The War of Resistance

Chapter 781: Deserters who fail to punish (3)

It’s just that Wang Qingfeng had already spoken for the water that was splashed out, and at this time, the half-grown man who didn’t give in to his quarrel said, “Of course I’ve been fucked. of!"

And right after the half-baby said this, Liu Chengyi couldn't care less about getting angry with his brother-in-law, he turned around and asked the half-baby in surprise, "Have you fought hand-to-hand with the little devil?"

"Fight! We are not deserters, our people and those little devils collided directly.

It was a corner, our leader didn't see the little devils, and the little devils didn't see them either.

Brother Xiao Ma and I were serving as guard posts in the back.

Originally, the two of us wanted to shoot the little devil with guns, but we didn't expect the boss and the others to come back. After all, the town is full of dilapidated houses and tiles, and we didn't see the boss and the others.

When the boss hit the little devil with the **** of his gun, the two of us shot from left to right.

At that time, I'm all ready, just a gun in each hand, and I just hit like this! "

Now that he was talking about the war, he couldn't hold back his words. This was the first time he fought the Japanese invaders at such close range, and now thinking about it, his heart is still surging!

Because of this, he not only talked colorfully, but even used his thumb and index finger as a gun to make gestures.

"In the middle, one of the guns jammed, so I threw that gun away and took out the third gun. Anyway, I fired a total of 21 shots." The half-grown boy said confidently.

"How do you remember that you shot exactly twenty-one shots?" Liu Chengyi was already attracted by the narration of this half-child.

If recruits can survive on the battlefield, some will directly forget their performance on the battlefield because of nervousness, but this soldier who is only twelve years old can remember that he has fired a total of twenty-one shots. Isn't this strange?

"When using a pistol, you must remember how many shots you have fired! This is what veterans taught us. If you don't remember how to allocate ammunition, the chamber will be empty at a critical moment, and you will die!" The little soldier said it as a matter of course.

It's just that although other people can understand his speech, he doesn't have an authentic Northeast accent when he hears it, so the "Don't Gu" is a bit weird.

But at this time, who will pay attention to this point?

Not only Liu Chengyi was attracted by this little soldier, but the subordinate officers behind him also listened carefully.

"Just say you killed a few little devils." Liu Chengyi asked.

"It's not necessarily killing them, but I know that I must hit seven or eight devils anyway.

Some were directly knocked down, some were not knocked down but were also injured, and then they were knocked down by the boss with the **** of their guns.

Brother Xiao Ma and I found out that the devil was still early, and they ran into the boss directly after turning a corner.

If you don't believe me, ask Brother Ma! "After the soldier finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at a soldier behind him.

"Huh?" Liu Chengyi followed the soldier's turn and looked over.

But at this moment, he was stunned for a moment, his attention was always focused on these few soldiers with characteristics, so it was impossible for him to see every detail of every soldier.

At this time, he saw the "Little Brother Ma" that the soldier called, and he also saw the empty sleeve hanging down on the left arm of this "Little Ma".

What is the situation? Do you have to ask? The soldier had lost his left arm and turned out to be one-armed!

Liu Chengyi has been a brigade commander for six or seven years. He has seen many wounded soldiers. It is not uncommon to see those who lost an arm or a leg, but soldiers with one arm are still there. On the battlefield of fighting devils, he has only seen this "Little Ma brother" so far!

Respect already spontaneously arose in Liu Chengyi's heart.

He looked at the gun of "Brother Little Ma" again. It was a large mirror box. Even if such a box gun, that is, a box gun, is controlled with one hand, it also requires precise marksmanship.

But just when Liu Chengyi was about to say something, this little Ma brother "slapped" to attention, and then raised his remaining right arm, which was a standard military salute!

For the same military salute, different people will have different temperaments, but at this time, as soon as this one-armed soldier saluted this military salute, a sense of iron and blood from the depths of his body permeated the audience.

At this time, Liu Chengyi had completely forgotten his purpose for coming to see Shang Zhen and the others, but he returned a military salute as soon as he touched his heels and straightened his legs!

All the officers and soldiers in the brigade knew that Liu Chengyi liked soldiers who could fight and were not afraid of death.

When he was guarding Suizhong City, most of their regiment suffered casualties, and he was promoted to brigade commander because of his military exploits.

He never made things difficult for Shang Zhen and the others, that's because he knew that Shang Zhen's group could indeed fight.

He didn't like Shang Zhen and the others, that's because Shang Zhen and his group were always cunning and tricky when they were fighting, and they never refused to confront the Japanese army honestly.

But this time, he finally saw the blood of Shang Zhen and his group in soldiers like "Little Ma"!

Just when Liu Chengyi was about to say something to show encouragement, the soldier, that is, the little Ma brother, had already spoken first: "Report to the brigade commander, I did not embarrass you! In this hand-to-hand combat, a total of Eight devils!"

The one who broke an arm and was called "Brother Little Ma" by that little Shi Xiaowan was of course Ma Tianfang.

After Shang Zhen and the others had finished their hand-to-hand combat, who would have thought that they would run into Wang Qingfeng again.

But this time, Wang Qingfeng insisted that the brigade commander asked you to fight back, but you took them as deserters. How could Shang Zhen and the others pay attention to Wang Qingfeng? They felt that Wang Qingfeng just used the tiger's skin as a banner and withdrew from the town without taking it seriously.

But who would have thought that when they were just thinking about where to get something to eat, the brigade commander Liu Chengyi actually appeared, and Shang Zhen and his group would have another trouble.

Shang Zhen is naturally from the Northeast at his core, but he is sensitive to things and slow to talk when dealing with things.

This is of course beneficial, the calculations are all in the mind and the mouth never causes trouble, but the disadvantage is that sometimes it is slow to speak of reasonable things.

Just because Shang Zhen is like this doesn't mean that his soldiers are just like him.

Ma Tianfang and Qin Chuan were originally a tacit crotch pair, and he was originally a talkative person.

Once he adjusted to the loss of an arm, he became lively again.

Seeing that the brigade commander appeared with a really indifferent face, even the veterans under Shang Zhen felt that the situation was not good.

It's just that it's hard for them to talk if Shang Zhen doesn't talk.

Who would have thought that brigade commander Liu Chengyi would be interested in Shi Xiaowan.

That Shi Xiaowan hangs out with Shang Zhenwang's old hat and money every day, and they are veterans, and he has learned all kinds of wit and wit, so he took the initiative to talk about the hand-to-hand combat that just happened.

But now that Ma Tianfang saw that he had a chance to speak, why is it not good to be reasonable? It is much more powerful to speak out in advance of those who have made military exploits than to justify after the charges have been settled!

Moreover, Ma Tianfang also specifically emphasized, "Report to the brigade commander, I did not embarrass you."

What is the subtext of this sentence? That is, don't look at me, a disabled person with only one arm, who killed eight Japanese devils, but I am your Then I can fight under the command of your brigadier. ! Soldiers are brave, brigade commanders are glorious, it's only right and proper!

So far, only Liu Chengyi really wanted to deal with Shang Zhen and his group, but he couldn't deal with them any longer.

"Shang Zhen!" At this time, Liu Chengyi could only find the boss.

The brigade commander called his name, how could Shang Zhen not respond?

He took a step forward and stood at attention with his chest out.

"Tell me, how many devils have you killed in this battle!" Liu Chengyi asked.

"Report to the brigade commander, there are always seventy or eighty devils!" Shang Zhen replied loudly.

And this time Shang Zhen didn't avoid Liu Chengyi's gaze.

Liu Chengyi and Shang Zhen looked at each other like this for a while, but Liu Chengyi didn't speak until he turned his eyes away. Instead, he walked up and down in front of Shang Zhen with his hands behind his back.

For a while, Liu Chengyi, the brigade commander, left the suspense to Shang Zhen and the others. Was he going to deal with them? Or let them go?

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