The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7563: Hongmeng is here, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

After listening to the narration of the Immemorial Array Spirit, combined with what he has seen and felt, Jiang Yun can already be sure that whether it is the Four Seasons Building or the array formed by the prison in front of him, it is indeed Pan Chaoyang's deliberate intention. .

The purpose of the other party doing this should be to lure him to a certain place, maybe he wants to meet him, or maybe there is something else.

The reason why Jiang Yun is so sure is very simple. Except for the people who were arrested in this prison, only Jiang Yun, a creature in Dao Xing Tiandi, has entered this prison.

When Jiang Yun came to this prison for the first time, the red wolf who was in charge of guarding here easily let Jiang Yun enter the prison and allowed him to use his spiritual sense to check it out.

At that time, Jiang Yun felt a little strange.

But he just thought it was just the kindness and kindness of the red wolf, so he didn't think much about it.

But looking back at this moment, I am afraid that what the red wolf did was also explained by Pan Chaoyang in advance.

The purpose is to allow myself to remember the shape of the entire prison and the location of the immortal tree.

It's a pity that although I remembered it, I couldn't see that this was a map.

It never occurred to him that the immortal tree would be the last base of the formation to complete the formation.

Apart from this point, only oneself can "imitate" an immortal tree!

The Immortal Tree is the avenue that represents the avenue of wood, and it comes from the soil of the Tao.

Not to mention the ancient formation spirit, even Daoist and Tianzun, it is impossible to imitate it.

Even, through these, Jiang Yun can continue to speculate that when this prison was opened up, Pan Chaoyang should have been controlled by the Taoist demon.

And Pan Chaoyang opened up this prison in order to get rid of the control of the Taoist demon.

And it is calculated that in the future countless years, there will be an extra immortal tree here, making the formation map take shape, sending away all the people in it, attracting Jiang Yun's attention, trying to find out the secrets here, and make up for it. Climb the immortal tree to find each other!

In short, the real function of this prison is probably a bureau arranged by Pan Chaoyang in order to get rid of the control of the Taoist behind him!

Even though Jiang Yun had already figured everything out, he still couldn't help but feel a little emotional: "Pan Chaoyang, Jiang Yiyun, and Tianzun, they are all the same kind of people, they are intelligent and calculating, and they are meticulous in thinking!"

"Even if you surpass them in strength, it will be difficult to restrain them, and you may even be restrained by them in turn."

"If Pan Chaoyang can really be trusted, then maybe he can help me find the loophole in Jiang Yiyun's arrangement."

"However, before that, we still need to see him first!"

None of the Taikoo formation spirits felt surprised that Jiang Yun took the initiative to fill in the missing foundation.

But Jiang Yun still explained to the ancient formation spirit: "It's not that I don't believe in the formation skills of the seniors, but that I have been here before, and I know what the missing formation foundation is."

After the words fell, Jiang Yun had already stepped to the forest, which was above the location where the immortal tree used to be, and waved his hand.

A strand of wood pattern directly condensed into the appearance of an immortal tree, which appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the Undying Tree, the three of Tianzun naturally realized it even more.

They have all seen the immortal tree.

The immortal tree slowly fell from the sky and was planted in the open space in the forest.

At this time, the three of them could see that this vacant seat was tailor-made for the Immortal Tree without the need for the Immemorial Array Spirit to remind it.

Because after the Undying Tree fell, it fit perfectly with this forest, as if it should have grown here when the world was born.

However, after planting the immortal tree, Jiang Yun looked at the entire prison with his spiritual sense again, but he still couldn't see that it was a formation, let alone sensed any fluctuations in the formation.

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to ask, the Immemorial Formation Spirit also discovered this, and murmured: "It seems that there is still something missing!"

Only a moment later, the Immemorial Formation Spirit spoke again: "Vitality!"

"The most powerful part of the immortal tree lies in its vitality."

"Look, the trees around here are not in good condition, and they are about to wither, because they lack the vitality and nourishment of the immortal tree."

"Jiang Yun, let your immortal tree exude vitality, the stronger the better!"

Jiang Yun could also see that the trees around here were indeed drooping and sluggish, so with a wave of his sleeves, a powerful vitality emanated from the body of the immortal tree, along the soil below him, to all directions, to the whole world Spread away.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, even though this is a world, the powerful vitality has completely covered the entire world in a short period of time.


Dao Zun and Tian Zun spoke almost at the same time, and sensed that a trace of wave formation began to appear, but soon disappeared without a trace.

This breath is extremely weak, and only strong people like them can barely sense it, and those who are weaker are still unable to detect it.

Especially at this moment, if you look around and look around, you can't see any changes at all.

But the Immemorial Formation Spirit said softly: "The formation diagram has been formed, but it is still not in operation."

"It should still need a certain amount of force to make the array really work."

"The power of this pull, and how to pull it, I haven't found it yet."

"Wait for me for a while, I'll look for it again!"

Jiang Yun said: "The pulling force should come from me!"

"I broke a simple defensive formation somewhere earlier, which triggered the teleportation formation here."

While speaking, Jiang Yun did not take out the Four Seasons Building, but used his spiritual consciousness to inform the Daoist Xiaoyu who was cultivating in it, asking him to help, and then forcibly broke open the formation on a door in the building.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, the four of Jiang Yun felt a slight undetectable vibration from the entire prison.

Immediately afterwards, the mountains and lakes pointed out by the ancient array spirit, including the immortal tree that Jiang Yun had just planted, suddenly had rays of light rising into the sky!

These rays of light converged in the air to form a huge array, like a mirage.

The four looked up at the formation map, and the ancient formation spirit said, "Now, if you step into this formation map, you will be sent to another place."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Then I'll go and see if I can see my parents there."

Tianzun frowned and said: "Jiang Yun, is it possible that there is a trap?"

Of course this possibility exists, but Jiang Yun still insisted after thinking about it: "Even if it is a trap, I will go!"

Tianzun knew Jiang Yun's character, so he didn't want to keep him anymore, but nodded and said: "Then you should be careful!"

"Let me go with you!" The Taikoo spirit said, "This teleportation map is only one-way. You can leave, but it won't send you back."

"I can slightly change this array to make it a two-way array so that you can send it back."

In fact, Jiang Yun didn't care if he could come back from the teleportation array.

Anyway, he could take his parents and others, pass through the Hongmeng camp, and return to Daoxing Tiandi.

However, considering the relationship of time, having a teleportation array will naturally save a lot of time, so Jiang Yun nodded happily and said, "Then I will have to thank you, senior."

"Tianzun, Daozun, then I will leave for a while, and I will hurry back as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun and Taigu Formation Spirit were about to set foot on the formation map.

But at this moment, Dao Zun changed his face and said: "No, people from Hongmeng are here!"

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