The War of Resistance

Chapter 668: 1 Soldier Alternative Thanks

"Don't fight, retreat quickly!" Old Mao Wang shouted.

The battle continued, more than 20 Japanese and puppet troops lay down on the dirt road, but the rest of the Japanese and puppet troops had already got into the graveyard.

Now that the terrain advantage as the ambush side has disappeared, so what are they waiting for if they don't withdraw?

In this lifetime, at a certain stage of life, people will suddenly understand something.

For example, once ignorant and ignorant teenagers will quickly mature after entering the society.

In the same way, people will understand some truths when they live to a certain age.

For example, Old Mao Wang, who is now nearly fifty, has already understood the principle of enough is enough.

Don't drink too much alcohol, just a little drunk is fine.

You can't have too much bedtime **** with your little daughter-in-law, just be happy, otherwise your old waist won't be able to bear it.

The same is true for fighting the Japanese devils. If you take advantage of it and run away quickly, killing one more devil may increase the danger of yourself and others.

It's just that if you can do it if you think about it, then it's not a battlefield.

Old Mao Wang led his men down, but after dodging a few grave mounds, he heard the sound of a box cannon shooting behind him. He turned his head and saw Tiger Zhuzi Still shooting behind a grave!

"You bastard, come back quickly!" Old Mao Wang cursed angrily.

Apparently Hu Zhuzi heard his scolding, Wang Laomao then saw Hu Zhuzi shrank back, and then made a rolling backward movement that was very inconsistent with his strong physique.

When Hu Zhuzi got up, he had already hid behind another grave, and at this time, two grenades fell on the grave where Hu Zhuzi was hiding before, and two explosions sounded "boom" and "boom".

The graves were earthen graves, but the smoke and dust from the explosion made Hu Zhuzi's figure blurred.

At this time, Hu Zhuzi got up again, turned around and ran back with his back bent.

When Hu Zhuzi ran to Wang Laomao's side, Wang Laomao cursed again: "You **** has been fighting for several years, run away!"

Hu Zhuzi laughed a little while running and said: "I saw a man with an oriental sword, I'm sorry for his ancestor if I don't kill (nèng) him!"

At this time, there was another short burst of the "he, he, he" flower mechanism, and a Japanese soldier who poked his head out from behind the earthen grave retracted his head again amidst the sound of the bullets. This short burst was Ma Tianfang. Hit, but it looks like it can hit.

With regard to the terrain of this kind of random graveyard, it is not necessary for the commander Wang Laomao to say that the veterans also know how to cross cover and retreat.

"Then did you hit that official?" Qin Chuan, who also retreated with the flower trap, asked Hu Zhuzi.

"I seem to have hit that guy's dick!" Hu Zhuzi replied, and then hehe, "Death is not necessarily death, it is certain that you will die!

Oh, by the way, just now I saw a half-sized kid running towards us from the right. "

Don't look at what these veterans are saying, but the movement of retreating is by no means vague.

But Hu Zhuzi's words immediately made Qin Chuan pause and asked him, "Which end?"

"Where did the devil come from?" Hu Zhuzi asked back.

Hu Zhuzi answered with questions instead. Judging from the positions of the ambushes, the Japanese and puppet troops came from the front, and the funeral crowd was on their right.

So what Hu Zhuzi was talking about was their front right.

At this time, the guns of the soldiers who had already run ahead to cover them rang out again. Even if he didn't turn his head, Qin Chuan knew that it was the Japanese army chasing him.

In fact, the distance between the enemy and us is already very close, and it will not exceed 80 meters.

It's just that here is a messy grave, and the big and small graves are very densely packed one after the other.

This is not the Northeast. It cannot be said that every inch of land is expensive, but it also has a large population.

With a large population, there is little land to use, and there is always a situation where the dead and the living compete for land. This is a recognized place to bury the dead within a radius of tens of miles, so naturally more and more graves are built.

The large number of graves blocked the eyes of both the enemy and us, but as veterans, Wang Laomao and the others knew that they could not let the Japanese army pursue them any closer.

Let's fight a little more, once the Japanese and puppet troops approach within forty or fifty meters, the Japanese grenades will definitely fly over.

If there is another fight, this kind of battle will be a chaotic battle. Whether it is to kill 800 enemies or lose 1,000, or kill 1,000 to lose 800, it is not worthwhile for Wang Laomao and the others.

But just when they urgently needed to get rid of the Japanese army, Qin Chuan suddenly dodged to the side and hid behind a mound.

This action of Qin Chuan startled Hu Zhuzi, who had always been daring, and he blurted out, "You want to haha?"

"Save that child!" Qin Chuan replied without hesitation.

"Oh." Hu Zhuzi responded.

Hu Zhuzi was simple-minded, since Qin Chuan wanted to save people, he would naturally follow, but as for Qin Chuan's words, the old hat Wang who had also heard Qin Chuan said angrily, "Are you **** crazy?"

"That child is kind to us!" Qin Chuan shouted without hesitation, then he poked his head and glanced behind, got up and ran to the front right with his flower organ in hand.

As soon as Qin Chuan moved, Hu Zhuzi naturally followed.

Just imagine, Hu Zhuzi could still charge up by himself when no one was asking for help. Now that Qin Chuan is taking the lead, why doesn't he follow?

"Damn it!" Old Mao Wang couldn't help but yelled, and then shouted, "Stop in place, be smart, don't lose your life here!

Ma Erhuzi followed! "

Qin Chuan and the others made a detour to the right, but they were only so far away from the Japanese army. After Wang Laomao and the others stayed on this side for a while, the Japanese army behind them appeared, and the gunshots rang out again.

Fortunately, the Japanese army did not expect that this group of Chinese soldiers who should have taken advantage of it and fled for their lives would dare to turn around and fight again. After a brief burst of gunfire, two more Japanese soldiers were knocked down, and the rest of the Japanese army retreated to the chaotic place. behind the grave.

"Be smart, watch out for the devil's grenades!" Old Mao Wang shouted.

The so-called overcrowding, in this kind of chaotic battle, everyone has to concentrate, and there is nothing wrong with shouting frequently!

After shouting, Wang Laomao changed the magazine for his flower mechanism and then crawled to the right under the cover of the grave mound.

He has his own ideas, Qin Chuan and the others go to pick up people, he can't ignore it, but he never wants to stay in the same position for a long time.

"He he he", another gunshot sounded, this time it was Qiu Bo who fired a short burst forward.

After the beating was over, Qiu Bo shrank and hid behind the nearby grave. There was already a soldier hiding behind that grave.

"Hey! I said you must tie two grasshoppers with one rope?" That Zhang Ke said angrily.

Guan Tiedou and Zhang Kefa are also veterans, so they are not polite to Qiu Bo.

"Lend me your precious land." Qiu Bo hadn't forgotten to joke at this moment, and then a grenade exploded on the grave that Qiu Bo had just avoided. It was a grenadier used by the Japanese army.

"Run back with me. One, two, three, run!" Qiu Bo said.

In the smoke that hadn't cleared just now, Qiu Bo ran back again, and Zhang Kefa hurriedly followed.

It is said that on the battlefield, generally two shells will not explode at the same position, and the same is true for the little devil when he shoots the bullet.

When the enemy and us were shooting at each other, Old Mao Wang hid behind a grave and peeked ahead.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan didn't keep others waiting for a long time. After a while, he saw that Qin Chuan really ran out from behind a grave just protecting a half-sized boy!

"It's so awesome!" Old Mao Wang couldn't help muttering.

It's just because Qin Chuan is really like that old Baozi protecting the little chick, blocking that half-sized kid in front of him.

But at this time, Old Mao Wang noticed that there were Japanese soldiers behind Qin Chuan!

Yes, showing up, not showing up!

As soon as the Japanese soldier showed up, he pointed at Qin Chuan with the rifle.

Old Mao Wang instinctively raised his gun, but he also knew it was too late.

So he hurriedly shouted, "Get down!"

This is the graveyard, how far is he from Qin Chuan now, less than thirty meters away.

As soon as he appeared with this shout, Qin Chuan also saw it. Qin Chuan instinctively pushed the half-sized man in front of him and fell down on the ground. At this time, the gunshot from the Japanese soldier behind him rang out.

However, a surprising thing happened at this time, the upper body of Qin Chuan who was lying on the ground disappeared, but only the lower legs remained, no! The above, above the calf is shaking on the ground, because he is upside down!

Wang Laomao's gun also rang out, and the Japanese soldier who shot at Qin Chuan was knocked down. At this time, the gunfire behind Wang Laomao also rang out, which meant that other soldiers had come to reinforce him.

The distance within tens of In terms of firepower output, the Japanese army is really not an opponent. The Japanese army was suppressed for a while and stopped showing up. It is estimated that they are waiting for grenadier support.

Wang Laomao ran forward again, Qin Chuan's life or death was unknown, he always had to go there.

At this time, Old Mao Wang saw that the half-child who was protected by Qin Chuan had already stepped forward to pull Qin Chuan's feet.

OK! This kid has a conscience! Such thoughts flashed through Wang Laomao's mind, but he was still worried about Qin Chuan in his heart.

And when he grabbed Qin Chuan's ankle with his hands, he felt relieved, and he felt that Qin Chuan was also arching hard!

It turned out that the place where Qin Chuan fell happened to be a tomb that had been leveled.

God knows how many years this grave has been, and the coffin boards are all rotten.

So Qin Chuan crashed into the coffin just now.

""Pooh! If anyone says that there are no good people in this village, I will be anxious with him. I thank the eight generations of ancestors in this village! "This is the first sentence that the disgraced Qin Chuangong said after he came out.

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