The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 370: infinite altitude

The angel began to sing in a secret script. The singing was melodious and mesmerizing. The aria was high-pitched, like a foreshadowing of a miracle, and like a foreshadowing of the end. Such a large-scale anti-city miracle is enough to trigger a catastrophe, and all citizens are inevitably caught in it.

When Xu Yang heard this song, there was also a trace of worry in his heart, like an invisible hand opening the magic box in his heart, his first thought was to repent, to reflect on his past mistakes.

In the past 28 years, what is the biggest mistake you have done?

Xu Yang had no idea about this.

Looking at what he has done in the past, Xu Yang is not without blemish, but it can be said that he has a clear conscience. He vaguely remembered what serious wrong he had done, but he forgot everything, just like a thorn in his heart, awakened by the angel's song.

In order to prevent the young witches from being infected by the sound, Xu Yang started the protective measures of the Shijin Building, and lowered explosion-proof soundproof wall panels on each floor to prevent the strange singing from continuing to penetrate into the building and confuse people.

With the sound of the rails, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office were also covered with a black veil for sound insulation, and the giant golden shadow in the direction of the port was no longer dazzling. But when Xu Yang turned his eyes, there were still phantoms flickering in his heart, as if he was being judged all the time.

The situation in the Shijin Building was so bad, Xu Yang also understood how strongly this incident would have an impact on the entire Anjiu City.

"I told the citizens not to look outside," Lila said.

"People have a rebellious mentality," Xu Yang said. "The more I advise everyone not to care, the more everyone wants to know what happened at the port."

"Then how can we divert people's attention?" Lila was puzzled. "In an hour, the whole city will worship that angel phantom and lose themselves."

"Only another major event can suppress one major event." Xu Yang pondered, "If it can overshadow the limelight of the angel, or kill it directly."

"Then, let's get into combat readiness." Lila was ready to let the troops attack at any time.

"No need." Farosa said suddenly, her eyes blinked quickly, and she seemed to regret what she said again, "..."

"What?" Xu Yang asked.

"A guess." Farosa pondered, she stretched out her hand, a dark blue streamer bloomed from the palm of her hand, and a little white light lit up from it. This was her pure spiritual power. "The ancient queens were like officials in charge of the stars."

Under her guidance, the divine power gathered and formed into a powerful divine sword.

"Star rider." Xu Yang knew that this was Farosa's self-forged weapon.

"The divine power of the witch gods of all dynasties can also be used to communicate with the stars." Farosa lifted the star rider up, almost feeling that the sword was commanding and ruling extraterrestrial existence, "It's called 'Star rider' There is a reason."

"you mean……"

"If I can create miracles, I can do it, too," Farosa said.

Xu Yang's heart moved.

"An astronomical wonder?"

"The neon cloak and the star rider are the treasures I got through the ceremony. I will use the star rider to summon a star shower that is rare in a century." Farosa pointed the magic sword to the sky, "but according to ancient books, indoors It can't be done. Xu Yang, I want you to take me to a high altitude, as high as possible."

"I'm going to prepare the shuttle." Xu Yang went to the hangar of the Shijin Building to find the new number.

Only Farosa and Lila were left in the meeting room.

Farosa gave Lila a meaningful look.

"I know that Xu Yang is your master," Farosa said, "then who do you think you are from Xu Yang?"

"I just want to be my master's slave," Lila said earnestly, "but my master treats me as his important woman, and I am grateful for that."

"Sad." Farosa sneered.

"Lila is happy with everything about her master, so Lila will be happy forever," she said. "You won't understand this, and this is the source of all your pain."

"...Dead robot, run the housework here." Farosa turned around quickly and walked away quickly, "So you will never have the same achievements as me, you are an animal."

Lila is indeed more happier than Farosa, because she is happy as long as she sees Xu Yang, no matter what happens in the world, the master is her deepest and even only concern. At this moment, Lila can't help but start to analyze the last insurance measures, if there is an accident, whether she will take her master away and protect her in a top-secret facility for the rest of her life...

Communications from all over the city interrupt Lila's analysis.

As the chant of the port resounded throughout the city, alarms, inquiries and inquiries were sent like snowflakes. Hundreds of emails were instantly received in her mailbox, and various companies in the city sent strongly worded documents, asking Nisto to solve the current situation. , the number of e-mails is still expanding, including many private inquiries.

A giant angel suddenly appeared, the sword of flame released bright light, the sacred chant covered the whole city, and the almost apocalypse-like scene broke the silence of the night.

From the splendid central commercial building to the barren and dark edge of the woodland, people have noticed the strong vision that happened at this time, woke up from their dreams, and had to turn their attention to the port.

Everyone hopes that Nisto can give an official answer to clear their doubts, especially Nobuhiko Ohara, the mayor of Anku City, who is eager to know what happened in the port.

All the pressure was on Lila.

Thinking of what Lu Sizhou had said before, Lila really wanted to be as ruthless as her, so she simply replied with "no comment", but that couldn't be the case. Nisto Co., Ltd. is the second party and should be responsible for the safety and health of the residents of Anjiu City, as well as the mayor. The large security contract provided is responsible for keeping the city of 6 million people running smoothly.

"Mysterious cult activity was discovered in the port area, and the cult is currently being cleared and destroyed." Lila temporarily responded with such words.

Mysterious events continue to occur around the world, and one ancient entity after another has awakened, so such claims can work, allowing people to attribute the status quo to various historical legends.

Another wrestling between technology and mystery, many people think of this, gradually understand the status quo, and get through the initial chaos.

People in the neutral line can't help but take this opportunity to observe the hard power of Nisto.


"There is such a thing!"

"The four wings..."

"God has come."

"I hope it will be resolved soon..." Citizens connected to the Internet for the first time, and most people used social media to understand real-time hot searches and dynamic trends. The miracle of the port is described as a mystical grace that seeks to attract attention. The news spread like wildfire, and soon not only Anjiu City, but half of the archipelago already knew about it.

The crisis must be resolved quickly and forcefully. Lila secretly said. Whatever astronomical spectacle Farosa is going to cause, it must be large enough to outshine the angels. Farosa can restore the wounds of the body, but there is no way to erase people's memories. This kind of extraordinary existence should not enter the public eye at all. The other party showed up so viciously and directly, obviously to test Nisto Company and Farosa, to test their firepower.

At this time, a clue released by the company alliance was pushed to the hot search.

#3 Ways You Can Avoid Mysticism Cognitohazards#

"When you find an event in the real world that obviously violates the laws of physics, please follow the following 3-point instructions to minimize the irreversible damage to you and your family. Not only for witch runaways, but also for other supernatural phenomena.

①Check the security service you have purchased, call for assistance, and believe that the security contractor in your city/region will quickly solve the problem and follow the official guidance issued by the company.

②Stay in a reliable building and lock yourself in the room for at least 24 hours until the external changes disappear.

③ After the incident, receive medical treatment at a psychological testing institution authorized and certified by the company alliance [click here to view the list]”

Seeing the instructions issued by the company alliance, Lila took it on the record. She is older and remembers that the company alliance was once in full swing.

The company alliance has been fighting against the mysterious side forces for hundreds of years. In the past, people united as one, assembled under the universal banner of the corporate alliance, and used the world's fleets and soldiers to block supernatural forces with rich experience.

Even if the corporate alliance has lost ground and gave way to a monopoly formed by giant corporations and intercontinental capital, they still have rich experience and are willing to share their experience at such a time to reduce public concern.

Stay home, citizens...

Lila quickly commanded the Nisto Corps operations, asking them to immediately arrive at the tactical location and be ready to launch large-caliber gunpowder to fight against the giant angel illusion; and then let the soldiers of the Defence Force enter the street, set up cards at key intersections according to the emergency plan, and control the flow of crowds. Prevent people from going to the port area intentionally or unintentionally; at the same time, they urgently mobilize regular security personnel and ask them to prepare huge engineering Immediately start building fortifications. If the other party really wants to attack Anjiu City, Lila will also arm the city into a a fortress.

Each giant enterprise has also made their own preparations, but the head of the branch has low authority. When encountering relevant incidents, in addition to holding Lila accountable, they can only ask their superiors and slowly wait for approval.

During this period, the atmosphere in Anju City became tense and chilling.

Farosa... Lila secretly said. Her personality is so elusive, and now I can only hope that the great miracle she summons will take effect and divert the public's attention. Now the vast majority of people are awakened, staring at the angel of the port, and even worshipping it. Feelings, and constantly sending power to it, there are endless troubles.

At this moment, Lu Sizhou was on a silver shuttle, quickly heading towards Anjiu City.

She quickly replied to the Nisto company, because she was inextricably linked to the whole thing. She personally presided over the **** of the Haiyun, but was easily hijacked by an "angel", which Lu Sizhou must not accepted.

This took a huge toll on her prestige, and since the disappearance of the Haiyun, she has been trying to track it down until the ship finally showed up in Anjiu City. Even if the damage control unit has not yet arrived, Lu Sizhou must go there in person to observe the intelligence.

When the shuttle came to the position where the port could be seen from the visual distance, Lu Sizhou also saw the giant angel standing in the port, and couldn't help sighing, this terrifying existence is definitely not something that can be shaken by human power.

Nisto is just a regional micro-company with little achievements in the security business. How can it be able to resist such a terrifying monster?

When the angel raised the flaming sword high, the bright lights of the whole city dimmed, and it was absolutely impossible to compete with it.


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