The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4503: Morale is too high

Carthage, Alin led a squad of soldiers to garrison near a checkpoint, prisoners of war, slaves, were gathered here, there are some Carthaginian soil, and mercenaries, they are here to help them, said to help, actually Going up is to do what they think should be done.

In addition to those servant troops, their number is about one hundred, close to the defense of an infantry company, and their main task is to get all the people passing by here.

But in the desert terrain, it is difficult to restrict the movement of the guerrillas. Therefore, they also need a lot of other weapon aids. This aid is mine.

Alin has three machine guns here. The rest are rifles. Adequate ammunition. Because of the dispersion. To control a large number of guerrillas, eliminating the guerrillas is a huge project, and such a project is also very difficult. In such a situation, the things that can be done are naturally a lot less. The answer is simple, that is, let some of their situations come up in the most favorable situation.

Zhao Guoren's plan is like this. They first divide it into several areas, and such areas become very crazy. In such a situation, many of their things are actually in a favorable situation. They will spread out some of their troops. Add some servant troops, black troops, they control the whole area, and then blockade them with a lot of landmines, then they jam the main points, and then mopping up little by little. Although it is labor intensive and slow, it is very safe, because it is impossible to achieve such a situation if you continue to capture the trace of the other party to act like in the past.

In addition, the situation of aerial reconnaissance is not enough to support them in doing so. Therefore, in such a situation, this is their current best situation.

The defensive task is very pleasant. But Alin felt that such a life was boring. He smokes a lot of cigarettes every day. Watching those servants and slaves build various fortifications and trenches. A lot of trenches. They need to dig very large isolation trenches. Next is to build various bunkers for them. Towers, and other fortifications. In some areas they will also build defensive towers. This is a recent combat mission, because the gun tower can get a greater shooting angle in the desert. It is extremely difficult to pass here, plus landmines. It is difficult for them to complete such a breakthrough.

The defensive life is boring. Because I smoke a lot. Alin felt that his chest tightness was getting bigger and bigger, not only that, but he also found it difficult to do a lot of things. For example, when going to the toilet, it is very dry and it is difficult to supply water, not to mention the canned fruits. In addition, things like smoking and constipation will happen. This is a big challenge for their stomachs. But they have no good way to solve such a thing. of

Life becomes boring. dull. It is painful and boring. In such a situation, many of their things are actually going very poorly. But there is no way, things are like this, many things are not what they want to do, just what they do.

In the headquarters of the foreign corps.

"Such defense alone is not enough to solve all the problems. We should all be aware of such a situation. Under such a situation, such problems still can't solve the guerrillas well. For such things, I I think you should be clearer than I am." Zhao Chang said.

"Yes, sir, we still need a lot of reconnaissance aircraft and patrol vehicles, even trucks are good, so that we can form patrol missions against them for a long time." Marin said. Speaking of.

"But currently we do not have such equipment, and the patrols are still not very sufficient. We have to surrender these guerrillas in a large area. Not only that, but on the one hand, we must strengthen the firmness of our nets. On the other hand, we also need to dispatch enough reserve teams, or in other words, patrol teams, to prepare for some special situations. In this way, our situation can become much more advantageous." Zhao Dong Speaking of this.

Suppressing means dispersing their forces. They have to do this. Disperse enough troops to do this kind of thing. In this case, they need to make more efforts to do this kind of situation. This is what they are currently doing. The most important thing to do is that some of these situations are enough to make their situation better, but they are only for the better. To change such a situation, they still need to do many, many things. These things usually mean Their forces are tense.

The troop-consuming characteristics of guerrilla operations and their long-lasting patience made the Zhao people not very optimistic about their prospects. In other words, they felt that under such a situation, they did a lot of things not very well.

"Well. In such a situation, we can only accept such a situation." Zhao Dong said. They have to command the forces they currently have to carry out such operations, which is no small trouble for them. This is Marin's attitude. This is the task issued above, and what they have to do is complete such a task.

Just when the Zhao foreign corps was encircling it nervously.

Luo Song also had such concerns, but he did not express such concerns. Because of their high morale. Many people are excited to think that they can attack the city of Carthage and give those masters who live in Carthage a big surprise. This is the opinion of all people. But in Luo Song's view, their emotions seemed a bit overjoyed.

Indeed, their development is very good. But there are still many situations that are very unfavorable to them.

"The supply situation has not been completely improved. Most of our food comes from robbery. The military discipline is also very poor. Some soldiers seem to have been suppressed for too long. I can understand their feelings of being oppressed as slaves, but this is not They can commit crimes and even commit crimes. But they often do so. The atrocities of the rebels do not need to be as bad as the Carthaginians. Insults to women happen from time to time and cannot be prevented. Soldiers are robbing food. Sometimes, they also robbed some property. They have weapons in their hands, but they are still thugs in essence. Yes, they have been suppressed for too long. Once they have freedom and power, they will use another thing to numb themselves, This is violence. They continue to use some violence in other areas. In this way, many of their things will become much more advantageous. If this is the case, their situation will become much more advantageous." Luo Song Write.

The rebel guerrillas, in fact, are still violent teams, and they advocate violence. Believe that violence can solve all problems. They are slaves themselves. After suffering tremendous oppression, suddenly one day they can turn around. They will never give up such an opportunity to do such a thing, so all kinds of tragedies and tragedies happen, and there are so many such things, too scary.

"I have seen a Carthaginian slave owner, his family had no time to escape. Because they treated the slaves very well, were very polite, and did not act excessively. When the disaster came. He did not act. Some reactions, what was the result? His family was still killed by slaves. Poor old guy, he thought he was good to the slaves. But he didn’t really understand the thoughts of these guys, they were not only What they want is dignity, their freedom, and they also need the pleasure of revenge. If they can't completely knock them down, they won't have such a psychological advantage." Luo Song said. And now, they have paid a very heavy price for such a pitiful psychological advantage. If such a price is enough, he believes that many times, they themselves find it difficult to cope with such a situation.

"This is a **** war. Crime, violence. It often happens in such troops. I have become accustomed to this way, but if the Resistance wants to develop for a longer period of time, this will not completely solve the problem. Some recent ones Intelligence shows that the Zhao people have already taken action against us. In some areas, they have appeared checkpoints and minefields. The **** thing is, we don’t know how far the minefields will be. Let this kind of armed forces eliminate them. The possibility of landmines is almost impossible. Such a thing is difficult for us and extremely difficult for them." Luo Song wrote vigilantly.

Obviously, he was aware of the danger coming, but unfortunately the soldiers of the Resistance Army thought it was not a danger. On the contrary, they were still in a state of excitement. Their morale was high, and a little too high. Although he had such worries, the rebels did not think so.

The weapons and equipment of the Resistance are still very backward. They searched all the weapons and equipment they could find, the old-fashioned flintlock, this old thing that had become an antique, was still working. Of course, they are a terrible weapon for those innocent people, but on the battlefield, he is just a fire-burning stick, a rebellious army who knows how high the ground is. It is obviously very crazy to have such a practice. one thing.

It is difficult to change this situation. Luo Song really couldn't find such a way to deal with it.

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