The World of Evil God game

Chapter 140 The Witch’s Winner

While the two were chatting, their duel disks responded!

Following the announcement from the duel plate, they learned that the top battle between the witches in the three districts was almost over!

At the same time, the forum also updated information about the three urban areas. In the game section, many people posted that they were at the scene, but they were unable to see clearly due to the interference of the illusion created by imagination magic. what happened.

But it doesn't matter, because they are already squatting on nearby roofs, windows, and manhole covers. As soon as this fantasy street is lifted, they will be able to get first-hand information immediately!

Of course, there are also many local players from the three urban areas.

In addition to watching the excitement, their only intention is to take advantage of the situation!

The sewer manhole covers around Fantasy Street were all pushed up by people. The third-rate duelists' eyes remained motionless and they began to mutter. A troll player who was full of stench, as if he had been soaked in the sewer for many days, at this time With extremely red eyes, he was the first to overturn the manhole cover and stand on the ground!

There seemed to be a fire burning in his chest - it was the anger that he had accumulated for nearly a week!

"TMD, I'm going to expel all these witches! After they've beaten both sides, I'll force a duel. These guys are running around here, and I was brutally tortured on the first day, and then I hid in the sewers for five days. !”

"For five whole days, do you know how I got here!"

Troll players couldn't help but feel sad when they thought about their experiences in the past five days. Of course, besides him, there are many people hiding in the sewers. For a city with steam technology, the sewers are like another underground city.

Roaring sounds, gear sounds, dripping sounds, drainage sounds, dark and damp steel pipes, the occasional kung fu turtles and rats, and a gathering place for thieves, gangsters and liars. The card guys originally only planned to temporarily stay in the sewers. He was trying to escape the pursuit of the witches, but he didn't expect that he would still be involved in the battle after running into the sewers!

So they liberated the people who were controlled by gangsters and swindlers, and then brought a large number of criminals to justice. Then they investigated the turtles and rats that appeared in the sewers and found that they were some people who had never beaten people. New mutated species discovered.

After five days of rectification and fighting by the card guys, there are no longer any strange things in the sewers of the third urban area. Of course, there is no telling whether there will be again in the future.

I competed for six days. I was brutally beaten on the first day, and spent the next five days as a volunteer.

Bang bang bang! As the manhole covers continued to be lifted, more and more poker players climbed up from the sewer, while the poker players on the roof dropped ropes downwards, and the poker players on the windowsill had already arranged handsome They stood on the guardrail of the window sill, and there were some haystacks placed directly under the house where they lived.

Fantasy Street began to fluctuate once, and this time the fluctuation was very violent!

People began to hear the shouts coming from inside, and the curtains around the real world began to twist and sway, and several witches had faintly appeared!

"Attention everyone! The witches are coming out! No matter who the winner is, we must do our best to send them all to the hospital!"

"Of course it would be great if they send each other to the hospital themselves!"

Someone yelled on the rooftop, and the originally solemn atmosphere here was suddenly ignited! The card guys yelled something like, "I bet my deck on the new week," "People feel pain when they are hit," "I bet they can't print cards in their heads," "I'll kill the witch." "Champion" and other words with unclear meaning, and then concentrated on waiting from all directions for the moment when the illusion magic is lifted!

Finally, after the second violent fluctuation, the Street of Illusions began to shatter, just like cracks in a mirror appearing in the void. This stage was specially built for the old witch Louise. After fighting for three days and three nights, , finally completed its mission and exploded to pieces!

"Come out! I saw it, it's the old witch Louise!"

In the "Fist of the Gods" competition, many people paid attention to Louise, the witch. Although she existed as an off-site aid, because the death brother's victory was inseparable from her, she was very Soon her various names spread through many unknown channels!

At this time, Phantom Street was shattered, and Louise stood in the middle of the street. Her canvas raincoat was covered in scars, and the number representing health on the duel plate in her left hand was 0!

Forty whiteboard cards were scattered on the ground, and opposite her were several witches lying upside down. Cards were also scattered all over the street!

"It's a lose-lose situation! The Witch Alliance didn't achieve the goal of winning on Saturday and going home to watch the anime, but Louis also lost!"

The players rushed over excitedly. However, their footsteps were fast at first, but gradually slowed down. Finally, they all stopped in disbelief around the Street of Illusions!

Louis moved!

"TMD, I was almost killed by you. Fortunately, I'm superior in skills! Damn You Lian, you delayed me for so long, and then you all followed suit, right? Fortunately, I'm superior in skills, otherwise I would have been killed by you guys. Beaten to death."

At this time, everyone saw that there was actually a trap card left on Lewis's field!

"No, it can't be like this! Her health points have returned to zero, why hasn't she been sentenced to lose yet!"

"Damn Sister Lai, what kind of dog card did this guy print again! Do you have to default on your debt even if you lose the battle? You don't want this kind of thing!"

"No, there's another monster, and their game isn't over yet!"

The trap card [Soul Relay] left on the field (animated version)!

It can only be activated when your health reaches 0. Special summon 1 monster from your hand. Your defeat condition becomes that the monster specially summoned by this effect is destroyed!

So even if her life reaches zero and her card library is drained, Louise will still not lose because she still has a monster on the field!

"Hahaha, I won! [Destruction Wheel] + [Soul Relay], still can't kill you? Your illusion magic has been lifted, please go to the hospital!"

"And my [Rocket Warrior] will not be destroyed by battle, and if I fight with this card, the battle damage to myself will become 0! Of course, my life has already returned to zero, so this effect doesn't matter! Anyway, your field There are no monsters left, and you will die next round!”

Louise had fallen into a daze. She gave all her wisdom to her imagination, retrieved this card at the last moment and activated it!

As for why they didn’t print Exodia, the kind where one card is worth five cards, it’s because Louis’ imagination is not enough.

After she was dragged by You Lian for a long time, although You Lian won the card game, You Lian herself also reached the limit of her imagination. After giving the last thumbs up, the Witch of Destiny fell into a coma. The ground fell unconscious.

Once You Lian fell down, the rest became easy.

Because as soon as the duel starts, five cards must be drawn, so Louis used all the remaining imagination on the printed cards, starting with five Exodia!

You Lian was able to stop himself because he had less than 5 cards in his hand at that time, but now he has five corpse pieces in his hand! This power, how powerful this power is, who else in the world can stop it! Damn, who else in these three urban areas can stop me!

It is precisely because of this that when Louis and Anne dueled, their imagination was no longer enough to print a complete Exodia, and such a powerful card finally drained Louis of his power.

But Louis doesn't care!

Even if he loses Exodia and cannot activate the Magic Bell Cave, he will still be invincible in the third urban area!

Annie was lying on the ground with an expression of disbelief: "You guy, there is only one cover card on the field, how come it suddenly becomes two chapters? Where did you get this [Soul Relay] from?"

Louis: "This is my character skill - Loan! The effect is that you can insert a cover card on the spot and activate it immediately! Of course, this is nonsense on my part. It is actually imagining magic and imagining my hand cards on the field. This is very useful to me. It takes less imagination!”

"This is my last Gaika!"

Louis: "Annie, you are still too young. The so-called victory can only be obtained by any means necessary! If you are not convinced, you can also use character skills. Unfortunately, as a flame witch, you have such a weak flame. Duel cards that are derivatives of magical items cannot be burned!"

"Rules are for the weak!"

"As long as I defeat you, all the points in your Witch Alliance will belong to me! I am the king of the three districts!"

Annie pounded the ground angrily: "You are indeed the legendary witch. We always thought you were approaching the limit of your imagination, but we didn't expect you could still dream up something more."

"You are simply a saint of the fictional god."

Louis also had dark circles in his eyes. He pointed at Anne and said, "Imagination is like water in a sponge. If you squeeze it, there will always be some."

"Okay, have you finished your defeat speech? If so, end the round quickly."

Annie looked at the card in her hand and her eyes became firm.

"Senior Lewis, actually you have fallen into our trap. Although you have lost to You Lian once before, the alliance composed of twenty witches is unbreakable. We are one and the same. When you lost to You Lian , the outcome is already decided.”

Louise was stunned for a moment, her imagination was lacking now, and she didn’t know what it meant: “What are you talking about?”

Annie: "What I mean is that the duel disk I used is not mine."

"Hey, guess who is fighting you?"

Although Annie was lying on the ground with her left hand stretched out forward, she was obviously in a deflated state, but at this time she showed an inexplicable sense of confidence!

Louise was stunned in place, she couldn't get around the corner, she only had all kinds of cards in her mind, and she didn't know what to do for a moment!

"No. The duel disk is not yours. But this is your venue. It's okay to use someone else's duel disk. Isn't it the same as you fighting me?"

The corner of Annie's mouth suddenly tilted!

"Then just keep an eye on it!"

"I cover a card! The round is over." Anne declared the end of the round, and Louis laughed wildly in victory, but when she just shouted "My turn draws cards", Anne immediately interrupted :

"I learned this from you. This is the last round! Activate the trap card [Final Battle!]!"

A trap card was opened. The picture on it was of a red-haired muscular man strangling a multi-headed snake. His expression was ferocious and angry, as if he was saying "I'll strangle you, you useless thing"!

Annie lay on the ground and began to tell:

"When your own base points are below 1000, you can only activate it during your opponent's turn.

"Choose 1 monster on your field, and send all the cards on both sides' fields and hands to the graveyard! After that, the opponent selects 1 monster from the deck, special summons it in attack position, and fights!"

"The player who still has monsters on the field at the end of the round wins the duel. In other cases, it is a draw!"

Lewis was stunned for a moment: "Choose one of your own monsters and you have nothing on the field!"

Annie: "The venue you see is not my venue, but 'our' venue!"

"You are dueling with several people at the same time. We are on the same page. Come back - [Female Warrior of Another Dimension]!"

"Okay, because we used illusion magic, the female warrior from another dimension actually always occupies a monster pit. As for why you can't see her, it's because she is in another dimension!"

"Come on, choose your monster and fight!"

In fact, it is useless no matter what monster you choose. When [Female Warrior of Another Dimension] fights an opponent's monster, you can remove the opponent's monster and this card from the game!

When the exclusion event occurs, the effect of [Final Battle] is also activated at the same time. Both sides lose monsters on the field, and the battle ends in a draw!

The aftermath of the huge imaginary magic collided with each other at this time, and the huge impact airflow made all the card players in the entire Fantasy Street fly up!

And when he fell, Louis finally understood what Anne said.

The person he was fighting was another person, and Annie was just a human-shaped blood bag used to deduct blood. They overlapped the field, and the invisible witch was his real opponent in this game of cards!

Assassin witch Vali!

Not only that, because the venues are overlapping, the two real and fake venues overlap each other, so they can avoid the triggering of the power of hope. If the medal of hope is with him, then he will definitely not lose this game!

"But, this ending is hehehehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

With the shouting, Louis' imagination was exhausted. This time the situation was even worse than the last time he participated in "Fist of the Gods". The battle of imagination between the witches came to an end, and Louis, Anne, and The invisible assassin witch Vali made strange sound effects on the three duel disks at the same time, announcing that their points had elapsed.

It is obviously a draw, and the points should not increase or decrease, but as Anne said, the witches are an alliance, using imagination magic to link each other to become a fuzzy whole, and in this game of twenty vs one In the game, only one witch from the Witch Alliance won the battle with Louis!

That is the fate witch You Lian who is already hospitalized!

"No! My points." Before Louis was on the verge of unconsciousness, he saw that the points on his duel plate were passing by violently, as if his bank account had been hacked and was automatically transferring money to a fraudster.

At this time, she also saw the assassin witch Vali, a witch who often did assassinations. In fact, she had been lying on the ground like Annie for a long time, but this guy used his last strength to crawl to her side and said to herself Whisper:

"How many points have you won over us, we're going to make you spit them all out."

"It's impossible to default on your debt! Let me tell you, in fact, one of the tasks I often do for clients is to collect debts."

Louise's eyes widened, she was anxious and frightened, and then her brain twitched and she completely fainted and didn't know anything.

At this time, the Witch of Destiny, who was in the hospital, suddenly received a huge amount of points transfer!

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