The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7350: Longwen Chiding, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"what is this?"

Seeing the sudden appearance, Jiang Yun showed surprise, and hurriedly looked at it intently.

The picture is dark and empty.

After about ten breaths, at the end of the darkness, a small golden spot of light emerged.

Moreover, the golden light spot is moving from far to near at an extremely fast speed, as if it came directly in front of Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun can see that this is a figure shrouded in golden light.

Although the light was not strong, no matter how hard Jiang Yun tried, his eyes could not see through the light to clearly see the appearance of that figure.

However, from the golden light, Jiang Yun could feel a sense of kindness, which made it easy for him to deduce that this figure should be a Taoist cultivator.

The figure stopped, turned his head and looked around, and said to himself, "This place is more suitable, so let's go here!"

A man's voice!

While speaking, the figure flipped his palm, and a three-inch-high object appeared in his palm.

Because above the object, there was also a hazy layer of blood-colored light, so that Jiang Yun couldn't see what it was.

Holding the object, the figure gently stroked the object with the other hand, but there was no further move.

But at this moment, the palm of the figure suddenly closed, the object in the palm disappeared immediately, and said coldly: "Come out!"

After the words fell, beside the golden figure, another figure covered in white light suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

When the white figure appeared, he laughed loudly and said, "Haha, Daojun, what do you want to do by sneaking here alone?"

The golden figure responded indifferently: "Bai Ye, the sneaky one is you!"

The white figure also turned his head, looked around and continued to smile and said: "This place is not bad."

"If you didn't guess wrong, what you held in your hand just now should be the Longwen Chiding Ding!"

The golden figure pondered for a moment, then spread his palms, and the disappearing object reappeared in his palms.

He said to the white figure: "Bai Ye, how about I make a bet with you with this tripod."

"Oh?" The white figure asked with great interest, "What are you betting on?"

The golden figure did not speak, but flipped his wrist, and the object in his palm instantly turned upside down and fell downward.

And from Jiang Yun's perspective, he saw a huge and incomparably dark, falling from the sky, instantly making everything in front of him disappear.

screen, so far.

That drop of water from the Dao finally merged with Jiang Yun's Dao and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, looked at the empty front, recalled the scene he just saw in his mind, and said to himself: "Daojun, Bai Ye, who are they?"

"The names of Bai Ye and Ye Bai are so similar, is there any relationship between the two?"

"And that Longwen Chiding, what is it?"

Although Jiang Yun could see everything in the picture clearly and listen carefully, but because he didn't know the beginning and the end, and didn't know the cause and effect, he couldn't guess the meaning contained in it at all.

He could only reluctantly deduce that the golden figure was called Daojun, and the white figure was called Bai Ye, and the two should be opposites.

The two made a bet around a Longwen Chiding, that's all!

"However, if Second Senior Sister specially gave me the Water of the Great Dao, is it possible that the content in this picture is also what Second Senior Sister wants me to see?"

"But Second Senior Sister shouldn't show me such an endless picture..."

Jiang Yun looked at the remaining water of the Dao inside the Stone of Origin, and said with a flash of light in his eyes: "Perhaps, there are other pictures hidden in it!"

"Unfortunately, now I don't have time to continue absorbing the water of the Great Dao."

Reluctantly, Jiang Yun withdrew his consciousness from the Stone of Origin, and waved away the dream that enveloped him.

And Bei Ming seemed to know that Jiang Yun was ready, and he shook his body impatiently, wanting to rush into the darkness ahead.


Following Jiang Yun's order, Bei Ming rushed out like a runaway wild horse, and was submerged in the darkness in an instant.

Standing on Bei Ming's body, Jiang Yun felt as if he was being swallowed by darkness.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly, then opened them again, as if he had returned to the time when he first met Beiming.

The surrounding darkness began to have a large number of ripples emerging, spreading towards him.

In fact, only the inner layer of the place of origin is special, and you must have the Stone of Origin to enter.

The outer layer and the middle layer can come and go freely.

That is to say, the road in front of Jiang Yun at this moment, as long as you pass through the intersection, you can reach the middle level.

At the intersection, there are not only dark beasts, but also other dangers.

The role of the dark beast here is naturally to prevent the monks in the outer and middle layers from communicating with each other as much as possible.

Even though most of the powerhouses living in the outer and middle layers are not afraid of the dark beasts, if their own attacks have no effect on the dark beasts, of course they will not be idle and bored, and come here for a while if they have nothing to do.

After all, there are too many dark beasts, and if they are not careful, they will also be in danger of dying.

Therefore, the dark beasts living here are equivalent to being in a state of hunger for a long time.

Even if they can't die of hunger, they will instinctively want to eat something delicious when they see it.

At this moment, the arrival of Jiang Yun has become a delicacy in the eyes of the dark beasts, and everyone can't wait to eat Jiang Yun.

Facing the countless ripples extending towards him, that is, the tentacles of the dark beast, Jiang Yun hadn't reacted yet, but Bei Ming had already felt dissatisfied one step ahead.

Beiming is a dark beast living in the realm of chaos.

Originally, it thought that it met the same kind here, and everyone should love each other.

Unexpectedly, these same kind, apart from anything else, came up to eat their own masters.

Although Beiming wanted to eat Jiang Yun very much, it was different now.

Since Jiang Yun has to be recognized as the master, it naturally needs a guardian.

Therefore, in the face of these hostile creatures, Beiming did not need Jiang Yun's order at all, and his body began to swell, and there were also large ripples emerging, spreading towards those dark beasts.

The next step after expansion is fusion!

Among the dark beasts, it is not swallowing, but fusion.

Beiming can have the huge size of a million feet today because it fused too many of its kind back then.

Although the number of dark beasts here far exceeds that of the Chaos Domain, their size is similar to those of the dark beasts, not large.

Therefore, when Beiming became a million feet in size again and began to fuse them continuously, they had no resistance at all.

In less than three breaths, a large number of dark beasts had disappeared without a trace, and Beiming's body had grown another tenth.

At this time, the other dark beasts finally came to their senses and began to flee in all directions.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Yun was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that he needed to use the guardian seal to continue to control more dark beasts in order to promote their fusion with Beiming.

But now, Beiming has already begun to fuse with its own strength.

"Doubling the size of Beiming should be enough to deal with the original peak."

Jiang Yun didn't intend to merge all the dark beasts here for his own use.

These dark beasts pose no danger to him, but they can threaten others.

If used properly, they can also become Jiang Yun's helpers.

So, Jiang Yun let Beiming run amok here, and after observing silently for a while, he sat down cross-legged again. However, Jiang Yun didn't know that in the depths of the space ahead, there was a large area of ​​darkness larger than Beiming, and it was moving fast!

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