The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 88 The Consequences of Freedom

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Xia Xuan returned to the palace in the underground secret magnetic levitation vehicle. After that, without any stop, he took the vehicle in the palace and drove directly to the central hall.

All the people along the way gave a salute to the black car with the special license plate, as long as they knew a little bit, they would know that this car was the special car of the emperor.

Everyone in the palace breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the car. The palace did not prohibit them from surfing the Internet, and everyone knew what was going on outside. They knew about the disappearance of the emperor earlier than anyone else, and they were more worried than anyone else. If His Majesty hadn't issued an order to keep quiet before disappearing, the Imperial Guards would have already notified the major military regions.

In the palace, from the guards down to the maids in charge of various sundries, everyone came from the [Royal Elite Educational Institution]. This royal elite educational institution is also known as the Royal Orphanage. Most of the people in the [Royal Elite Educational Institution] have received royal education since they were babies. In ancient times, these people were also called royal dead soldiers.

The dead man was either abandoned when he was young, or his parents died when he was young. Finally, there is another special kind that is that his parents have been pregnant for three months, but they are unwilling to raise the child. If his parents in other countries can choose to have an abortion, the child will be aborted.

But in a country like the Eastern Xia Empire, which attaches great importance to human life, the three-month-old fetus has initially developed and formed in the mother's womb. The Eastern Xia Empire will recognize the baby's life and be protected by the laws of the Eastern Xia Empire. Under normal circumstances, such as unauthorized abortion, will be convicted of homicide.

Of course, there are special circumstances, such as the forced crime of rape, the woman can choose to have an abortion and will not bear any legal responsibility.

There are also more special cases, such as the woman has a good impression of the criminal who raped her, and is willing to forgive him and give birth to the child (Stockholm Syndrome). In this case, the government will not prevent the woman from giving birth to the child, but the child born is destined not to see his father. In the laws of both countries, the sentences for rape of women are extremely severe. Dongxia: The crime of rape of women is punishable by a minimum of 80 years in prison and a maximum of death. Nanxia: The minimum sentence for the crime of rape is 75 years in prison, and the maximum sentence is death.

Faced with this situation, most of these parents went to the Royal Orphanage to apply for transfer of support. After signing the agreement, the Royal Orphanage will bear all the expenses of the baby before and after the birth.

Most of the orphans in the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic will be sent to the Royal Orphanage. Because it doesn't matter whether you are physically handicapped or mentally handicapped there. The Royal Orphanage will give you the best food, drink, housing and transportation, and the top education in the country. You don't need to pay anything, the royal family will pay to raise you.

However, the free ones are the most expensive. Most of the people raised by the royal orphanage since childhood will become the most loyal dead soldiers of the royal family. With the continuous progress of society, there are fewer and fewer orphans. The average number of orphans received by the Royal Orphanage every year is only 200.

Everyone thought that the number of orphans in the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic would decrease year by year until there were only a dozen orphans each year. However, what everyone didn't expect was that in 5370 of the Great Xia Calendar, a trend of sexual freedom from the West flooded into the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic.

At that time, this trend of thought did not break the law, so the governments of the two countries only focused on underage primary and middle school students to prevent them from being affected by this trend of thought. However, what people did not expect was that this trend of thought did not affect the immature elementary and middle school students, but instead affected the adult college students.

This trend of thought has been widely recognized among college students, and they have begun to believe in Western ways of communication. Resisting Daxia's traditional moral concepts, both men and women should hand over their Yuanyang (Yin) to each other, which is the greatest respect for the emotions of both parties.

So just like that, there are a lot of premarital sex among college students, and they don't take protective measures. Of course, they can't be blamed for not taking protective measures. Premarital sex is prohibited in Daxia's traditional moral values. In the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic, which were full of restraint and abstinence, the condom industry had no way out. So it also caused that these college students couldn't buy condoms at all.

After this trend of thought spread among college students, the government of the two countries also noticed this situation, but the government only called on them to love themselves, and did not come forward to force them to stop it. Because they are adults, they are fully responsible for their actions.

In the second year, because there was no government to stop them, most college students began to let themselves go and engage in premarital sex. However, this practice directly killed people.

Five months later, nearly 100,000 female college students in the two countries were found to be pregnant, and nearly 90% of them had been pregnant for more than three months, and the fetuses in their bodies had initially formed. In this situation, according to the law, this is already a life, and under normal circumstances, they are not qualified to abort the baby.

In this way, these college students who were still carnivaling some time ago suddenly entered a dilemma. As students, they had no stable financial income at all to give birth to this child and raise them. Then their remaining option is to send them to the Royal Orphanage and apply for custody transfer.

Because there are fewer and fewer orphans in recent years, the number of royal orphanages is also gradually decreasing. Suddenly nearly 10,000 babies came, making it impossible for the Royal Orphanage to accommodate them.

But fortunately, the emperor reacted quickly and summoned all the relatives of the emperor and the capitalists of the imperial party. In just two days, nearly 800 billion Xiayuan was raised, and all large nurseries in the two countries were quickly purchased and transformed into formal royal orphanages.

Then the royal family began to carry out standard elite education for these 100,000 babies, namely shaping the character, cultivating morality, becoming an adult, and becoming a talent. In order to cultivate these 100,000 babies into adults, the royal family has invested nearly 1.5 trillion Xia Yuan in the past 20 years. Only the 3,000-year-old royal family of the Xia family can afford such a huge amount of money.

Of course, the investment of the Xia family's royal family is not purely charity, from this incident. The Xia clan once again won the hearts and minds of all Daxia people. With this terrifying popularity, the Royal Party almost went sideways in front of the capitalists of the other two parties. At the same time, the emperor also took advantage of this opportunity to suppress some domestic companies with a tendency to monopolize and beat the capital behind them.

Just when all the capital thought that the benefits of the royal family's action were over, in the year 5345 of the Great Xia Calendar, after 20 years, those 100,000 babies had grown up. After receiving the elite education of the royal family, they entered the society. Relying on their high education and high talents, they quickly became middle-level managers in all walks of life in the society. Especially the military of the Eastern Xia Empire, who were upright and capable, after five or six years of hard work, most of them became middle-level officers. According to statistics, there were 30,000 officers in the Eastern Xia Empire military who were babies of that year.

For example, in the current Blazers team, there are 106 Blazers who are the babies of that year.

A force called the New Royal Party has successfully taken root in various high-end fields, including economics, scientific research, military affairs, and so on.

In front of the central hall, the emperor's assistant got out of the car first and opened the door.

At this time, there were more than a dozen imperial guards standing here at the entrance of the main hall, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xia Xuan, who was wearing a black military uniform, get out of the car.

They are the chief guards who are in charge of guarding the entire palace. Things have become more and more troublesome in the past few days. The phone of the palace was almost rang by other members of the royal family. But since the emperor was not there, they could only bite the bullet and pick it up, and they were the ones who were under the greatest pressure in the entire palace.

The chief of the imperial guards led the other chief guards and quickly came to Xia Xuan, put his left hand on his back, and put his right hand into a fist at his heart, saying: "Your Majesty, you are finally back."

"Well," Xia Xuan nodded, then passed through the crowd and entered the hall, and sat back on the golden dragon chair.

[Fingerprint detection passed... iris detection passed... Welcome back, Your Majesty] An electronically synthesized female voice sounded.

"Initiate a national announcement."

[It's His Majesty... Taking over the major websites... The result is over... Announcement initiated]

After Xia Xuan entered the different world, the Eastern Xia Empire had elevated the authority of the emperor to the same status as the prime minister. Of course, whether it is adjusted or not does not make any sense. Even if the parliament and the cabinet are out of tune, Xia Hun can still be completely controlled by the emperor's order. Like the army, the military nominally obeys the cabinet and parliament. But when it came time for the emperor to use his troops, the cabinet and parliament became a decoration instead.

The next moment, a video popped up on all the major websites of the Eastern Xia Empire.

There is only so much in today's test. Also, due to my slow update, some book friends feel that I am crooked. After the next chapter introduces the death of capital and World War Three, it officially enters the main line of killing red.

It may become a change in the future, I suggest you wait until my college entrance examination is over before catching up.

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