The War of Resistance

Chapter 707: dodge the plane

"The War of Resistance Against Mountains (

After the war ended, a student who used to study at Southwest Associated University wrote an article called "Running the Alarm".

Southwestern Associated University has a multi-year fork? Just listen to its composition and you will know that it is a combination of three universities in exile, National BJ University, National Tsinghua University, and National Nankai University.

At that time, Southwest Associated University was located in Kunming, that is, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University were driven from the north to the south by the Japanese army, but even so, Kunming was not a pure land, and Japanese planes always came to bomb it.

Before the Japanese planes came, the Chinese side also had lookout posts, and if they saw Japanese planes, they would warn them.

The first step of the warning method is to hang an anti-air balloon at the highest point of KM City, so that the whole city can see it.

This means that the Japanese aircraft was found, and hanging a balloon only served as a warning. As for whether the Japanese aircraft came to Kunming, it depends on the alarm.

And in the Southwest Associated University, there is such an old man who is very talented. When everyone is sitting in the classroom and listening to the lectures of the masters of the Republic of China, he suddenly stands up and says: "Where is the balloon hanging inside?" !"

Where is that a Northeast accent, so why did Southwest Associated University have a Northeast accent? Not to mention, there are indeed exiled students from the Northeast in Southwest Associated University!

I also remembered a little joke. As soon as a child is sensible, he asks his father, Dad, where is your home? The father came back, my family is Chahar, and he asked his mother again, where is your family? As a mother, I said that my family is from Guangxi.

The child was surprised, then how did the two of you come together and have me again?

Yes, it is difficult to describe the karma of people, and although the war has also caused the loss of life, it has also brought together Chinese from all corners of the country.

So why is it so surprising that there are exiled students from the Northeast in Kunming?

Closer to home, this Northeast old man’s position is through the window, so he can’t see the anti-aircraft balloons hanging outside, but no one is nervous when he shouts like this. Some students poked their heads out of the window to take a look, isn’t it serious? Where is the anti-air balloon hanging inside!

So the run alert started.

Just imagine, a poor student can use his sixth sense to perceive the air defense balloons hanging outside, so how can veterans like Shang Zhen and others be insensitive to the sound of gunshots and Japanese aircraft?

Of course, Shang Zhen had reason to be nervous, the plane was like raindrops in the sky, and when he saw it, it was already approaching.

At this time, he woke up in a shock, so he didn't care who he bumped into, as the commander, he was responsible for the life and death of this team!

Shang Zhen looked forward and then looked back, it was still early in the morning, there were no other pedestrians on this road except their team.

However, the terrain in this area is flat. How can there be hills, ditches and ponds for them to avoid the sight of the Japanese army in the sky?

Although Shang Zhen didn't want other pedestrians to come to share the attention of the Japanese aircraft, but this whole road was only his group, if the Japanese aircraft didn't come over, it would be fine. It would be strange to shoot their carriages!

"The forest in front left! Run!" Shang Zhen shouted.

They are all veterans. The soldiers in the car also heard the sound of Japanese planes, but those who didn’t hear them were woken up by Shang Zhen. The soldiers in charge of driving the car beat their horses desperately and headed towards the woods in front left. rush everywhere.

Although it is winter now, the shelter of trees is better than nothing!

But at this time, the people in the carriage looked back at the "buzzing" sky, and saw that there were really a few small black spots there, and that was the plane of the Japanese army!

Dealing with the Japanese planes was not once or twice. Shang Zhen reckoned, who can guarantee that the Japanese planes will not find them when they drive the carriage behind the woods?

But what can I do? This team is all his brothers, and there are four women and two cubs on it?

It's useless to say anything now, just run.

The planes were flying in the sky, and the horse-drawn carts were running on the ground. Naturally, Shang Zhen was staring closely at the Japanese planes in the distance.

When the plane is far away, it will be a small black spot, and it will not be visible even if it flies to this end for a short time.

What in the world is more important than life and death? Shang Zhen, who was awakened by the sound of the plane, completely forgot that he bumped into Gao Yuyan the moment he sat up.

Poor Gao Yuyan could only hold her nose with one hand and pull the edge of the carriage with the other. Nosebleeds flowed from between his fingers, but who would notice her?

Finally, the galloping carriage arrived at the woods in the front left. At this time, the driver, who cared about the unevenness of the roadside, yelled "hold-hold-" and drove the carriage off.

Some sacks containing pork were knocked down, and some rifles were knocked down. It didn’t matter, you could pick them up later, but at this moment, Guan Tiedou yelled and fell directly from the carriage, and he fell Before, he pushed a little girl onto the car with his hands.

It turned out that the girl was carried by Ju Hongxia, but the carriage bumped too hard, and Ju Hongxia didn't take care of it, so the girl was thrown into the air, and Guan Tiedou was afraid of falling to the child, but he did his best, and it turned out that The girl was pushed into the car by him, but he fell under the car all of a sudden.

"Get out of the car, give me this car! I'll see if I can lure the little devil's plane away!" Shang Zhen shouted and moved to the front of the carriage.

At this time, Zhang Kefa, who was driving the car, quickly tightened the reins, and the driver got out of the car quickly.

"Boss, let me drive!" Zhang Kefa said.

"I don't need you!" Shang Zhen, who came over from behind the carriage, stretched out his hand and pushed Zhang Kefa.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Kefa thought that Shang Zhen would make a move, he was caught off guard and got off the carriage, almost being caught under the wooden wheels of the carriage!

Seeing that there was no one else in the carriage, Shang Zhen casually found a rifle on the carriage with the **** pointed at the horse's butt, so the two horses started galloping again.

While urging his horse along the road, Shang Zhen looked back at the Japanese planes, and at this moment he could see clearly that three Japanese planes were flying westward, but one plane was really heading in his direction !

I hope that the little devil's plane came for him.

Now Shang Zhen can only think this way, he continued to urge his horse to run wildly and at the same time began to scan his The Japanese army plane really found that he couldn't do anything about the remaining few carriages, but the Japanese army plane If he came here by himself, then he must find a place to hide.

Then if the Japanese plane came towards him, then no one else was found. Shang Zhen certainly had the idea of ​​self-sacrifice if he thought so.

But when he turned his head and saw the Japanese plane actually coming towards him, he couldn't help but yelled "Fuck".

At this time, he was really cornered by the Japanese planes, and now he has not found an ideal hiding place, and when he turned around again, he saw the highest point on the left, which is a few meters high. Occupies a large mound.

That's it, no matter how small the toy is, you can only go there to hide. Shang Zhen pulled the rein with his left hand and threw the gun **** with his right, and smashed it again.

This carriage was driven by two horses, and the horse on Shang Zhen's left was a shaft horse.

The two-horse-drawn cart also has its own owner and times. After smashing and pulling the horse, Shang Zhen turned and rushed towards the mound. Now Shang Zhen has the time to take care of the Japanese aircraft behind him. Knowing that as long as the Japanese plane dives, the machine guns on it should probably go off.

The carriage on the hill was even more different. When the speed of the horse dropped slightly, the two horses had already jumped over the top of the hill.

If you don't jump now, when will you wait? Shang Zhen pressed his hands on the carriage and jumped down sideways.

Facts have proved that not the big hero can do a forward roll when he jumps off the Mercedes-Benz car. Shang Zhen first hit his right shoulder hard, and then, how should I describe it? (Ji Li Gu Lu) just rolled down from that hill

And at this time, the machine guns on the Japanese plane rang out, and a string of smoke was blown up on the mound!

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