The War of Resistance

Chapter 747: 1 man battle (3)

Play dead? joke!

It's not that you can't play dead, Shang Zhen doesn't have so many taboos, the problem is that you can only play dead!

The last grenade was also thrown out, and I don't know if there are devils on the first floor, or if the devils on the first floor have noticed me.

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen touched the box cannon hanging on his waist, and with the box cannon in his hand, his face poked out from the window on the first floor.

But who would have thought that at the moment when he poked his head, the face of a Japanese soldier was also poked out from the window, and the two of them met face to face!

The enemy and the enemy are so close together that you can see clearly whether the opponent has single eyelids or double eyelids, not to mention face to face!

The Japanese soldier had a square beard on his mouth. As for how old he was, Shang Zhen didn't have time to look at it. He just thought that the square beard was so dirty, and it had a disgusting feeling like it was specially used to store big snot!

And the moment the Japanese soldier saw Shang Zhen, God knows what a short moment of silence he experienced, and suddenly he yelled "Ah!"

The temperament of the Chinese and the Japanese is still different after all.

The explosion on the second floor and the attic was so lively that the Japanese soldier was alerted.

At this time, Shang Zhen's box cannon was handed over to the window. In the sound of "pop" and "pop", the face of the Japanese soldier shrank down. Even Shang Zhen didn't know whether he was hit or not. other side.

God knows how many Japanese soldiers are still alive in this small second floor, Shang Zhen turned around and ran away!

But he remembered that just in front of this attic, after a road, there was another residential house. The roof of that house was blown up by the indiscriminate bombing of the Japanese army, so he had to hide there first go!

When running in a pinch, does anyone remember which leg they put first? It is estimated that ninety-nine and a half out of one hundred people do not remember.

Shang Zhen didn't pay attention at first.

But this time he paid attention!

Just because he doesn't care whether he wants to or not!

Shang Zhen stepped on the first foot firmly, and the moment his second foot landed on the ground, he felt a pain in that ankle, and he let out an "oops" and fell down on the landing foot involuntarily!

So, this time he remembered that he just stepped on his right leg first, and then his left leg. When his left leg landed on his ankle, he felt a sudden tingling pain. His left foot was actually injured, or in other words, his left leg The ankle was sprained!

It's just that at this moment, Shang Zhen didn't care about the severity of the ankle injury, and how could he have the time to think about when he sprained his ankle? The little devil behind him is staring at him!

The long-term battle finally forged Shang Zhen's incomparable reflexes. The moment he was stunned, he didn't get up but rolled directly to the ground.

And the moment he was on the ground, there was a gunshot behind him, and the bullets of the 38-type rifle whizzed past his body.

What a business shock! While lying on the side while rolling, when I turned around, I lay on my side, and the box cannon in my hand was raised to the back.

Swing the pistol, and it rings when you shake your hand, "Papa Papa" "Papa Papa", the short-shot sound of the box cannon is directly connected to Liu'er!

It is said that veterans know that automatic firearms should not be fired easily, and should be mainly bursts and short bursts.

Of course Shang Zhen also knew, but at this moment he saw the figures of Japanese soldiers flashing on the first and second floors of the small second floor, but how could he have time to shoot accurately? If you want to survive, first suppress the Japanese army on the second floor with firepower!

Rao Shang Zhen has always been a quick shooter, but the Japanese soldiers kept appearing from the windows of the small building, but he was in a hurry. Jumped up from the ground, he then turned and ran!

I don't know how fast a person can run without using one leg, whether he can run faster than two legs, and whether he will be finished this time!

Random thoughts flashed through Shang Zhen's mind, and he couldn't figure out whether he ran with two legs or jumped with one foot.

grain grain

No one wants to die, and what is left after trying their best on the battlefield can only be resigned to fate.

Shang Zhen finally made it to the opposite wall that was blown down, but then he jumped up and jumped forward.

The wall was blown up to the height of Shang Zhen's waist, and Shang Zhen jumped over it, but at the same time, he heard a "dang" sound behind him.

What is that even need to ask? It was the Japanese soldiers in the building who finally threw out the grenade.

When the grenade exploded, it was also when Shang Zhen grinned again behind the low wall.

It was originally a bungalow, but the roof was blown off by the explosion, and half of the walls collapsed. That doesn't mean that there are no bricks and tiles in the open-air house. It doesn't mean that all the bricks and tiles will be blown away, that is Fly but also fall back is not.

When Shang Zhen was running for his life, the grenade thrown by the Japanese army almost hit his heel, but how could he care about what was behind the low wall?

But at this moment, Shang Zhen still didn't care about the pain.

Ever since he jumped off the small second floor, he has been running towards this end, but just imagine that the bombed-out one-story house in front of him is also the neighbor of that small second floor, how far can there be between the two? A distance of more than 30 meters is a long distance. Isn't it normal for the Japanese army to throw a hand grenade at such a distance?

Shang Zhen got up from between the broken bricks and tiles, and jumped forward again under the cover of the low wall.

There is more than one wall in a house. Just as Shang Zhen dodged and hid behind another broken wall, he heard the "dang" sound of a grenade hitting a brick behind him.

This little devil really screwed himself up to death! When Shang Zhen cursed secretly, he could only put his head in his hands and lay down again.

With a "boom", there was another explosion just behind the wall where he had just hid.

How powerful is the explosive power of a grenade? Just imagine the situation when a second kick explodes under your feet, and the grenade is filled with TNT!

Every house has different Different rooms naturally have different walls as partitions.

How could the thickness of the inner wall of this house be the same as that of the outer wall.

The outer wall plays the role of heat preservation and cold insulation. Geographically speaking, the wall gets thicker the farther you go to the north.

Take the Northeast as an example, if it is a brick house, the outer walls of the HLJ bungalows are called 50-wall, so it is thick.

But when we arrived in Liaoning, the outer wall became the thirty-seven wall.

And that wall is usually just a single brick.

Although this is the south, the wall behind Shang Zhen is also a single brick, which means that the width of a brick is measured from bottom to top.

Fortunately for Shang Zhen, at least the wall was made of single bricks instead of planks, so it finally blocked the fragments produced by the grenade explosion.

Shang Zhen was very unlucky. Originally, the wall had been loosened during the Japanese bombing, but after the blast of the Japanese grenade explosion, the wall collapsed again.

Although the wall was neither high nor heavy enough to kill Shang Zhen, but the back of his hand covering his head was hit by bricks on his back again.

Is it just over? Obviously not.

Shang Zhen burst out of the bricks and rubble like a xiaoqiang who could only be beaten to death, and then hid behind other broken walls.

Two more Japanese grenades exploded in the ruins, but in the end Shang Zhen hid beyond the throwing distance of the Japanese grenade. He leaned against a broken wall and gasped, thinking what was wrong. ?

If you said that you threw three grenades one after another in that small second floor, how could there still be so many Japanese soldiers chasing and beating your ass?

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