The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 8188: turn back time, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Taojie Tianxia!

Hearing his master's scolding, the young man came back to his senses and found that the arrow behind his head had disappeared at some point.

The man let out a long breath and hurriedly walked to the master's side, with a puzzled look on his face and said: "Master, this kid's strength shouldn't be as good as the previous one, right?"

"Since I have placed the Tao Zong Li Dai curse in that person's body and am waiting to replace him, why do I have to replace this kid now?"

The old man sighed and said, "You should take a longer view and look further."

"That man is certainly stronger, but he has lived for too long, and his body and soul are not as fresh as this Jiang Yun."

"Furthermore, that person is a Dharma cultivator, and this Jiang Yun is a Taoist cultivator."

"Although we don't care about Taoism or Dharma cultivation, Jiang Yun is also proficient in the power of time, which is the most rare thing."

"Therefore, Jiang Yun is more suitable for you."

Listening to the old man's explanation, the man's face showed a look of surprise, nodded and said: "Master is still thoughtful, then the disciple will cast the Tao Zhi Li Dai Curse now!"

After finishing speaking, the man raised his hands and hugged his chest.

Suddenly, the old man spoke again: "Gather it with your own blood!"

The man was slightly stunned and somewhat reluctant, but the old man said solemnly: "Believe in Master."

The man nodded and took a deep breath.

Colorful lines suddenly began to appear on his face and exposed skin.

These lines, like earthworms, squirmed and twisted quickly under the man's skin, exuding a strange aura.

And between the man's clasped hands, something like some kind of writing, but extremely complicated colorful runes, gradually appeared.

When the runes took shape, the man's complexion became a little pale, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.


The man shouted low, and shot the runes between his hands into the clouds in front of him.

The originally almost white clouds and mist seemed to be dyed with color as the man's colorful rune disappeared into it, suddenly becoming colorful and emitting bursts of light.


The old man nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at Daofashan who was not far behind him: "Fortunately, you are on duty during this period."

"Otherwise, this fate will not be your turn."

"Next, we just have to wait!"

"Once you successfully replace this Jiang Yun, your strength and status may surpass that of Stealing Jade in the future!"

There was a look of surprise on the man's face. He obviously didn't expect that the master would have such a high opinion of Jiang Yun.

The old man stopped talking and sat down cross-legged, staring at the restriction in front of him.

In the restraint, Tianyi was still asking Jiang Yun: "Tell me, why can't you touch the restraint?"

"If we don't touch, how can we break the restriction?"

Jiang Yun originally didn't want to pay attention to her, but he was really annoyed by her questions, so he could only sigh helplessly and said: "Imagine this restriction as a bug."

"When you touch it, they will burrow into your body and control you little by little."

"Oh!" Tianyi blinked and finally understood: "Then how to break it now?"

"If I had known earlier, I should have brought my Tianyi Sword with me, but the Tianyi Sword is too heavy and your body can't bear it."

"Without a sword and unable to touch these restrictions, it seems we can only be trapped here forever."

"No, it's not forever. At worst, I don't want this clone anymore. I still have my true self anyway."

"But you, I'm afraid you're going to die here, how pitiful you are!"

"By the way, he asked you if you were famous before, why didn't you answer him?"

"Are you afraid of death?"

Jiang Yun almost gritted his teeth and said, "I'm afraid of death, but just because I'm somewhat famous, he won't kill me."

"Tianyi, can you be quiet for a while and let me think about how to break this restriction!"

Tianyi shrugged his shoulders, but finally stopped talking.

Jiang Yun let out a long breath, looked at the runes hidden in the clouds, and fell into deep thought.

Now Jiang Yun can be sure that no matter what the identity of the other party is, he must be from outside the tripod.

As for the monks outside the cauldron, as long as they are inside the cauldron, they still need to follow some rules set by the Tao Lord.

For example, the monks outside the tripod would not dare to kill people like Lu Yunzi and himself who were very powerful and whose death might affect the final outcome of the battle between Tao and Dharma.

As for the so-called breaking the restriction to leave, it is nothing more than a method they use to control the monks in the cauldron who enter here.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what method this was, it was nothing more than body and soul seizing, and parasitism of the Zhulong lineage.

"It's just that I don't know how this method can invade the monk's body?"

Jiang Yun carefully looked at the entire restriction again.

It is said to be a restriction, but it is equivalent to opening up another space.

Up, down, left, right, in all directions, clouds and mist were covering the sky and the sun, and they were only about ten feet away from Jiang Yun and Tianyi.

If you force a breakthrough, no matter which direction you go, it will actually be the same.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun raised his hand, wanting to see what effect it would have if he actively attacked the restriction.


However, before Jiang Yun could take action, the entire restriction suddenly trembled slightly.

All the clouds and mist surged faster, as if some living creature was trying to come out of it.

Although no living creatures emerged, the clouds and mist surged a little distance in the direction of Jiang Yun and Tianyi.

The distance that was originally ten feet is now only about nine feet.

Tianyi spoke again: "If it breaks, even if we don't touch it, it will take the initiative to touch us."

Jiang Yun naturally saw it, which further verified his idea.

The function of general prohibitions is to trap others.

If the enemy doesn't move, neither will the restrictions.

But this restriction will keep getting closer to you regardless of whether you move or not. Its ultimate goal is to send something into your body and control you.


Jiang Yun suddenly shouted low, his eyebrows cracked, and the underworld surged out, filling the entire restriction, and suddenly circled.


When time went back, the clouds and mist that had just poured out a few feet away actually went back again.

This scene not only left Tianyi dumbfounded, but also the bald old man, master and apprentice, had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Not only is their restriction very famous, but they have also imprisoned many powerful people.

The way the restriction works is that even if you are stuck in it and don't move, the restriction will move closer to you until it completely wraps you up.

And throughout the ages, people like Jiang Yun are the first to use the power of time to forcefully turn back time and restore the restrictions to their original state!

The old man waved his sleeves, and the clouds and mist that returned to their original shape began to surge again.

This time, the speed is faster and the distance of the surge is farther.

But Jiang Yun was unhurried, and a stream of underworld flew out from between his eyebrows again, surrounding himself and Tianyi for about ten feet.

As for the first Yellow Spring, it clings to the edge of the surging clouds and continues to circle!

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