The War of Resistance

Chapter 677: Where life and death depend (3)

A winding path leads to the small village in the depression.

In normal times, occasionally curious passers-by would climb up the hill to look at this small village, just because there will be people living here, and if there are people living here, there must be fireworks.

But under the massacre of the Japanese army like locusts crossing the border, even if some ordinary people saw the road leading to the small village, who would have the leisure to go and wait and see.

The village no longer smoked, and there were many dead people scattered outside, so the village was dead silent.

This is also the beginning of winter, otherwise the corpses will stink here.

In the end, it was a few wild dogs that broke the dead silence one day.

I don't know why those wild dogs smelled the special smell in the hill, so they ran happily to the corpse on the edge of the village. Could it be that the tragic image in the world is destined to be the wild dog's carnival?

And just when the first dog was about to pounce on a corpse, there was a dull gunshot. The shot was so accurate that it passed through the dog's head, and the dog groaned. Before he could hum, he fell down.

And then, the muffled gunshots kept ringing out, and several wild dogs were directly knocked down.

However, only one of these shots failed to hit the dog's vitals, so the dog dragged its hips and screamed "嗤" "嗤" and wanted to run away.

But then the gunshots started again, and this time the dog was no longer lucky, and it finally fell down.

A few people ran out from the ruined wall. They rushed to the place where the dead dog was, dragged the dog and went to the village.

But there was one person who didn't stop. Instead, he ran up the mountain ahead along the road into the village. That was Shang Zhen.

When Shang Zhen ran to the top of the mountain, he saw Wang Laomao and Hou Wangshan who were sitting on the ground.

Old Mao Wang, who had been watching the situation, said, "How dare you do it!"

"Why don't we fix it?" Shang Zhen asked back. Old Mao Wang also sat down.

"You are so careful that people will find out that we are hiding here, but you are lucky, you dare to use a gun!" Old Mao Wang said dissatisfied.

"Then what can you do without a gun? You can't just sit and watch that dog eat a dead man, can you?" Shang Zhen retorted.

"You are the one who is soft-hearted." Old Mao Wang said angrily.

Shang Zhen was speechless, he was indeed soft-hearted.

"You can't use any bows, crossbows or anything, even slingshots." Old Mao Wang said again.

"Am I going to change? I haven't said why you are a sentry post, why did you let the wild dogs in." Shang Zhen said angrily.

"Fuck, did that dog pass by us? We didn't even notice it!" Old Mao Wang replied.

"If you don't use the wild dog, I will do it? Why don't you make a crossbow and slingshot or something?" Shang Zhen said, this time it is Wang's turn to have nothing to say.

At this moment, Shang Zhen turned around and got down on the ground and climbed towards the middle of the mountain top.

It was Shang Zhen who shot and killed those wild dogs just now.

Not only did they arrange sentries on the road into the village, but there were also people in the village who were always watching the movement of the sentries. As a result, the sentries in the village did not see the signal of the sentries on the mountain, but unexpectedly found several wild dogs coming in.

It is said that if it is a dog, it can't change eating shit, but it is also not a vegetarian. The wild dog obviously came to the dead in the village.

Shang Zhen and the others have been hiding here for a week, because the corpses of those common people are still exposed to Foreign Shang Zhen, and he feels very sorry.

If it was said that they were just passing by the village at that time, they would have passed by, but he used these dead people to cover them up and hid in the village.

If the wild dogs gnawed on the corpse, Shang Zhen would feel really sorry.

So he took the risk of shooting the wild dogs and killed them.

As for why he didn't kill the dog directly with one shot, it was because he used a pillow to cover the muzzle of the gun in order to prevent the gunshot from causing unnecessary trouble. Still lost the nod.

It's just that the gun was fired and it was in an open place. Shang Zhen was worried and went to the top of the mountain to watch the movement.

"It should be nothing. If the people around hear it, they will not dare to come. Besides, the nearest village we passed by when we came was also harmed by devils." Hou Wangshan also turned around and got down on the ground to follow Shang Zhen to the front. climb.

When Wang Laomao turned around to look, Shang Zhen and Hou Wangshan had already stopped and were looking out of the mountain.

He moved his buttocks and sat upright before saying: "I said Shang boy, you are not very authentic!"

Shang Zhen didn't answer, it was obvious that Old Mao Wang had something to say and he just listened.

"I said you got along with girl Leng, so why are you still flirting with that Gao Yuyan?" Old Mao Wang said differently.

"It's so ugly, why did I hook up? I didn't—" Shang Zhen replied while observing the front.

"What the **** is Jing talking, you're almost catching up with that little boy!" Old Mao Wang scolded, how could he not know that Shang Zhen was going to say the rest of the talk, and I didn't hook up like you. Little daughter-in-law.

"Give me the binoculars." Shang Zhen reached back, and Hou Kanshan hurriedly handed over the binoculars.

Shang Zhen took the telescope and remained silent again.

"Let me tell you, you're all on good terms with Leng girl, if you dare to be ambiguous with Gao Yuyan again, be careful I'll tell Leng girl later.

Don't see one liking the other at a young age, you look like a big stallion! " Old Mao Wang said again.

Shang Zhen still ignored Wang Laomao and just used a telescope to observe the situation in the distance.

Old Mao Wang didn't do anything with Shang Zhen either, and now he really wanted to step up and kick Shang Zhen's ass.

It's just that he just thought about it. It wasn't that he didn't dare to kick Shang Zhen's ass, but that Shang Zhen had just fired a few shots. It will inevitably arouse suspicion, so it would be bad if he stood up and was seen by Japanese soldiers who might exist in the distance.

"Old Uncle Wang is a bit old, and started talking." Shang Zhen suddenly laughed.

"Are you old? Not old, hehe." Hou Wangshan, who had been ignoring the fight between the two of them, suddenly laughed lowly, and then he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "I'm worried that I have nothing to eat, so I came here A stray dog."

"Can the dog be eaten?" Shang Zhen said without turning his head.

He didn't want to continue talking about Gao Swift.

It's impossible to say that he doesn't have feelings for Gao Yuyan, but Shang Zhen is not the kind of person who sees differences.

What's more, when he was with Gao Yuyan, he unconsciously felt an inferiority complex.

Now it's a war, and it seems that the soldiers are heroes, but Shang Zhen knows that Gao Yuyan's knowledge is by no means comparable to his own, but he prefers the unrestrained and free life when he is with Leng Xiaozhi Feel.

"Why can't you eat it?" Hou Wangshan wondered when he heard that Shang Zhen meant that he didn't want to eat dog meat.

"It's inevitable that those wild dogs have eaten human flesh. If we eat those dogs again, I feel sick when I think about it." Shang Zhen didn't shy away from his true thoughts.

When Shang Zhen said this, Hou Wangshan also felt a little uncomfortable. Thinking about it, it was quite disgusting.

It's just that they are really hungry.

The village was burned by the devils, and the daily rations of more than 30 of them were by no means small. They could only find food from the burned houses, but some of the food in each family had been burned. Even the surviving ones were burnt to a pulp. If they didn't eat those, what could they eat?

As for drinking water, how should I put it, they are equally disgusting when they think about it.

The Japanese army threw dead people into the well, but there was only one water source in the village, so what would Shang Zhen and the others drink if they didn't drink that water?

There was no other way, Shang Zhen and the others could only fish out the dead man from the well, and then pour the water out bucket by bucket.

Although it was already winter, the temperature was below zero. Although the water was very cold, the water still smelled like a corpse after two days of soaking.

They keep pouring water out, which is naturally to pour out the sinking water, so that new groundwater will continue to come up.

"Old Uncle Wang, do you want to eat that dog meat?" Hou Kanshan turned his head and asked Old Mao Wang.

"Fuck, after a few days of dating, girls can learn how to chirp with girls." Old Mao Wang turned the topic to Shang Zhen again, and then said very proudly, "When I was a beard, I couldn't even eat my heart. I’ve drank it all, do you think I’ll eat dogs or not?”

Hou Kanshan heard Wang Laomao say this and hurriedly said: "The platoon leader is mighty." Then he turned back.

Old Mao Wang smiled triumphantly and began to reach out to touch the cigarette again. He never saw Hou Kanshan turned his head, but curled his lips secretly.

We have been together for too Old Mao Wang mentioned that he was a mustache and drank meat soup made from human hearts, not once or twice.

At that time, Wang Laomao was still Hou Kanshan's platoon leader. No matter from which point of view, Hou Kanshan showed a look of fear at that time.

But now everyone has been together for seven or eight years, and everyone has become a veteran. The veterans are discussing in private, maybe Wang Laomao is bragging, but no one dares to question it in person.

"I think back then, our scorpion and a scorpion named Xue Shangfei became sworn enemies." Old Mao Wang began to talk about his experience as a beard again.

"Last time you said flying on the grass." At this moment, Hou Wangshan couldn't help reminding.

"Is there?" Old Mao Wang was taken aback for a moment.

He only focuses on talking about his own experience. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he flies on grass or snow.

But then he heard Hou Kanshan's suffocated laughter, and he suddenly realized that Hou Kanshan was also teasing himself.

When Wang Laomao was about to scold "dead monkey", Shang Zhen had already said: "Stop making trouble, cause trouble, there are really devils coming!"

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