The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7737: have you learned, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun didn't dare to underestimate the original fire, and naturally it was even more impossible to completely trust him.

If it were any other time, Jiang Yun wouldn't care whether what the other party said was true or not.

But at this moment, he really needs the fire of the source to deal with the soul lotus, it is best to help himself absorb the soul lotus.

Therefore, despite the suspicion in his heart, Jiang Yun still said calmly: "Senior's eyes are like torches, and nothing can be hidden from the eyes of seniors."

"The cause of the incident was that I unintentionally killed a monk."

"From him, I obtained a drop of Candle Dragon's blood, and put the blood and fire together."

"Unexpectedly, the blood of the candle dragon and the fire seed are like natural enemies, and they attacked each other as soon as they met."

"I can't stop it, I can only watch."

"In the end, the power of the seal left by the senior was stronger, and it gradually consumed the power contained in the blood of the candle dragon."

"This allowed me to successfully absorb it and integrate it into my body."

"However, the candle dragon's blood also consumed most of the sealing power left by the predecessors."

"And I was extremely curious about what the senior left in the fire seed, so after merging the blood of the candle dragon, I continued to use the power of the candle dragon, and finally broke the seal."

The answer Jiang Yun gave was telling the truth.

Because he knows very well that the fire of origin has existed for too long, has read countless people, and is sophisticated.

As long as he dared to tell a little lie, he would probably be noticed immediately.

Pyro had no doubts, either.

After all, he is far more aware of the grievances between himself and Zhulong's lineage than Jiang Yun.

Put your own strength and that of Zhulong together, and the two will definitely fight actively.

Jiang Yun continued: "Although I have failed senior's kindness, the matter has come to this point, and I am afraid there is no way to remedy it, so I only ask senior to help me get rid of this innate spirit."

"Otherwise, I will die in the hands of this innate spirit, and I will never have the opportunity to go outside the cauldron again."

While speaking, Jiang Yun's consciousness turned into a human form, and appeared in front of Burning Man, with a pleading look on his face, to show that he sincerely asked for help.

Burning Man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, "You really only ask for that?"

It's not hard to hear that Burning Man didn't take Soul Lotus seriously at all.

As long as he is willing, there must be a way to solve Soul Lotus.

Jiang Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Of course there are still many requirements, but I also know that if you want more, you will lose."

"What's more, this request may not be worth mentioning in the eyes of the seniors, but it is related to my life, so I ask the seniors to save me!"

Jiang Yun cupped his fists and saluted the burning man with the utmost sincerity.

However, Burning Man would not be easily moved by Jiang Yun's sincere attitude.

He remained silent, staring at Jiang Yun in front of him, with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Jiang Yun's guess was also correct!

The Pyroman whose original fire is left in the fire seed is his clone.

However, this avatar will not provide Jiang Yun with any protection as he said.

To put it simply, this avatar is like the power given to Xiuyue by the Wuding Soul Fire. Jiang Yun is not going to absorb and refine it, but it will seize Jiang Yun's body and soul!

Of course, the purpose of the original fire is not to take away Jiang Yun's physical body.

What he wants is Jiang Yun to be his servant, what he wants is Jiang Yun's path of cultivation!

Through the last contact with Jiang Yun, he was very interested in Jiang Yun.

But Jiang Yun is a living being in the cauldron, and he was cultivated by the Taoist monarch.

It is impossible for the original fire to ask the Taoist Lord for Jiang Yun.

Therefore, he thought of a way to make a deal with Jiang Yun.

In short, this so-called transaction, Yuanyuanhuo has no good intentions from the beginning to the end, and it is completely calculating Jiang Yun.

It's just that the fire of the original source has thousands of calculations, except that the seal on the fire seed is not counted, and it will be broken by Jiang Yun when he is in the cauldron.

Outside the cauldron, as soon as the fire seed is unsealed, the deity of the original fire will sense it, and then personally take action secretly to ensure that his avatar can easily occupy Jiang Yun's body and soul.

Even though he was in the cauldron, he could do the same, even without hiding it from Bei Chenzi.

But he did not deceive Jiang Yun in one thing, that is, he was indeed subject to many restrictions in the cauldron.

Especially when the deity couldn't do it himself, he was not fully sure that he could succeed, and he might even be absorbed and refined by Jiang Yun in reverse.

That's why he was going to deceive Jiang Yun just now.

But at this moment, facing Jiang Yun's request, he needs to think carefully.

In the end, I should just dissipate and ignore that innate spirit.

Still follow the original plan and **** Jiang Yun's body and soul.

Then, he took Jiang Yun directly to the outside of the cauldron, and then the deity took the initiative to meet him and avoid Daojun.

As long as he can return to his territory smoothly, he doesn't have to worry about Daojun anymore.

In short, if it is successful, everything will be easy to say.

But if it fails, not only will the deity be affected, but Jiang Yun will really get a great fortune.

Burning Man said secretly in his heart: "If I just dissipate, it would be equivalent to giving up all the deals with this kid."

"From now on, this kid may hate me and regard me as an enemy."

"But if we proceed according to the original plan, this kid hides too many secrets. He even met two innate spirits. Maybe he will really absorb and refine my clone."

After pondering for a moment, Pyro shook his head: "Forget it, no more risks."

"Although it is a pity to let this kid go, but without my help, he would not be the opponent of this innate spirit at all."

"He will die here today, he will disappear completely, and there will be no future to speak of!"

"Even if he succeeds in occupying his body and soul, going outside the cauldron may not be able to avoid the Taoist Lord, but will make enemies with the Taoist Lord and the others."

"The gains outweigh the losses!"

Ultimately, Pyro decided not to take the risk.

So, he smiled slightly, spread his hands and said, "Boy, I really want to help you deal with that innate spirit."

"But still the same sentence, this is Ding Nei, once I make a move, even if you have the cover of the night, you will still be noticed by Bei Chenzi."

"I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid you will all be implicated because of me."

"At that time, you will not only lose the qualification to stay in the cauldron to participate in the battle of Taoism, but you will even die."

"So you're on your own!"

"However, I believe in you, and you will definitely be able to turn evil into good luck and get rid of this innate spirit."

"When you arrive outside the tripod in the future, I will come to you again and fulfill the original promise!"

As Burning Man's voice fell, his figure had already begun to dissipate.

At this time, Jiang Yun slowly straightened his bent body.

Looking at the burning man in front of him, the sincerity on Jiang Yun's face disappeared, replaced by a smile that was not a smile: "The fate I gave to senior back then is missing, senior, have you learned it?"

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