, as well as a large number of Hongmeng Yuanshi."

Upon hearing this, the eyes of Yuan Jie and others suddenly lit up, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Mo Shi, who had never spoken a word, couldn't help but ask: "Why is there Hongmeng Yuan Stone here?"

Even if they are transcendent experts from outside the cauldron, to them, the Hongmeng Yuan Stone is extremely precious.

However, they also know the formation process of the Hongmeng Yuan Stone, so they don't believe that there is actually a Hongmeng Yuan Stone in the falling plane where only patterns and blood should exist.

Only Jiang Yun knew full well that Zhong Wen was not lying!

The jade slips left by Wen Xuanzi also recorded that there is a place where whirlpools gather on the Luoling side, which is like a treasure house, and there are many good things.

There are indeed some Hongmeng Yuanshi in one of the vortexes.

Looking at Wenxuanzi, these things must have come from the monks who were sucked in here.

And the monks who can be favored by the dragon pattern are all respected people in the cauldron.

Naturally, they carry a lot of good things with them.

With their fall, some of these things will weather and disappear with the passage of time, and some will be shattered when space collapses.

Therefore, Lian Wenxuanzi couldn't determine how much space remained, and whether the space where the Hongmeng Yuan Stone was still existed.

When Jiang Yun read this text, he vaguely felt that the Hongmeng Yuan Stone placed in the Cave of the First Line was most likely brought out from that space.

In fact, the place should have been emptied by them.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was not too concerned about the Land of Hundred Whirlpools.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Wen would actually reveal this matter at this moment.

This not only supports Jiang Yun's guess, but also shows that the stealing lineage has not removed Hongmeng Yuanshi.

This made Jiang Yun also think about it.

Jiang Yun is really not interested in other things, but compared to the monks outside the cauldron, the monks inside the cauldron, especially Jiang Yun's third senior brother, need the Hongmeng Yuan Stone more!

Zhong Wen smiled and said: "I suspect that the dragon pattern likes Hongmeng Yuanshi and specially collected it."

"When the time comes, I don't want any of those things, including the Hongmeng Yuan Stone. You can get it with your own ability!"

Zhong Wen's words made everyone a little unbelievable.

Because Zhongwen shouldn't be so generous.

Forget it if you don’t want other things, how can you not want Dao Hongmeng Yuan Stone!

Yuanjue rolled his eyes and asked Zhong: "Then we have to thank you first!"

Zhong Wen waved his hand and said: "No need to be polite, my purpose is just that dragon pattern, I don't need anything else."

"Okay, let's set off quickly!"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Wen took the lead and walked forward, followed by everyone.

Although there are still some ferocious beasts ahead, they no longer pose the slightest threat to everyone.

No one was too lazy to take action, but Jiang Yun was the only one who would scatter all these ferocious beasts as he passed by, as if venting his anger!

Although no one said anything about Jiang Yun's actions, there was more or less a hint of sarcasm on the faces of Yuanjue and others.

Although when he just faced the wave of ferocious beasts, Jiang Yun did not take action because his previous injuries were aggravated.

But in their opinion, even if Jiang Yun takes action, it won't have much effect and can only bully these scattered ferocious beasts.

In this way, everyone continued to move forward.

And when their figures disappeared from this area, another figure appeared out of thin air.

It was the old man who looked very similar to Gu Bu Lao.

The old man raised his hand and grabbed it randomly in the air. He didn't know where he came from, but he actually grabbed a few lines.

These lines seemed to be alive, struggling and twisting in the old man's hands?

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape from the old man's grasp.

After looking at these lines for a few times, the old man said with a sneer: "They say that love comes from the heart. I didn't believe it at first, but today I have seen it."

"He looks wretched, like a mouse, and what he does is really shady!"

As he spoke, the old man's palm shook, and the lines were immediately shattered.

However, each pattern is like a hidden grid, and several more patterns emerge from it!

"What are the functions of these lines?"

"Then why did the boy hide these lines in the lines?"

After pondering for a moment, the old man couldn't think of a reason, so he simply let go, crushed these lines into pieces and said, "What's the use of it!"

"Anyway, you all have your own agenda. Even if I don't take action, you will still end up dog eating dog."

"Land of Hundreds of Whirlpools, let's see how many of you can leave alive!"

After the words fell, the old man raised his feet and walked in the direction where Jiang Yun and others left.

I don’t know if it’s because everyone dispersed so many ferocious beasts in one go, which made Longwen exhausted, or because Longwen is preparing more powerful means.

In short, everyone did not encounter any more attacks along the way. They moved forward without incident for another day, and they were getting closer and closer to the dragon pattern.

At this time, Zhong Wen stretched out his hand and pointed forward and said: "Have you seen that whirlpool? That is the Hongmeng Yuan Stone in the Land of Hundred Whirlpools. It is hidden in one of the whirlpools!"

What appeared in front of everyone was an area filled with a large number of whirlpools.

The entire area is not large, only about a thousand feet, and there are more than a hundred whirlpools in it, large and small.

If Zhong Wen hadn't explained that there was a Hongmeng Yuan Stone here, then others would have chosen to go around this area when they saw it.

Because everyone would think that these whirlpools must be full of dangers, and there is no need to take risks.

But things are different now. Good things are at your fingertips, and no one is willing to let them fly away!

"Then let me explore the way for you first!"

Yuan Jie reacted the fastest. His body swayed and he was already heading towards a whirlpool, and he was completely submerged in it in an instant.

Never lose, never forget sisters, they did not separate, side by side, they also walked into a whirlpool.

Zhang Taicheng also chose a whirlpool.

Just when Jiang Yun was also about to enter a whirlpool, Zhong Wen stopped him and said, "Wait!"

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