The Way of the Prehistoric World

Chapter 80 Visitors from Extraterrestrial Space

After the journey to the west, the prehistoric world was peaceful. Except for the secret calculations of a few heavenly saints, there were no major disputes. Soon, more than 20,000 yuan would pass.

During this period, among the second-generation disciples of Chaos Island, Kong Xuan, Dapeng and Hongyun successively broke through to the peak of the late quasi-sage. With the blessing of Mei Zihan and Zu Feng, they were able to successfully cross the road. The thunder tribulation then transformed Pangu.

When the three of them went through the tribulation, apart from the Taoist rosary beads, the most used spiritual treasures were the Five Elements Jing Wheel, which was the companion spiritual treasure that Mei Zihan first refined. After a battle with the vicious beast, he realized that it was not powerful enough, so I want to use the light of creation after the tribulation thunder to enhance the power of the treasure.

After three great thunder tribulations, the power of the Five Elements Jing Wheel is no less powerful than the Cauldron of Creation. If this treasure had been available back then, it might have been able to slay the vicious beasts of chaos in the wild.

The three disciples overcame the tribulations one after another and added some light of creation to the fortune cauldron. Before that, Mei Zihan used liquid purple fire to transform this treasure, increasing its power by more than ten times. In this way, even the five elements fine wheel It is still getting stronger, but it cannot replace the position of the Fortune Cauldron.

Even in seclusion, Mei Zihan never relaxed. He paid attention to the evolution of the starry sky and the universe. The galaxy he initially regarded as the Milky Way has evolved almost the same as in his previous life. The planet in it should undoubtedly be the earth.

There is actually a spiritual vein on this planet. Although it is very small, it has made the earth stand out among billions of planets.

After the birth of life on the earth, it quickly multiplied and prospered, and finally reached its peak in the age of dinosaurs. There were hundreds of millions of dinosaurs. Although their intelligence was low, they could still rely on their instincts. Absorb spiritual energy and practice, so that the body becomes larger and larger.

Because of his spiritual veins, he was on the ancient earth. There are many exotic flowers and fruits, although the quality is far inferior to the prehistoric species. But it can also cause mortals to evolve. After being inadvertently swallowed, many dinosaurs mutated one after another, and eventually resembled a family of ferocious beasts from the ancient times.

With their bodies becoming stronger and their minds slightly improved, the dinosaurs finally became the overlords of the earth. This lasted for hundreds of millions of years, but was finally caused by the great changes in the world and the impact of an asteroid. As well as the exhaustion of spiritual veins, the dinosaur family had just become completely extinct, and the powerful ones among them had ascended to the immortal world one after another.

On the asteroid that hit the earth, there was a drop of Pangu blood that originally created humans. When it hit, it was divided into countless parts, which were absorbed by some spiritual apes, and finally evolved into humans. It took tens of millions of years to achieve success.

When the ape learned to walk upright. It can be said that at this time, it has been hundreds of millions of years since the dinosaurs became extinct. The originally withered spiritual veins on the earth have somewhat recovered, and the human race has also embarked on the path of cultivation.

This prosperity of the cultivation world only lasted for more than a million years, and then ended due to the exhaustion of spiritual veins. After that, mortals could form tribes and countries, and the human race entered the era of science and technology.

However, at this moment, the earth was located near the membrane of the universe. A huge boat actually appeared, and only the chaotic air around it was seen. It can be inferred from this that it cannot corrode at all. The quality of the giant boat should be above the innate treasure.

"My Lord bless you! After all the hardships, I finally found a place to stay. Thank you to my Lord, my Lord is almighty!"

After the giant boat stopped, two more people appeared on it, and then they praised in a certain direction, which made Mei Zihan, who was hiding aside, frown secretly.

As early as the moment the giant boat appeared, Mei Zihan had already spotted the figure of the other party. He only wanted to explore its origin and purpose, so he did not show up directly. However, after the giant boat stopped, two birdmen appeared. It made him a little unhappy.

The ones Mei Zihan called birdmen were actually two seraphs. They had three white wings on each side. Their aura was far stronger than the six saints of the ancient world. As for their spiritual treasures, they didn't have any. The pieces are lower than the quality of the innate treasure.

Compared with the creatures in the prehistoric world, the visitors from the outside this time are extremely rich. Even if they get off the giant boat alone, even if they gather everything in the prehistoric world, they will not be able to successfully refine it.

If the original owner of Lihuo Essence had this giant boat to help him, the possibility of saving his life would be increased by more than ten thousand times.

After some prayers, the two seraphs emerged from the giant boat and appeared in the chaos. Since this place was still located near the prehistoric times, with their saint-level cultivation, they did not expect to be swallowed up by the energy of chaos.

The two of them first looked at the great wilderness from a distance, and then gave up voluntarily. One of them said to his companion: "There are heavenly ways and saints in the big world. They are beyond the power of the two of us. How about starting from a small place?"

"What Lord Michael said makes sense. Among the countless starry sky worlds, you can first choose a foundation to use as a shelter." Another seraph, Gabriel, agreed.

"I observe that in this universe, there is a planet that is still ignorant and can pass on the teachings of my Lord."

After saying that, Michael and Gabriel entered the universe that Mei Zihan was paying attention to. I don't know if they had any spiritual treasures to cover them up, but they didn't let the Great Desolate Heaven discover their whereabouts.

As saint-level powerhouses, Michael and Gabriel did not need to fly to travel. As long as they took one step, they appeared next to the earth. After that, Michael waved his hand and separated the two continents. All the human beings above were taken into the palm of the hand, and with a final squeeze, they all turned into blood.

Mei Zihan didn't know what the actions of the two seraphs meant at this time. If the human races they slaughtered were divided according to the regions of the earth in their previous lives, they should belong to Europe and Africa. After Michael's action, the huge Europe and Africa Within it, there is no longer a prehistoric human race.

As Michael moved his hand, Gabriel also pointed towards the giant ship outside the world, and saw countless mortals being taken into his right hand, including the black and white ones. The white people were sent to Europe, and the black people were sent to Europe. People are scattered in Africa.

After this was completed, Gabriel still felt dissatisfied, so he gathered countless rays of white light in his right hand and sprinkled it on Europe and Africa. Every human race in the area could get one.

According to Mei Zihan's observation, this is the light of faith that shines on Europe. The countless ways are similar, and they should belong to the same sect. However, there are dozens of ways that fall on black people, and they obviously belong to different gods.

On the earth, many foreign creatures suddenly appeared, which would naturally alarm the world. However, before they paid attention, Michael took action first, and with a mysterious treasure, he directly tampered with the secrets of mortals here. For a moment, the way of heaven cannot be distinguished clearly.

Although spiritual wisdom has been born in the ancient way of heaven, its wisdom is not as transparent as ordinary people, and it often has calculations. It takes a long time and can easily be deceived by outsiders. From this point of view, Michael and Gabriel's preparations for this trip can be said to be extremely sufficient.

After mortals escaped from the sight of Heaven, Michael and Gabriel relied on the power of their respective spiritual treasures to escape each other's detection and were not known by Heaven.

In order to hide from heaven for a long time, the human race was scattered in Europe and Africa by the two seraphs. Its spiritual intelligence is not much different from that of the prehistoric human race that was born on the earth, and is even lower.

After that, three human races flourished on the earth. After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, the prehistoric human race established a country on the coast of the East China Sea, while the European white race, although they had roughly the same beliefs, was divided into dozens of countries.

As for the black people scattered in Africa, except for a few countries. Most of them still live in tribal form and are the most ignorant.

Later, through the hands of Michael, the Holy Son Jesus descended in Europe. The belief in God is unified by one, but black Africans still have dozens of different beliefs. As for the ancient human race in the East, they should be regarded as a lineage of Taoism and Buddhism, and the name of God is rarely heard.

Only then did Mei Zihan understand why there were two human races, white and black, in the ancient world. And other beliefs exist and why. But it was visitors from other worlds who took the opportunity to erode the ancient world.

Through the flow of power of faith. How could Mei Zihan not know that the visitors from outside the world in front of him should be related to the other world in the chaos of this domain, where not only God's messengers but also dozens of other gods were involved.

However, the power of faith is acquired after all. If it is in chaos, it will be quickly eroded by the energy of chaos. Therefore, there should be spiritual treasures specially designed to collect the power of faith on the giant boat.

However, Michael and Gabriel were not seen to show it, and they allowed the power of faith on the earth to flow away in vain. From this, it is not difficult to see that they don't care about these powers of faith at all, just to occupy a bridgehead.

After the Eastern tribes evolved and became stronger, some of the losers fled westward to Europe, almost wiping out the white race. However, this angered Gabriel, who turned his hand into a palm. Then he wanted to wipe out the Dongtu lineage.

Naturally, Mei Zihan would not agree to this. He first blocked Gabriel's attack, and then showed up and said: "My Taoist friends from outside the world came here, but I have never greeted you. How dare you forgive me!"

It was said to be a confession, but there was no regret at all, which shocked both Michael and Gabriel for a moment.

The two of them thought that after escaping from the ancient ways of heaven, they would no longer have any shackles on their actions. However, they did not expect that there was a top-notch strong man who had been hiding beside the two of them without being noticed by them at all.

Judging from this, the opponent's strength should be much stronger than his own. Then Michael and Gabriel looked at each other and noticed the shock in the other's eyes. So without saying a word, the two took a step forward. Come out, appear outside this universe, and then quickly enter the giant boat.

Relying on the power of the giant boat alone, Michael Shih and Gabriel had no confidence that they could withstand the mysterious powerhouse, so they hurriedly used this innate treasure to speed away in a direction away from the prehistoric times.

Seeing the other party escaping, Mei Zihan did not stop him. Firstly, he had no deep enmity with himself, so he couldn't kill him for no reason. Secondly, since the two of them came from the other world, they also commanded a giant boat with the quality of an innate treasure. , presumably the power he belongs to is very powerful, and he is not willing to offend the people behind him easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

No matter what the emotions are, the Great Desolate World is only a temporary place for the Chaos Island lineage, and the boundless chaos is the place to pursue. At this time, it is not far away from leaving the Great Desolate World, and then we will enter another world to get the treasure. Level spiritual roots.

From the giant boat alone, we can deduce that the world of natural evolution is truly extraordinary, and as the world tends to be destroyed, the strength of the creatures within it should be at its strongest. If you want to seize the world tree, it should not be easy.

Therefore, when he didn't know the details of another world, Mei Zihan didn't want to offend a big force for nothing, otherwise it would probably greatly increase the difficulty of seizing the treasure-level spiritual roots. (To be continued) ()

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