The War of Resistance

Chapter 794: despised

But fighting is fighting, so who cares if you are panting or not, hiding behind a tree and listening to Bai Zhan suddenly heard a loud "ah" from behind.

He also couldn't figure out who it was, probably his partner was shot, and Bai Zhan forgot he was still panting in a hurry, so he hurriedly picked up his rifle and aimed at the high hill in front of him, and "snapped" first. One shot.

To be honest, he didn't pay attention to where the shot hit, because he ran too fast and was out of breath, so he didn't even look at the Japanese soldiers on the high hill.

Hiding behind a tree and firing a gun, it is natural to show the gun and half-drawn body out from the side of the tree.

To say that Bai Zhan may not be so brave in battle, but his sense of saving his life is definitely top-notch.

After he fired a shot at this end of the tree, he retracted his body, and hurriedly pulled the bolt again, but leaned out from the other side of the tree and shot again.

This can be regarded as a little cleverness of Bai Zhan's life-saving. In fact, he didn't see where the Japanese army was at all, and it was just based on the location of the Japanese army in his impression when he didn't rush out.

But who would have thought that such a change of position would really pay off? It didn't mean that he really hit the Japanese army, but that he could hear the sound of his second shot after changing his position. The tree trunk in front of him made a "poof".

Instinctively, he lay down and hid his head behind the tree, but when he raised his head, he saw that there was really an extra bullet hole in the trunk, but the 38-type rifle of the Japanese army had already shot the trunk. wore!

How powerful is this Japanese devil's 38-type rifle, it can even pierce through frozen trees!

When Bai Zhan was secretly startled, he felt a flash of figures beside him, and two people rushed over, and he only saw the backs of those two people.

If you say that everyone is very familiar with looking at a person's back, you will recognize who the other person is, but these two people are also very recognizable!

A person is a small man, that is, compared with the Japanese devils, he is a small man!

And his upper body is a gray Northeast Army jacket, but he is wearing Japanese army yellow army trousers underneath.

The bottom is not only wearing yellow military trousers, but also wearing leggings and big toe shoes.

That person was Shi Xiaowan.

Shi Xiaowan was arguing to join the death squad with Shang Zhen and the others. He took off the pants from the corpse of the Japanese army and put them on, but how could Shang Zhen let him be a death squad?

And the other person is taller than Shi Xiaowan, but the sleeve of his left arm has been blown up by the wind during the running, and it is Ma Tianfang!

The sight in front of him made Bai Zhan, who had always been cynical, feel hot in his heart. One of them is a half-child who is not an adult, and the other is a **** without an arm, so what's wrong with him?

As soon as he got up, he set up his rifle again, and this time he searched carefully for the Japanese army.

It was not difficult to see the Japanese soldiers from a distance of about a hundred meters, not to mention that Bai Zhan had a pair of thief eyes. He really saw a Japanese soldier raising his gun from a distance, and that Japanese soldier was pointing his rifle at it.

But before he pulled the trigger, he heard a gunshot and the Japanese soldier dropped his gun and fell down.

Bai Zhan no longer looked at the fallen Japanese soldier who had disappeared. He raised his gun and searched the high hill again, but this time there was no Japanese soldier raising his gun.

They had observed it before, and there were not many Japanese soldiers there, only five or six.

The Japanese soldier that Shang Zhen found seemed to be looking for the Japanese soldier who was guarding on Gaogang, but Shang Zhen caught him in the binoculars.

Footsteps sounded, and another soldier rushed past Bai Zhan, it was Zhou Xiu and Gu Bing.

After a few more shots were fired, Guo Baoyou and Yu Zuolong rushed over with their guns.

Can I move? Bai Zhan hesitated for a moment, thinking I'd better cover it, then he raised his gun and searched the high hill.

"Rush upwards, with your marksmanship—" Another voice came from behind Bai Zhan, and there was some kind of disdain in that tone, it was Chu Tian's voice.

Just now when Bai Zhan bravely raised his gun to shoot, he was stimulated by the half-sized Shi Xiaowan and the one-armed Ma Tianfang.

But now, he was stimulated again!

"Fuck!" Bai Zhan felt the blood rushing up, he jumped up with a "whoosh" and rushed forward with his gun in hand.

I was despised! I was actually despised by that little boy Chu Tian! What the **** do you have the right to despise me!

If it was said that Bai Zhan was despised by the other soldiers and his skills were not as good as others, he had nothing to say, even if those veterans spoke with a "clang" and said, "It's just your **** marksmanship!" He has nothing to say.

But Chutian, you little boy, you're such a mother!

At this time, Bai Zhan was so angry that he even forgot that he had vowed to be a gentle thief, he rushed forward like a trampled wild cat with its sharp teeth bared!

However, today Bai Zhan is doomed to be despised by others.

Less than two minutes later, Shang Zhen and his group all appeared on that high hill, and six Japanese soldiers fell down in the bushes of that high hill.

Of course, the six Japanese soldiers were all dead, five of them were killed directly, and one was shot by Ma Tian after being wounded.

"Which one did I beat to death?" Bai Zhan said very affectionately.

Just his words directly drew the eyes of several other soldiers, and Ma Tianfang even said to him: "You are still a thief, and you are so badass that you can't even eat **** like hot of!"

The reason why Ma Tianfang said that was naturally because Bai Zhan was the last one to run up.

Although the sentence Ma Tianfang said, "You're so cool, you can't even eat **** like a hot one" is definitely one of the classic sentences of vulgar and swearing by Northeast people, but this sentence is really ugly, and Bai Zhan's face It turned red immediately.

"I—" Bai Zhan was in a hurry, who doesn't have a heart to make progress, right?

But before Bai Zhan bared his teeth again, Shang Zhen said, "Okay, don't say that about Bai Zhan.

If he hadn't shot for cover just now, I wouldn't be able to kill that little devil who raised the gun. "

Only then did Bai Zhan realize that the Japanese soldier who had raised his gun almost at the same time as him was also killed by Shang Zhen with that sniper rifle.

If not for Shang Zhen who can become the leader of our group, Bai Zhan at this time is naturally grateful to Shang Zhen who speaks for him.

But he didn't expect that Shang Zhen, who has always been reticent, said again: "If we say that Bai Zhan is the bravest this time, there is only one tree in an open field, and he will cat under that tree. He is directly attracted. Devil's firepower!"

"Huh?" Bai Zhan was taken aback when he heard Shang Zhen say that.

His mind was full of thoughts, but it directly became my f*cking pig's brain!

It's so big and empty, just such a tree, can it not be seen at first glance? The Japanese devils will definitely notice there first!

In the eyes of the Japanese devils, who would rush there? Of course, the marksmanship in charge of cover is good, so where would the Japanese devils go first if they didn't go there first?

That's great, I dare to think that I was smart enough to think that it was the safest place, but in the end I was blocked by others!

"The boss has spoken, so I take back what I said earlier." Ma Tianfang said seriously after hearing Shang Zhen's words.

By this time, Bai Zhan had already accepted the reality of his adventure just now.

Hey, anyway, things happened, and I didn't lose a single hair, and I became a hero again, so he who was a little scared immediately became arrogant.

Of is a written language, but when it is spoken, it immediately becomes awesome.

Shang Zhen lay down on the post again and raised his binoculars to observe the situation ahead again.

Shang Zhen spoke for himself, and he pretended to be a hero. Bai Zhan felt that his waist had grown a lot. He gave Ma Tian a glance at the **** and began to press bullets into his rifle.

But at this moment, Ma Tianfang approached him, not only did he approach him, he also laughed "hehe".

Bai Zhan guessed that Ma Tianfang was afraid of him because of Shang Zhen's statement just now, maybe he came here to please him.

Just the facts?

The fact is, Ma Tianfang smirked "hehe" and leaned into his ear and whispered: "I take back my previous wrong statement, the correct statement should be, just like you, eating **** finally caught up Back to the heat!"

"Your grandma has a leg, you're a bastard!" Bai Zhan cursed angrily.

Note: zuāizi, in Northeast dialect, refers to a person with a disabled arm.

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