The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 463 Swarming the Stars (End)

At the same time, the same discussion was going on in a super luxury villa next door.

"Dear directors, today the Star Commercial Department sent us an invitation letter, sincerely inviting ICBC Bank to settle in and guide the construction of their banking system."

As soon as the assistant secretary finished speaking, a senior executive in his 50s stood up immediately and said: "Chairman, I don't agree to move to Xingchen. Xingchen has no place for ICBC to stand at all."

In the conference room, another male executive then spoke:

"That's right."

"Everyone, Xingchen is too unfriendly to us bank employees. There is simply no way to survive."

In May, the latest financial control regulations issued by Xingchen clearly stipulated that private and joint-stock banks will no longer exist, and all banks will only be independently funded and operated by Xingchen official and the city government.

Whether it is the First Bank of the city-state that issues Star Coins, the People's Bank of Stars, or other commercial banks, investment banks, policy banks, etc. that will be established, they will all be established independently by Star officials.

All banks are independently operated by Xingchen Official and the City Lord's Government, and no private individuals or related companies are allowed to take shares.

Its purpose is self-evident, to control capital and suppress the economic circle of false prosperity.

Such actions have certainly violated the interests of many people, or to be precise, directly violated the core interests of big capitalists and the group of executives who stand at the top of the pyramid of the banking system.

So, of course it makes people unhappy.

In particular, as the leader of the banking industry before the end of the world, the executives of ICBC Bank are very disgusted with the stars' regulations.

Isn't this just ruining people's jobs?

"This is not a free and democratic city-state. They are simply bullies!!"

"Yeah, the food looks so ugly!!"

"Look, the consequences of absolute monopoly can only be unlimited internal corruption. In the end, Xingchen's entire banking system will be nothing but a pool of stagnant water."

"Xingchen's group of young consultants are simply running amok. How can they seek change and innovation without introducing external competition."

"With such wantonness, let's see - the stars will not grow long!"

"Don't go, you must not wade into this muddy water!!"

"Yes, not only can we not send people over to provide guidance, but we have to intensify the pressure."

At this moment, everyone was very excited and criticized Xingchen's behavior of eating alone.


There are always some people who are ‘misfits’.

"Humph, a bunch of old people who are stuck in the past! Your vision is backward."

A young man stood up and refuted:

"Looking at all the financial regulations issued by the stars, their fundamental purpose is to rectify the financial order, reduce the water content of the economy, and prosper the industry."

"Naturally, as a booster of the financial industry, or the core of the core, the banking industry must be brought under absolute control."

"As for lack of competition and corruption?"


The young man clapped the "Xingchen Bank Management Rules" in his hand and said, "I really doubt that you have taken a good look at the banking management rules issued by Xingchen, or have you read it at all??"

Naturally, the Star Advisory Group will not ignore issues such as corruption caused by lack of competition.

To this end, Xingchen has specially issued a series of industry management rules based on L-guo’s mature experience in rectifying the state-owned enterprise industry before the end of the world.

Among them, there are relevant management rules for bank employees.

"not only that."

A young man in his 30s with gold-rimmed eyes stood up and said:

"Don't forget that Xingchen is a truly intelligent city. All industries and all citizens are under the supervision of that extraordinary intelligence."

"What do you do every day?"

"Your monthly flow."

"Your financial situation."

"Everything is controlled by Heaven, how can it be corrupted??"

You must know that Xingchen Coin is only a digital currency, not a single banknote, and the entire banking system is completely controlled by Xingchen officials. In this way, all transactions cannot escape Tiangong's tracking.

Naturally, it is difficult for corruption to appear in the stars.

Not only that.

With the intelligence record of each person, it is clear at a glance whether they have abilities, conduct, social relationships, etc.

Then, the recruiters will be placed in appropriate positions after a comprehensive evaluation based on the relevant professional skills they have mastered.

These are the employment and promotion rules for city-state enterprises currently controlled by the Star Administration Department and the City Lord's Palace.

On the basis of manual recruitment and appointment, the entire process is secretly reviewed by Tiangong.

In this way, it is ensured that each administrative position is pure and has the skills and conduct that match the job position, thereby eliminating the chaos of various intertwined interests.

The prohibition of corruption and the prohibition of large-scale transactions of money and power are the core issues that the opposition has been criticizing.

As for monopoly, lack of competition and no future to speak of, that is not what they care about.

They, these executives, they only care about their own pocketbooks.

But now.

Facing a pool of crystal clear water, it is difficult for them to have a chance to fish in troubled waters.

In this way, faced with the olive branch extended by Xingchen to the entire industry, senior old people believed that not only should no one be involved in the construction of Xingchen's banking system, but the blockade should be stepped up.

In this way, Xingchen is forced to bow to the entire industry, especially the banking industry, and open this closed door.

Some young people believe that they should immediately actively participate in the construction of the stars, repair relationships, and seek cooperation opportunities in other fields.

For a time, the two parties were quarreling.

That's right.

Because since the establishment of Xingchen, it has never accepted any outside company to settle in. Furthermore, as Xingchen continues to grow, those entrepreneurs who have not eaten this delicious piece of cake... No, they should not have eaten the development dividends of Xingchen. How can capitalists be happy.

Therefore, in the past year, under the deliberate guidance of certain people, the entire industry has been blocking the stars, either overtly or covertly.

But this time, the banking management regulations issued by Xingchen have completely eliminated the opportunity for other banks to enter. How can this not make these greedy big bankers angry?

Even...mixed with fear.

After all, if one city does this, there must be a second city.

If so, isn't this cutting off their livelihood?

Therefore, the final vote result of this meeting was to continue to block the stars. Not only would they not send any soldiers to participate in the construction of the Xingchen banking system, but they would also intensify the blockade of the stars.

At the same time, major companies in Qindu have also made their own decisions.

Among them, the Xu family and the Wang family, who were engaged in real estate, all chose to continue to block Xingchen, especially the Xingchen Foreign Trade Department.

The reason is simple.

Xingchen also does not have the development opportunities of real estate developers.

Not at all! !

From the beginning to the end, Chu Feng had only one principle when it came to real estate, and that was to live in the property and not speculate on it. Regardless of whether he was rich or poor, he could have a comfortable home in the stars.

For this reason, all real estate property rights and development rights are in the hands of the City Lord's Palace, and they have always been available to all Star People for leasing at an affordable price.

Of course, there will definitely be privatization in the future.

However, its price will certainly not be high.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Feng had no intention of cutting leeks on the house, and due to the restriction of loyalty, which is happiness, he did not allow others to cut leeks.

Not only are there no opportunities for the banking and real estate industries, but some companies that focus on financial lending business, like A-Li, did not choose to settle here this time.

Still a little, no development opportunities.

All payment business, insurance business, loan business and other financial businesses are completely managed by city-state enterprises affiliated to the city government, and there is no chance for them to develop A-Li.

Naturally, there is no room for settlement.


"Xingchen's actions will only lead to further resistance from the entire industry. In the end... they will only reap the consequences."

But when he thought of the slogan proposed by Xingchen, Chairman Ma's heart started to bleed.

Thousands of stars, hundreds of millions of satellite cities.

This is such a huge market. The key point is that according to the current development of Xingchen, these people are all people with purchasing power, but he can only watch from the sidelines.

To be honest, he was unwilling to do so.

Not only was he unwilling, but no one in the entire conference room was willing.

"Chairman, are we just going to watch this!!"

"Yes, Chairman."

Everyone said unwillingly: "Currently, Longwei, Txun, Dami, Byte, JDong... they have all settled in. Can we let the Taobao department and others go in first..."


"There's no need to expend energy."

Then, Chairman Ma said meaningfully:

"I have received reliable news that within five years at most, the emperors will appear, the kind that can freely display their strength."

"When the time comes the stars..."


"Their good days won't last long!!"

As for the potion of destiny, etc., as the president of the first chamber of commerce in Qindu, he still has the ability to get it.

So what about everyone else?

In the eyes of capitalists, there is so much to consider.

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