The War of Resistance

Chapter 664: 1 graveyard

"Arise! You who will not be slaves!

Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!

When the Chinese nation is at its most dangerous time, everyone is forced to make a final roar.

stand up! stand up! stand up!

We are united as one, braving the enemy's artillery fire, marching forward! go ahead! go ahead! Enter! "

When Gao Yuyan sang softly, Shang Zhen was attracted by this song at that time.

He seemed to have seen countless Chinese soldiers charging the Japanese army wave after wave against the artillery fire.

In the battle with the Japanese army, Shang Zhen sacrificed many brothers, but he knew that there are so many soldiers in China, everyone has his own brother, so many brothers fell under the guns of the invaders, so . These people still need to continue to charge the Japanese invaders.

For a moment, Shang Zhen had forgotten what he was going to do, and just stood there blankly.

"This poem is about our Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army." Gao Yuyan's words interrupted Shang Zhen's reverie.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen raised his head and saw Gao Yuyan's shining eyes, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then felt a sense of pride.

It turned out that it was specifically about the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, Shang Zhen thought, after hearing the lyrics, he thought it was about all the Chinese armies, the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army, the Guangdong Army, the Central Army, and so on.

As for the Volunteer Army, Shang Zhen certainly knows about it, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army.

Although Shang Zhen and the others had fought all the way to the pass after the September 18th Incident, of course he knew that there were still people in the Northeast fighting against Japan, and those anti-Japanese teams were called the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army.

Before they heard the song "March of the Volunteers", Shang Zhen and the others would also talk about their hometown in the Northeast. It was hard for them to imagine how the Anti-Japanese Volunteers fought against Japan in the extreme cold of the Northeast.

Shang Zhen is from Liaoning, and when the people in Guannei mention the Northeast the most, they say the word "cold", but Shang Zhen knows that the coldness of the three northeastern provinces is still different. HLJ is still warm compared to that.

After arriving in the Guannei, following Shang Zhen's own study, he knew what a degree Celsius is, and the common people in Northeast China nowadays naturally don't know what a degree Celsius is.

However, the common people in Northeast China naturally have words that express the coldness of different degrees, although they cannot be quantified specifically.

For example, cold, the cold of a thief, the cold of a slap in the face, the cold of a dry face, the cold of a ghost baring its teeth.

The so-called coldness of ghosts baring their teeth is naturally the coldest. Shang Zhen himself has never experienced it, but he can freeze ghosts so cold that his teeth are bared. Now that Shang Zhen thinks about it, it must be more than minus 40 degrees Celsius. degree it!

Shang Zhen and the others fought all the way from outside the pass to inside the pass. In order to survive and win the battle, there is nothing that people can't bear.

They naturally understand that fighting a war can't be like living a life. They can carry their guns and go into battle after eating and drinking and dressing warmly.

Although Shang Zhen and the others are now sleeping in the cemetery in the near-zero temperature, and they may fight the Japanese army, but as a Northeast native, Shang Zhen knows that it is definitely not the same thing as fighting devils at minus 20 or 30 degrees. !

"I'll teach you guys to sing this song when I have time, okay?" Seeing that Shang Zhen was captivated by what she sang and said, Gao Yuyan couldn't help but secretly delighted.

"Okay." Shang Zhen readily agreed.

Shang Zhen himself is not a person who likes politics, and this song is only about beating the Japanese devils, which aroused his emotional resonance and naturally agreed.

Because he liked it in his heart, Shang Zhen talked to Gao Yuyan again.

Shang Zhen had never seen such an elegant and considerate woman as Gao Yuyan, not to mention Gao Yuyan helped him untie the knot after he accidentally killed the woman who slept with the Japanese.

Shang Zhen chose this ambush location in the cemetery circle, because there is no good ambush location nearby.

Naturally, people like Gao Yuyan and that female student cannot participate in the battle. Shang Zhen has already asked Xiao Dupan to find those two girls to be Gao Yuyan's companions.

It's just that those two people have their own owners. According to Shang Zhen's knowledge, Old Mao Wang and Chu Tian came over when it was dark, so they were really looking for their own wives.

As far as the current temperature is concerned, it doesn't mean that men and women can be busy with anything. It's so cold, who doesn't feel sorry for his daughter-in-law, it's better to hug his daughter-in-law to warm each other than two big men leaning together.

Shang Zhen also knew that under such circumstances, Gao Yuyan must be left alone, but what can be done?

Qin Chuan said that there was something wrong with the way Gao Yuyan looked at him, and Shang Zhen didn't want to make any gossip about himself.

Since women are not allowed to participate in the battle, their current position is a bit far from the ambush site.

Shang Zhen didn't notice the faint cries coming from the other side of the village.

However, the ambush they set up was closer to the village, and the soldiers who were also in the graveyard at this time heard the cry more clearly.

"Hey, the old tomb is filled with new soil, and the new tomb is filled with white flags." Banla scholar Chu Tian touched the scene and began to chant again.

"Are you considered a scholar?" Bai Zhan curled his lips.

At this time, Bai Zhan was holding a bayonet in his hand, and he was poking his buttocks and pulling a pile of bones sunken in the ground.

The grave in front of him is unknown how many years old, the grave has collapsed, and even the coffin has rotted, so the bones have been exposed.

"What?" Chen Hanwen asked Bai Zhan.

"Fill the old grave with new soil, so the new dead will be buried together with the original dead?" Bai Zhan was still pulling the bones and sticks with his bayonet. "That's called a new grave next to the old grave."

"Ouch—" Ma Tianfang, who was leaning against a grave bag to wipe his gun at this time, pretended to be surprised, "I have seen a thief, but this is the first time I have seen such an educated thief."

"If you say I'm a thief, let's admit it. That's what we do." Bai Zhan was still picking people's bones with a bayonet. He didn't take Ma Tianfang's words seriously. Forgive me, Qiu Ba, you don’t know what Ya thief means. Do you know how to write Ya? Do you know what Feng Ya Song is? "

"Pull it down!" How could Ma Tianfang be bluffed by Bai Zhan.

In terms of cultural level, Ma Tianfang is naturally incomparable to educated people like Chen Hanwen Baizhan, but you have Baixue from Yangcun, and I have people from Xialiba, so Ma Tianfang and his group of veterans have long been in the same culture as Chen Hanwen Chutian People's "discussion" has been tempered into steel.

So he went on to say, "No matter how educated a thief is, he is still a thief, and he can't get rid of that smell of thief, just like we have stayed in the pile of dead people for a long time, and there is such a stench!

Oh, by the way, what are you still doing outside? Someone kicked the back of his swollen ass, making him feel a little bit deadly. "

Ma Tianfang's words made the soldiers next to him who didn't want to participate in the verbal battle laugh.

Just Ma Tianfang's words scared Bai Zhan up quickly.

Although now he also has a horse box and participated in the war, but he knows that he can't afford to provoke these veterans. In case someone, such as Hu Zhuzi, really kicks his ass, he really Just got into the coffin board!

And what Ma Tianfang said to him just now was so powerful that he had no words to refute, so Wang Gu could only talk about him.

"He's still a poor ghost after he dies, and he hasn't even found a copper coin after searching for a long time." Bai Zhan said self-deprecatingly.

Just when Ma Tianfang was about to speak out to ridicule again, the crying in the other side of the village was already louder.

The soldiers stopped fighting and hid beside the grave to look across the village.

Two carriages had already parked in the graveyard, surrounded by dark villagers. Someone was carrying the dead from the carriages. Those people were of course the people who were beaten to death by the Japanese and puppet soldiers yesterday. The funeral is held in the village today.

"Oh." Several soldiers sighed at the same time.

Although they were very angry with the confused old man who couldn't speak yesterday, but this night has passed, thinking about the old man is also very pitiful.

They heard from people in the village that the old man had three sons and two daughters~ It was fine for the daughters to marry, and two of these three sons had already joined the national army.

Of course, the so-called participation in the national army is a nice way of saying it, but in fact it means being arrested.

In terms of the current tragic situation on the battlefield between China and Japan, the soldiers felt that the old man's two sons must be in danger.

The young men who are captured are recruits, but the death rate of recruits on the battlefield is the highest. Many of the people who charge in the front are recruits, not to mention that the Chinese army often uses the kind of people who use people to pile up. style of play.

And now that the old man's old son is dead again, then his family is probably broken.

"I don't know if that kid's father is okay yesterday?" Qin Chuan murmured in a low voice, but then he used the cover of the grave to **** forward.

The villagers didn't know that Shang Zhen and his team were still going to ambush the Japanese army here, and Shang Zhen and the others didn't want the villagers to see it.

And the boy Qin Chuan mentioned was the half-child who led them "through" the wall and "through" the house yesterday.

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