Sunjiacun no longer has its former vitality and has become desolate and dilapidated!

Part of the originally neat igloo collapsed, and the rest was almost covered in snow, with only the eaves exposed!

Ironically, the igloos that the villagers of Sunjia Village have always relied on for survival were built by Zhou Qian!

"help me!"

A weak cry for help came from under the snow!

Zhang Xiucai knelt down and saw that only one villager's head was exposed, and the rest of his body was buried under the snow!

"Please, help me out, I have no strength!"

The villagers had never known Zhang Xiucai and thought he was a passerby who came to check on the situation!

Because his line of sight was blocked, he didn’t see Li Mo standing next to him!

"save you?"

Zhang Xiucai tilted his head as if thinking!

"Yes, the old man often said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!"

"Good people are rewarded...ahhh!"

Before the trapped villager could finish speaking, the main artery in his neck was bitten!

All this happened so suddenly!

The villagers only had time to let out a rapid scream, and then there was no more sound!

"Good people are rewarded, do you believe it?"

Zhang Xiucai stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a disdainful tone.

Li Mo stood nearby, looking at everything with indifferent eyes!

"Why do I feel like our team is a bit like villains?"

"Ah? Isn't it?"

Zhang Xiucai was stunned when he heard this and asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter. There will be no good results for Our Lady, and there's no point in building a pagoda! Let the villain be the villain!"

Li Mo, who had gone through nine years of compulsory education, subconsciously felt something was wrong when he saw his companion Zhang Xiucai sucking human blood!

Then he woke up,

Times have changed!

Besides, I am actually not a good person, so there is no need to restrict others too much in this regard!

Isn’t that a double standard!

Next, Zhang Xiucai was rude!

When he saw the villager who was still alive, he decisively took his life!

Most of them are already on their last legs and may die at any time!

"You beasts, you will die a good death!"

Some villagers saw Zhang Xiucai's behavior, and after being frightened and begging for mercy to no avail, they yelled angrily at the top of their lungs!

It's not that he doesn't want to escape, he has no chance to escape!

"Hey hey hey, do you think I'll be angry?"

Zhang Xiucai was full of energy at this time, feeling that his whole body was warm and full of strength!

"You! You! You monster, demon! Even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go!!!"

Zhang Xiucai tilted his head and thought, and said, "Which is more powerful, ghosts or demons?"

The villager was stunned for a moment, and then fell into despair!

He realized that even if he died and turned into a ghost, he would most likely be unable to do anything to the stranger in front of him!

These people who suddenly awakened their superpowers after the extremely cold apocalypse are even scarier than the ghosts in the ghost stories told by the old man!

Zhang Xiucai shook his head, stopped talking nonsense, and directly thrust his hand into the villager's throat!

Zhang Xiucai's physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people!

Then just with your hands, you can easily pierce people's skin and become a deadly weapon!


The villagers' eyes widened, as if they were about to bulge out of their sockets!

In the end, the head hung down helplessly, with eyes open to death!

There are no living people in Sunjia Village, it’s like a ghost village covered in ice and snow!

"They could have done well!"

Li Mo stepped forward and couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

When I first met Sunjia Village, it was really a prosperous scene, and there was no despair at all after the apocalypse!

And all of this is obviously the result of Zhou Qian, the village chief!

Li Mo felt pity for all the injustices Zhou Qian had experienced before!

Finally, Li Mo stopped outside Zhou Qian's igloo and looked at the huge ice block that was integrated with the igloo and expanded several meters!

In the ice, Sunjia Village and the rescued refugees, with frightened and desperate eyes, crowded together, hugging each other for warmth!

The ice and snow powers solidify their expressions, like a lifelike statue of the apocalypse!

"Damn it!"

Zhang Xiucai's eyes were bloodshot and he punched a huge ice cube!

But only some broken ice cubes were knocked down!

In the center of the igloo, Zhou Qian had her eyes closed and her face was peaceful, as if she was asleep!

Only then did Li Mo notice that Zhou Qian's whole person had undergone tremendous changes!

The short hair that was originally ear-length has now grown so much that it has gone past the waist and over the hips!

The color is not the normal black, but an icy blue that is absolutely impossible to appear on a human body!

Not only that, her skin has a strange texture, like a goddess made of ice and snow!

Li Mo's eyes moved: "Maybe, there is still room for redemption!"

After the end of the world, the world has undergone great changes, and many things cannot be explained by scientific principles!

Even superpowers have appeared, what else is impossible?

What's more, Zhou Qian was originally a stranger who absorbed the energy of the God's fragment!

"Xiucai, go bring the excavator over and break the ice!"

Zhang Xiucai also saw Zhou Qian's abnormality, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart!

"Yes, boss!"

Li Mo stood there, put aside his extremely complicated thoughts, took out the tools from the dimensional space, and started to break the ice!

First, he used an electric drill, and the broken ice shards flew everywhere!

Then Li Mo discovered that this efficiency was really low!

In a low-temperature environment, ice cubes are too hard and difficult to break!

Unless, use high temperature to melt the ice cubes!

Li Mo decisively gave up the electric drill and took out the flamethrower!

Sure enough, the huge ice cube started to melt!

The melted water flows to the ground and quickly freezes again!

When Li Mo advanced one meter, he suddenly found that there were ice blocks behind him, and he was almost trapped in it!

"Damn, it's so weird, it melts and freezes at the same time!"

Fortunately, at this time Zhang Xiucai drove over with an excavator!

"Be careful not to hurt Zhou Qian inside!"

"Okay, no problem!"

Zhang Xiucai agreed and began to control the excavator to break the ice!

The efficiency of the large machinery is indeed extremely high, many times faster than Li Mo holding an electric drill!

After a while, this huge ice block with a diameter of nearly 20 meters was split apart!

"Okay, now we have to touch Zhou Qian. Let's do it ourselves so as not to hurt her!"

As for the other people who were frozen in the igloo, they had long been violently damaged by the excavator!

Among the ice cubes scattered on the ground, some were solidified with human heads, some were calves, etc. It was impossible to piece together a complete human shape!

Li Mo carefully removed the ice cubes around Zhou Qian, for fear of hurting her at all!

"Zhou Qian! Zhou Qian! Zhou Qian!"

Zhou Qian's body was cold, without any warmth that a living person should have!

Li Mo's heart suddenly sank to the bottom!

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