The Witcher Loads the Thriller Game

One hundred and thirty, Wang Ya's true strength

The latest website: The maze passage can't stop the Shoggoth's progress in the slightest.

That indeterminate body is faster than the crawling speed of snakes.

As the imprint of reality itself, the Shoggoth, who swallowed the imprint of the future, can even sense the location of the last imprint.

But maybe even Shoggoth himself didn't notice that there were some double shadows on the originally dark and shiny body inlaid with many green eyeballs,

It was a light blue phantom looming, a distorted face that seemed to have merged with Shoggoth.

When Shoggoth rushed out of the maze and came to the left and right paths.

It rushed directly into the road on the left, and seemed to have established a certain existence.


When the Shoggoth arrived here, his body had completely spread out, becoming a pool of hideous twisted bodies within a range of more than ten meters.

Like a variety of asphalt-colored amoebas mixed together, implicated by various organizations, they grew sharp green eyes.

The tentacles of the mouthparts made piercing and frightening sounds.

"tekeli-li! tekeli-li!"

However, at this moment, a figure slowly walked out of the library.

With a black robe, a weird crow mask, a silver ring on his finger, and a pair of eyes full of mystery and wisdom, he looks at the existence of Shoggoth indifferently.

Although, Wang Ya had already expected it.

Wang Ya wanted to understand a lot of things after getting relevant information from the ancients.

But when I saw Shoggoth for the first time, I was still shocked by such a form.

This is a creature that challenges the limits of physiology, and no intelligent life can treat it normally.

It's not just the appearance, but the madness and mental stimulation that emanates all the time, which aggravates this even more.

It is also Wang Ya who has the mental power resistance of an official wizard level,

In addition, the mental power has been raised to ninety points.

Only then can we face such terrifying race creatures normally.

Very strong!

Judging from the breath emitted.

Wang Ya's eyes narrowed, at least at the level of an apprentice wizard.

No, it should have reached the stage of a formal wizard.


As the imprint itself of the present, plus the imprint of the future swallowed, plus the racial potential of Shoggoth.

It is conceivable how terrifying these things add up to.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth under the mask.

This is exactly what he expected...

The mark of Harak in the deep sea can't wait to devour the opponent.

In the same way, Shoggoth is almost full of greedy desire to devour Wang Ya.

Almost at the same time, the huge figure rushed towards Wang Ya.

Like sea water covering, the waves weigh down.

Under the mobilization of this huge body, there is really some momentum in it...

Wang Ya didn't have the slightest reservation.

The fire elemental energy particle shield witchcraft is used in the first place.

A layer of red halo formed faint ripples around Wang Ya's body, isolating everything from the outside world.

During this time, Shoggoth's body had completely wrapped Wang Ya together.

Tried to crush it to death.

Dazzling flames shone from inside, carrying violent elemental energy particles, which exploded instantly.

A large number of Shoggoth biological tissues were blown apart.

Wang Ya's figure disappeared from it, and then appeared in another place.

The speed was extremely fast, and scorched black marks appeared under his feet.

The explosion of witchcraft fire source has also started, and the physical function has been greatly improved.

The rules of this world are somewhat different from those of the wizarding world.

The performance of witchcraft was somewhat affected. Although Wang Ya adjusted it a bit, the power of witchcraft dropped by at least 50%.

Instead, physical abilities are not affected.

Shoggoth quickly healed, repaired, and changed his form, rushing towards Wang Ya.

This time, it took the shape of a huge worm and opened its mouth wide enough to swallow a car.

In Wang Ya's eyes, he watched the shoggoth approaching calmly.

The next moment, he raised his right hand slightly, tapped with one finger, and then read softly:

"Fire Sun Star!"

A little light appeared on the fingertips, and with the gathering and participation of a large number of energy particles, the light became bigger and brighter.

Until it shines brightly, a huge group of flame nebula exuding light is formed.

Exploding suddenly.

Endless light and heat vented to Shoggoth head-on.

Light is everywhere, shining, cathartic, flooding...  

Shoggoth's body is being dissolved by the explosion and temperature of the ultra-high energy particles, which has caused damage to itself.

However, when the energy vents and erupts, it constantly rolls, retracts, and transforms the shape of the body.

It actually relied on self-healing and physical changes to minimize the impact of damage.

When the light gradually disappears, everything in the field emerges.

A large area of ​​scorched black ground and the detection arch were melted, forming amazing potholes, large surface-based crystals.

In the center of the pit, the body of the Shoggoth directly became a ball and curled up together.

The next moment it unfolded again, spreading towards Wang Ya,

Except for a little loss of overall quality, there is no sign of any injuries.

Wang Yadu squinted his eyes, it was an amazing life form, really interesting.

But this made Wang Ya even more eager, making Shoggoth his own collection.

"tekeli-li! tekeli-li!"

The overlapping voices emerged, but this time the meaning was even more angry.

Wang Ya said calmly: "Do you think I can use this method a few more times."


The shoggoths changed form again, this time they did not come together.

Instead, it spread incomparably, becoming a relatively scattered mouthpart tentacles, and the green light eyes were fixed on Wang Ya's body.

Wang Ya's eyes were slightly in a trance, and he was actually mentally affected.

Fear arises from within.

Shoggoth's mouthparts and tentacles shot towards Wang Ya, carrying rotten germs.

Wang Ya seemed to have been greatly affected, his pupils dilated, and there was no reaction.

Just when those tentacles were about to touch Wang Ya.

Several fires suddenly appeared in front of him.

The fire erupted and grew suddenly, trapping and entwining those tentacles together.

The long whip of flames is very extraordinary, and the lines of flames began to burn those tentacles and mouthparts.

The shoggoth suffered terribly.

Although it can change its shape, pain will still occur and be endured.

After all, it is only the transformation and transformation of the cells.

Still in the biological category.

And now being bound by the flame whip, it lost the possibility of reducing damage.

Those tentacles gradually began to melt, and the cells were completely necrotic.

It became scorched black all over the place.

The Shoggoth was severely injured, losing at least one-third of his body mass.

These require him to replenish a large amount of biological energy in order to recover.

But obviously, he has no such opportunity now.

A drop of sweat dripped from Wang Ya's forehead, showing his exhaustion.

Slowly walked towards Shoggoth.

The Shoggoth still exists, and it should be said that it still has a certain fighting power.

But compared with the complete one, there is still a big gap,

I also met an existence like Wang Ya with energy damage,

If it is physical damage, it will be killed by Shugsk.

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