The War of Resistance

Chapter 684: The End of the World

"The War of Resistance Against Mountains (

It was dark at night, and there was a fire in a dilapidated earth temple in the wilderness, but there was nothing to be seen from a distance because of the cover of the nearby hills.

And under the firelight, a group of people were gathering together to listen to what a young woman was talking about.

The woman's face had already been washed clean, but under the firelight it was a little more radiant than the sallow and thin face in the daytime.

In her arms was a child who was already asleep, and beside him was another woman who was also holding an older girl in her arms, and that girl was already asleep.

It's just that the woman holding her was carrying a box cannon slung across her body. It was Ju Hongxia, who was called "Aunt Wang" by the soldiers as a joke.

At this time, the woman who had washed her face was holding the child with the other hand while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hand. It was like a girl who had been angered outside returned to her natal family and was telling her family about all the things she had been away from. Misfortune.

And this woman is the one who was rescued by Shang Zhen and the others, and she is really a woman from the Northeast, so meeting Shang Zhen and the others in this unfamiliar foreign land is equivalent to returning to her mother's home.

The woman kept talking, as if the suffering and grievances she suffered were like the endless water of the Yangtze River, and the eyes of the soldiers sitting around the woman listening to the narration were also full of tears.

How can people from home not shed tears when talking about things in their hometown in a foreign land?

"Alas." During the gap between the woman's narration, someone stood up. It was Qiu Bo. It was time for him to change his guard. He carried his flower mechanism on his back and walked out of the Earth Temple into the darkness.

Five minutes later, someone asked in the darkness: "What's the matter with our fellow villager? Why did she have two children at such a young age?" It was Chen Hanwen who asked.

"Oh, that would be a long story." Qiu Bo sighed.

"You have to say a long story, anyway, you can talk slowly when the night is long." Chen Hanwen said instead of rushing to change the guard.

"You don't even believe it, but that woman turned out to be a student." Qiu Bo said.

Qiu Bo's first sentence aroused Chen Hanwen's curiosity: "What? Female students? Female students can't go to Chongqing if they don't go south, so why are they still here?"

What Chen Hanwen said is naturally reasonable.

After the September 18th Incident, exiled students from Northeast China can be found everywhere. Although some went to Xi’an, some went to Nanjing. Now that the Japanese army has occupied Nanjing, those students will naturally go wherever they are not occupied by the Japanese devils. But in a place like the AH countryside, it is really rare to get married and have children!

Of course Qiu Bo understood Chen Hanwen's doubts, because he thought the same way at first, and he was not the one to show off. I got separated from our students in the Northeast, and ended up selling them to Jiangsu when I met an individual trafficker.

The daughter-in-law bought by that family was naturally afraid that she would run away, so they treated her very strictly.

As for the man she was forced to marry was ruined, that was all expected.

As a result, she first gave birth to a daughter, which is the one she leads now.

In the third year, I gave birth to another child, and this year I gave birth to another child. "

Qiu Bo paused for a while when he was talking about this, but at this moment Chen Hanwen had already said "I am twenty".

All the grievances he suffered for the woman's misery were contained in this foul language.

Asking a scholar to speak vulgar words is like forcing a mute to speak, and Chen Hanwen's inner anger can be seen from this.

Wandering from outside the pass to the pass, he was abducted by human traffickers, and gave birth to three children after arriving there. This life is not ordinary!

"After that, this is now!

The little devils attacked Nanjing and bombarded their village, her **** old man was also killed, her second child was also killed, and she escaped with her two children, one big and one small.

Then it happened to be bumped into by Shang Zhen and Qian Chuan'er.

I also heard from her that she recognized Shang Zhen's northeast accent from the very beginning, but she felt that she was too embarrassing about this, so she didn't recognize Shang Zhen as a fellow villager.

Wasn't it the traitors from that town who came to bully her? She called out and called Shang Zhen and the others over.

What the hell, it just so happens that we were rescued, otherwise, maybe I have to give birth to another child! " Qiu Bo said, and then he squatted down, and Chen Hanwen heard Xi Suo's voice.

"Gaha?" Chen Hanwen asked.

"Troubleshooting, smoke a cigarette." Qiu Bo replied.

"Turn your back, it's fine here." Chen Hanwen said casually, "Give me one too."

Both of them know how to smoke, but only occasionally, and their addiction is definitely not as strong as that of Old Mao Wang.

There is a big rock in front of the hiding place they chose, so as long as they squat down, they don't worry about being seen from a distance.

After a while, the two put their hands together and lit a cigarette with a match, and there was the sound of smoking vigorously in this silent night.

The two smoked very hard, as if they wanted to use the pungent taste of tobacco to offset the grievances in their hearts towards the woman's misfortune.

When the smoke dissipated in the dark night, Qiu Bo said angrily: "Damn it, the human trafficker is really not a beating (thing), just like a little devil! You should put everyone in the world to death!" The traffickers are all dead!"

Chen Hanwen gave a heavy "um" to express his serious agreement, but he didn't continue to speak, but continued to smoke Northeast men's characters are more or less machismo, that is to say, they are all They belong to the kind of people who are responsible, and they especially don't want to see the weak suffer, so there are a lot of Northeast people who like to fight against injustice on impulse, and what's more, what they saw this time was a weak woman from the Northeast who was bullied.

Humans are capable of empathy.

Just imagine, after the Japanese devils occupied the three provinces in the Northeast, those Northeast students who were exiled in the pass became children without fathers and mothers, and the Northeast Army became raised by stepmothers, just like the rootless duckweed in the pass. The ground is so beautiful.

Especially those students, the oldest ones are in their early twenties, and some of the younger ones are only thirteen or fourteen years old. Who is not the darling of their parents at home.

But when he left home and had no support, he was abducted by human traffickers and harmed by others. He also gave birth to three children, and after giving birth to three children, he was killed by Japanese devils. How can the word "miserable" be enough to say, how much suffering has been suffered in it!

It’s just amplified and said, the Northeast people in exile, whether they are Northeast students or the Northeast Army, which one can get better?

The students were bullied, and the officers and soldiers became cannon fodder even though they fought bravely. Now they are not allowed to smoke in the national government, but in the years after their death, they still have to bear the name of the general who did not resist, but the descendants do not know The dense bones of the anti-Japanese heroes are also from the Northeast!

"However, there is good news." After smoking, Qiu Bo threw the cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it before saying.

"What good news?" Chen Hanwen asked hurriedly.

"The woman said that on the way here, she knew there was a place with bamboo piles, the kind with thick bowl mouths, and we could just make a big bamboo raft for boat use." Qiu Bo replied.

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