The War of Resistance

Chapter 710: Crossing (3)

"The War of Resistance Against Mountains (

Shang Zhen hid in the house.

The layout of houses in cities is naturally different from that in rural areas.

In the rural houses, except for the family-style family who will build the house in a courtyard, the rest are mostly single-family houses.

But the houses in this city are connected together, so there are alleys.

The difficulty of finding the enemy's position in such a city is undoubtedly doubled.

But Shang Zhen relied on his own skills, he climbed over the wall and crossed the courtyard, and finally got close to the alley where the gunshots sounded.

There was only one wall left, and Shang Zhen leaned against the courtyard wall of a family and began to examine the weapons he was carrying.

No matter how strong a person is, what he can carry is limited after all. It is not only the size of the load but also the volume of the things he carries.

What Shang Zhen is carrying now is a 20-ring box cannon, several full magazines, two grenades captured from the Japanese army, and a bayonet.

It would be great if there were a few more grenades, Shang Zhen thought to himself as he began to look around the yard.

He was looking for a ladder or something to climb up the wall.

As far as the wall is not too high for this person, it is only as tall as two people, so with Shang Zhen's skill, he can naturally climb up.

But after all, he is not a legendary master of light kung fu. If he wants to climb the wall, he has to step on the wall first, but the wall will definitely "boom" at that moment. If the Japanese soldiers in the alley find out But it's not good.

Of course, Shang Zhen can also throw the grenade directly across the wall, but the problem is that he only has two grenades, and he doesn't know how many Japanese soldiers are on the other side of the wall.

It's just that Shang Zhen took a look at the yard but was disappointed. There is no ladder here, not even a wooden pole to borrow.

I had no choice but to force myself.

Shang Zhen gritted his teeth and pinned the box cannon back to his waist.

Now he only has this 20-gun box cannon, but he doesn't even have the wooden box of the box cannon that can be used as a gun stock, so that the box cannon trembles violently when shooting at a distance. Accuracy is naturally discounted.

Shang Zhen trotted forward a few steps with the courtyard wall behind his back.

Shang Zhen didn't know whether this family was rich or not. At this moment, he saw a little boy appearing from the open door, and then a hand covered the child's mouth from behind. It was the grown-ups who showed up.

Apparently, the adults of the family were afraid that the child would cry out because of fright and cause unwarranted disasters!

Shang Zhen suddenly grinned towards the door, and he didn't know whether his smile could relieve the family's inner worries.

Just because, just now, he got in from this house, no, to be precise, he broke in!

He clearly knew that the Japanese army was in that alley, and at that time he and the Japanese army were separated by this family.

It was impossible to make a detour, because it was too slow, and second, it was impossible to sneak attack on the Japanese army, so he smashed the window of this house with one kick and forced his way in.

Because of his extremely fast speed through the house, even if there were people in this family, they couldn't react.

This is what war is!

Shang Zhen put away his apologetic smile towards Fangfang, turned around and rushed out of the big wall.

With one foot stepping on the wall and the other stepping again, Shang Zhenren rushed up with that strength.

Talent determines the upper limit of a person, and a person with talent is generally very hardworking, at least not too bad, not to mention Shang Zhen's athletic talent is not bad, and he has always worked extremely hard in physical training.

So under this rush, Shang Zhen directly grabbed the top of the wall, that's all, he even poked his head out.

With just a glance left and right, Shang Zhen had a thorough look at the situation in the alleys outside the courtyard wall.

Then, as soon as he let go, he "falled" down again.

When the body fell to the ground and bowed, he took out a grenade, pulled out the pin and knocked on his hat to count, then he turned around and threw the grenade almost vertically across the courtyard wall!

Now Shang Zhen of course knows that using this air blast method to kill the enemy is extremely dangerous for a thrower like him.

However, when it was time to get serious, Shang Zhen didn't care so much!

When the first grenade was released, Shang Zhen touched the second one, and just as he touched the second grenade, the first grenade exploded outside the courtyard wall.

Shang Zhen didn't hesitate anymore, and ran to the left against the courtyard wall, and when he reached the corner, he threw the second grenade high.

The alley that Shang Zhen ran out of earlier was winding and winding, but the alley at this end is also the same, and the corner of the courtyard wall of this house is just a corner of this alley.

Even though Shang Zhen just stretched out his head for a glance, he also saw four or five people holding weapons on the side of the corner.

Although the weapon has its advantages and disadvantages, even if Shang Zhen only saw the tops of those few people's heads, he could tell that these four or five people were the scouts of the Japanese devils!

And on the other side of the corner, there are Japanese devils showing their heads, so the two grenades on my body happen to be at the head and one at the other!

After throwing the grenade, but the battle was still not over, Shang Zhen drew his gun again and rushed towards the open door of the house. He passed through the house like a gust of wind, not forgetting to say "excuse me", and then Then he returned to the back window that he kicked open earlier.

Although this house is a high-rise building, the windows are not made of glass, they are made of window paper, and the carved window sash has been smashed by him before.

And when he stepped on the window sill and just jumped out and just picked up the gun, there were footsteps on the right, he turned around and raised the gun, and just caught a glimpse of the figure rushing out of the alley and "snapped" "snapped" shot.

It is impossible for the one who rushed out at this time to be one of our own.

It is impossible for our own people to rush into this alley Even if our own people rush in, it is impossible for them to rush in so fast.

After that, Shang Zhen didn't care about what was behind him, he rushed into the alley with a box cannon.

As a veteran of hundreds of battles, Shang Zhen used the grenade blast method not once or twice, but this time when he rushed into the alley, he still felt extremely happy!

The killing from the grenade fragments above the head is really ruthless!

The blood in the alley was already in pools, and some of them had already blended together, and the one lying in the pool of blood was the invader.

Although some fell there motionless, some were still struggling and convulsing.

At this point, Shang Zhen still has no hesitation, to make up the guns one by one!

But when the replacement of the gun was completed, Shang Zhen discovered that the weapon used by a Japanese soldier who was killed was also a 20-gun box cannon, and he had a wooden box!

It's really marrying a daughter-in-law and celebrating the New Year again! Shang Zhen bowed and stretched out his hand to his spoils.

Ten minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others finally boarded a big boat, and they rowed the boat northeast with all their might.

The Bengbu section of the Huaihe River runs from east to west.

But Shang Zhen never wanted to row the boat directly to the north. Shang Zhen knew that no matter how aggressive the Chinese army is here, it is impossible to directly surrender the natural dangers of the Huaihe River to the enemy.

And that machine gun is still a light machine gun. If it is a heavy machine gun, the whole ship can be beaten to death!

It can be said that Shang Zhen's idea is not wrong, but just after they left the shore for a while, there was another rifle sound from the south bank. It was a Japanese scout rushing to the shore and shooting at them.

But it was too late after all, after the canopy was punched with bullet holes, the sailboat finally went further and further away.

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