The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 646 ?? Authority

A man in a white sacrificial robe walked out of the Basilica of the Holy Light in Beau, passed through the Campo de' Fiori, passed the Hall of the Holy Light and the Martyrs, the Hall of St. Louis, the Temple of La Ansi Wang, and finally came to the Pope's Hall.

This is where the Popes of all ages worked.

Many deeds that can leave thick ink in history start from here.

An old man with silver hair combed smooth and shiny, wearing a white gauze gown, with an unspeakable smile, covered with age spots, and full of signs of time, sat on a recliner, looking up at the murals above the Pope's Hall .

That was the religious mural that the fourth generation Pope invited the most famous artist of the year and a well-known artist in history to paint for the Pope's Hall.

The mural on the ceiling of the hall that the old man saw was the mythical scene depicting how the Lord of Holy Light created the first human being.

The old man watched very intently, his eyes were cloudy, and he looked like an ordinary person.

But from the eyes of the man in the white sacrificial robe, he could see that endless holy light poured out from the old man in places invisible to ordinary people's naked eyes, and the holy aura radiated from him and spread to the eyes. The location it reaches, echoes with every Holy See in the country where the Pope's Hall is located, forming a beam of light penetrating the sky.

Under this sacred beam of light, all forces that do not belong to the domain of the holy light will be repelled and destroyed, it is so domineering.

Countless, winged angels and holy spirits fluttered up and down the beam of light, worshiping the old man, and kept saying holy words.

"Good day, His Highness Saint Avignon, the representative of the Lord in the world." The man in the white sacrificial robe said lightly.

"Good day, the Punisher who was born by the Lord!" The old man seemed to be getting old and didn't realize it. After a pause, he moved his eyes and turned to the man in the white sacrificial robe.

From the cloudy eyes of the pope, he saw countless saints covering the young man in front of him.

The man in the white sacrificial robe stood quietly aside after saying hello.

The old man who looked like an ordinary person, not like a representative of the Holy Light Lord who overwhelmed the entire continent, just smiled gently at this, and then took the initiative to open the topic.

"I heard from the church attendant that you have been more interested in those false gods in ancient times recently."

"Yes, Your Highness Saint Avigne." The man in the white sacrificial robe replied calmly.

This knowledge, which is enough to be transferred to the Inquisition ten times outside, is just a trivial interest of someone here, under the holy light shrouded in the Pope's hall.

"A real god is sublime, supreme, pure, and transcendent."

"The false gods are just a group of power lunatics wearing the skin of gods. They are jealous, greedy, lustful, angry, selfish, and do everything..."

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Suddenly the pope read the verse,

"Fast-footed Iris obeyed, rushing down the ridge of Ida to holy Irion.

Like flakes of snow or cold hail on the clouds, with cold currents from the north wind fed by the sky,

The fast-moving Iris rushed forward impatiently, came to the famous God of Earth Splitter, stood still, and said, "Black-haired God of the Earth, I have a message for you, please take Eji The order of Zeus, who is here, has come here to tell you.

He bids you escape from battle and slaughter, and return to the tribe of God, or dive into the shining sea.

He threatens that if you don't obey the order, or ignore it, He will fight you himself, a contest of force against force.

But he warns you not to provoke him by claiming that he is far stronger and older than you.

Even so, deep down in your heart, you always think that you can sit on an equal footing with Him, even though all other gods cringe in fear in front of Him. "

This verse is very familiar to the man in the white sacrificial robe. It is a chapter in the forbidden book he was reading recently - "God Wars".

It is about the war of false gods in ancient times. Zeus, who is known as the king of the gods, threatened his brother, Poseidon, the god who is in charge of oceans, storms, earthquakes, horses and other authority, forbids Poseidon to continue Involved in the plot of the war.

Poseidon is a powerful god, but under Zeus' despotic power, he still chose to compromise and give in.

Even if you are a god, you will inevitably struggle.

After listening to the verses read by the Pope, the man in white sacrificial robes, known as the Slayer of Heaven, was silent for a long time before saying expressionlessly, "I understand what you mean, Your Majesty."

His Royal Highness Pope St. Avignon suddenly showed a gentle smile on his old face, like a holy light.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

In front of the decadent blue fox, William didn't give a shit, the initiative was in his hands, and both the magic mirror and him could tell whether the blue fox continued to lie, so he asked directly.

"Is this golden horse the blood of the ancient sea god Poseidon?"

"How do you know? You even know?" The blue fox was stunned by William's words. The fox's mouth opened wide. After taking a look at the calm William, the blue fox's eyes became depressed again. , "So you know everything!"

"So you know everything!" There was a strong sense of bitterness in the eyes of the blue fox.

"What exactly do you want?"

William ignored the blue fox's questioning, but said, "But it's not right!"

"What's wrong?" The blue fox was a little confused.

"Since it is a descendant of Poseidon, the god of the sea, why does the authority displayed by this golden horse have nothing to do with the ocean or water elements?"

Hearing what William said, the blue fox's ears immediately stood up.

Authority is the information that the blue fox accidentally heard from the mouth of the mysterious wizard who cast a curse on him.

This is news that can only be known to a certain class.

Even "he", because of his special blood, only understood after hearing a few more words from the mysterious wizard.

But "he" didn't expect that William also knew the news.

"What power of authority?" The blue fox looked at the honest golden horse and asked.

"The power of authority related to the earth is different from what I understand." William said softly.

In fact, the sea god Poseidon is not a descendant without authority over the earth.

The Aetna giant is.

But the Antai giant is the descendant of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and his grandmother, Gaia, the mother of the earth.

Gedi is the mother of the earth, the original god who was in charge of the authority of the earth at first, and his descendants are in charge of the authority of the earth. William thinks it is normal.

But the Golden Horse is different.

The golden horse was born after the Trojan horse of the fisherman's family ate the meat of the mermaid, a descendant of the sea god. It stands to reason that without crossbreeding, it would not have too much difference in power.

"Who told you that Poseidon, the god of the sea, has no authority over the earth! He is not only the god of the sea, but also the lord of storms, the lord of horses, and the well-known god of cracking the earth, the god of earthquakes. Authority, the authority of the great Poseidon to split the earth is not inferior to the authority of the sea." The blue fox's words, like a lightning bolt, flashed across the night sky in William's mind.

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