The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7735: The seal disappears, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

As Jiang Yun left the Hunyou Great Domain under Beiming's protection, the Hunyou Great Domain, which was about to collapse and destroy, gradually regained its calm.

The powerful self-healing power of space also starts to repair those broken spaces.

A large number of soul bodies appeared in the fragmented Heavenly Soul Dao Realm.

Naturally, they are members of the Soul Clan!

Lord Wan asked Xiu Yue to imprison the soul clansmen in the Heavenly Soul Dao Realm.

Just as Jiang Yun speculated, Hun Lian chose to hide here with the Hun Clan, which indeed has some preferential treatment for the Hun Clan.

It can even be said that the soul race is a race secretly supported by the soul lotus.

Even if he absorbed a large number of soul bodies before, he didn't have the souls of the soul-moving clansmen.

Therefore, now Xiuyue and Wuding Soul Fire have been swallowed by the soul lotus, and the soul lotus has also been taken away by Jiang Yun, so the soul clan members are naturally rescued temporarily.

It's just that at this moment, the faces of these soul clansmen are all blank, and they are not joyful or excited because of their rescue.

Because they could see everything that happened before.

They already understood that the sacred object that they and others believed in and offered for countless years was actually nothing more than an artifact of the soul lotus, or a pet beast.

With the strength of Wuding Soul Fire, it is completely possible to take the initiative to protect them when the Ten Thousand Lords' Law Domain invades.

But Wuding Soul Fire didn't do that, just sat and watched the Soul Clan be defeated, and watched the Hunyou Great Territory become the place of defeat.

This is really a huge blow to the soul clansmen, their faith and spiritual pillars have completely collapsed.

The sacred objects that their family has enshrined for countless years have not abandoned them, but have never regarded them as believers and never sheltered them.

As for the soul lotus, they don't even know what kind of existence it is.

The pain and confusion in their hearts at this moment even surpassed when they were defeated by the Law of the Lords and when they became slaves!

Just as the soul clansmen wandered aimlessly over their homes like walking corpses, several figures had already arrived from afar.

An old man headed by the soul clan, that is, the patriarch of the soul clan, Hunyou, forcibly cheered up, and said in a low voice: "Everyone, be careful, it may be people from the Law of the Lord who came again!"

Confusion is confusion, since they have been rescued, they naturally don't want to be imprisoned again.

However, when Hunyou saw clearly that the coming people were a few bald monks, his spirit immediately relaxed.

Hunyou strode forward, clasped his fists to the group of people who came, bowed deeply, and said, "Hunyou thank you fellow Taoists in the Kudu Dao Domain!"

Although Gu Bulao absorbed their power, he did not harm them.

And they were also really curious about the situation in the Hunyou Dayu, so they came together.

On the contrary, Wanzhu, instead of coming, left with his subordinates.

There is no other reason, Wanzhu knows that Xiuyue is dead.

In addition, even the indomitable Wuding Soul Fire disappeared without a trace, and their inexplicable power was sucked away, making him think that Jiang Yun must have done all of this.

Jiang Yun has such strength, how dare they come to Hunyou Dayu.

The leader of the Kudu Dao Domain, Master Painful reached out to support Hunyou, clasped his hands together and said, "Don't do this, Fellow Daoist Soul."

"We didn't do anything, fellow daoist really wants to thank that fellow daoist Jiang Yunjiang."

While speaking, the sweetheart also scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness, looking for Jiang Yun's trace.

Naturally, Hun You understood the meaning of the painstaking Master, and said with a wry smile: "The Master does not need to look for it, that Fellow Daoist Jiang has already left."

The bitter sweetheart wanted to ask what happened just now, but seeing that Hunyou and other Hunzu clansmen were all out of their minds, he knew that now was not the time to ask.

Therefore, he could only nod his head and said: "Friend Daoist Soul and others should have important things to do for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe."

"If there is anything that needs help, if Fellow Soul Daoist doesn't dislike it, just ask, and I will be willing to help."

Of course, the sweetheart refused to leave just now, so he wanted to stay and wait for the soul clan members to stabilize their emotions before asking Hunyou.

Hunyou sighed, shook his head and said, "Our home and sacred objects are gone, so what else is there to do?"

"I am full of doubts. If the Master is not in a hurry to leave, then I will tell the Master what happened just now."

"The Venerable Master is well-informed, and may be able to clear up one or two mysteries for me!"

Hunyou indeed has too many doubts, and really hopes that Master Painful can know something.

Hunyou's words naturally hit the sweetheart's heart, so they didn't refuse any more, the group found a secluded place, and Hunyou started to tell the story of Jiang Yun and Xiuyue, Wuding Huohuo and Hunlian fighting against each other.

At the same time, in Jiang Yun's guardian realm, what Jiang Yun looked at was the fire seed left by the original fire!

Originally, above this fire seed, there was a seal left by the original fire, which could not be opened by any power inside the cauldron, and almost no one outside the cauldron dared to open it.

But Yuanyuanzhihuo never thought that Jiang Yun would accidentally get a drop of Zhulong's blood.

And, with the power of the candle dragon, the seal on the tinder was gradually untied.

When Jiang Yun left Wanzhu's jurisdiction, he speculated that it would take about two or three months to untie the seal on Tinder.

But just now, when Jiang Yun was about to cut off the suction force released by the soul lotus with the ancient blade, he unexpectedly discovered that the sealing power on the fire seed was about to disappear completely!

Therefore, Jiang Yun had a bold idea, which is to use the power contained in the fire seed to deal with the soul lotus!

Of course, Jiang Yun understood that the identity and origin of the soul lotus were extremely special, but what was hidden in the fire seed was something given to him by the original fire from outside the cauldron.

Not to mention that all the power outside the cauldron can be stronger than inside the cauldron, but the benefits brought to Jiang Yun by the candle dragon's bloodline made Jiang Yun have some expectations for the things hidden in the fire seed.

Anyway, the soul lotus is chasing him closely, once the power of the ancient blade is exhausted, he will still be killed by the soul lotus, so it's better to bet one time!

So, he did the opposite.

When everyone thought he would escape, he turned around and annexed the soul lotus to protect the Dao Realm.

That's why he needed Jiang Yiyun to help him avoid Bei Chenzi's attention.

Obtaining the candle dragon's blood was already a big secret of his.

If Bei Chenzi knew that the fire seal left by the original fire had been broken by him, then Bei Chenzi might really have to ask Taoist Lord for instructions, or take action against him himself.

However, the premise for Jiang Yun to do all this is that the original fire did not deceive himself, and indeed left something in the fire.

If there is nothing in Tinder, then Jiang Yun will lose the bet this time.

Of course, even if he loses, Jiang Yun is confident that he can save his life and protect his soul!

If someone could see Jiang Yun's face covered in blood now, they would find that the brand new soul pattern that appeared between Jiang Yun's brows before, which was never complete, has disappeared!

Although Jiang Yun is still not afraid of death, he is very aware of the importance of being alive!

As long as he is alive, the people he guards will have a greater chance of surviving.

Dao Xing Tiandi, and even the entire Dao Xing Dayu, can survive in the dispute between Dao and Law.

Therefore, even if it is an adventure, Jiang Yun has learned to arrange a retreat for himself.

At this moment, Jiang Yun ignored the confrontation between Soul Lotus and Ancient Blade.

All his attention was focused on the fire, watching the final seal disappear little by little!


Finally, within the tinder, there was a sudden thunderclap, resounding in the dark night.

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