The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7703: Unafraid of spells, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The one who speaks is naturally the Lord of Myriads!

Although he also has no expectations for Jiang Yun's arrival.

But in the past half a month, he has not let down his vigilance, and has always been standing on the edge of the Wanzhu's domain, controlling the changes in the magic lines in the Wanli area ahead.

When Jiang Yun stepped into the Wanli area, he noticed it.

And the location of the trap he set was exactly where Jiang Yun was at the moment.

Because this location is close to Wanzhu's legal domain, if Jiang Yun wants to escape, he needs to turn back nearly seven thousand miles.

With all the magic patterns attacking Jiang Yun, even if Jiang Yun is half a step away, it is not difficult to cross the distance of seven thousand miles.

Therefore, at this moment, he urged all the magic patterns to attack Jiang Yun.

However, as his voice fell, he found that whether it was the appearance of the trap or the sound of his own voice, Jiang Yun seemed to have no feeling at all.

Even, the expression on Jiang Yun's face did not change at all!

Under Wanzhu's gaze, Jiang Yun, who was under the attack of countless magic patterns, suddenly had a black patch in his hand, and he raised it casually, covering his body.

To Wanzhu, Jiang Yun seemed to have taken out a black cloak and put it on his body!

However, the area of ​​this black cloak is huge beyond imagination.

It was not only draped over Jiang Yun's body, but also over the remaining 3,000 miles, the area filled with magic patterns.

In Wanzhu's eyes, whether it was Jiang Yun or all the magic lines within a range of three thousand miles, they all disappeared without a trace in an instant, and what was replaced was endless darkness.

As the master of the domain of Wanzhu, Wanzhu has experienced many battles, and his reaction is naturally extremely fast.

Although he didn't know what method Jiang Yun used, but the moment Jiang Yun disappeared, he made a decisive decision and immediately raised his palm.

I heard the loud sound of "boom boom boom" coming from all directions.

With the place where he was standing as the center, suddenly there was a cloud of fog that exploded!

In the blink of an eye, the mist has covered at least a hundred thousand miles.

This is also one of the defensive measures of Wanzhu Jurisdiction, a formation map.

Within the area covered by the array, it can be said that it is a step by step killing intent, and the power contained is stronger than those magic patterns.

At the same time as the formation diagram appeared, Wanzhu also took a half-step detachment from his side and said, "Notify the four of them immediately, hurry back, then enter the formation diagram, and chase after them..."

Before Wanzhu finished speaking, he stopped suddenly.

Because he suddenly discovered that even though the darkness had already entered the formation that he had just operated, it also began to spread at a crazy speed.

From a distance, it looks like someone has poured a ball of ink on the formation, slowly fainting!

"Follow me into the darkness!"

Wanzhu's complexion darkened, he let out a low drink, and immediately took the initiative to step into the darkness.

At this time, how can the Lord not understand that Jiang Yun must be hiding in the darkness.

Although he didn't know what the darkness was, Wanzhu was also a bold person with high skills, so he thought it would be better to go directly into the darkness and catch Jiang Yun.

If he didn't enter the darkness, he might still have a chance to catch Jiang Yun, but once he entered, he couldn't help it.

With a flash of flowers in front of him, only darkness remained around Wanzhu.

Even the half-step detachment who followed closely behind him disappeared.

However, Wanzhu was not afraid, and while exuding divine consciousness, looking for the trace of Jiang Yun, he raised his palm and lit up a ray of light, trying to dispel the darkness.

It's a pity that just as the light appeared, it was easily swallowed by the darkness.

And at the moment when the light disappeared, a palm suddenly stretched out from the imprint of the word "Lord" on Wanzhu's eyebrows, and slapped Wanzhu heavily in front of him.

There was a muffled "bang", and the palm clearly hit something.

And this also made Wanzhu sneer and said: "Do you think that you can sneak attack me by bringing me into this darkness?"

Ten feet away from Wanzhu, Jiang Yun's figure emerged, staring at Wanzhu's back, and secretly said: "Hun Chengyu is right, there is indeed a person who is not weaker than Wanzhu. of his strong!"

"However, it's not hidden by his side, but hidden in his body!"

When Jiang Yun was attacked by the magic pattern before, the so-called black cloak he showed was naturally Bei Ming.

Firstly, he wanted to use Beiming to resist the magic pattern, and secondly, he wanted to use Beiming's body to hide the candlelight in his eyes.

The candle dragon bloodline is definitely one of his most powerful killers now.

He didn't want to be exposed in front of other people so early and be known by others.

And closing eyes for night actually has a distance limit.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, he can cover the range of the night at most about five thousand miles.

When he used the supernatural power of closing his eyes for the night, he just wanted to hide his figure, get rid of those magic lines first, and then rely on his speed to rush to the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain.

But he didn't expect that this dark night brought him another unexpected surprise.

After those magic patterns were covered by the night, they lost their effect immediately, and there was no need for him to solve them.

Because, Zhulong is not only a powerful clan outside the cauldron, but also a Dharma cultivator!

The dark night with eyes closed is not something that can be displayed by imagination, but is formed by the unique family pattern of the Candle Dragon lineage.

When the dharma pattern of a legal domain in the cauldron meets the clan pattern of the highest law cultivator family outside the cauldron, it is like a mouse meeting a cat, and it can only submit obediently.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not hesitate at all, and directly stepped into the domain of Wanzhu.

Similarly, this misty formation was also laid out with magic patterns as the foundation of the formation, so it couldn't hurt Jiang Yun at all.

When Wanzhu stepped into the night, Jiang Yun recognized his identity at a glance.

If Wanzhu can be killed, it will deal a great blow to the entire Wanzhu's domain, and it will also help Jiang Yun to rescue the soul clan.

So, Jiang Yun began to use the power of the night to deprive the senses of the Lord.

But Jiang Yun can only deprive Wanzhu of his senses, but he cannot deprive the senses of the strong man hidden in Wanzhu.

Even, the strong man sensed Jiang Yun's appearance, so he made a move and met Jiang Yun's palm.

This made Jiang Yun have to give up the idea of ​​killing Wanzhu, ignore Wanzhu, and continue to rush towards the end of Wanzhu's domain in the dark.

When Wanzhu's eyes lit up and he got out of the darkness, not only did the surrounding darkness disappear without a trace, but Jiang Yun also disappeared!

All the Lord can see is just like him, the half-step detachment who came out of the darkness.

And this one still had a dazed look on his face, completely unaware of what he had just experienced.

Wan Zhu turned around and looked at the depths of the legal domain, knowing that at this time, if he wanted to find Jiang Yun again, he would be looking for a needle in a haystack, almost impossible.

Taking a deep breath, Wanzhu suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "I'm going to Hunyou Dayu now, you inform Xiuyue, and immediately imprison all the Hunzu clansmen together."

"Notify the other three people in Liangyi Dayu to give up Liangyi Dayu and rush to Hunyou Dayu immediately!"

"After those four people come back, you stay here, and you are not allowed to leave half a step without my order!"

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