The War of Resistance

Chapter 653: 1 horse box

The latest website: "If you don't hurry up and retreat, are you guys squatting?" Shang Zhen asked when he ran in front of Yu Zuolong and the others.

"Both of them fell in love with this gun." Yu Zuolong replied.

At this time, Yu Zuolong, Bai Zhan, Hulu and even Gao Yuyan had already run down from the hill, and they were surrounding the puppet army who had been knocked down from his horse.

The puppet soldier was dead, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Shang Zhen saw Bai Zhan and Hulu, each holding a gun.

After just a glance, Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, it was really the first time he had seen this kind of gun.

However, after all, Shang Zhen is also a veteran, seeing this gun for the first time does not mean that he has never heard of it, so he said angrily: "Let this gun go to me first, and grab the gun at this time, you will die or die! Retreat!"

Shang Zhen really spoke harshly this time.

They had just taken a risk and won a small ambush. They wiped out less than ten Japanese soldiers, and the remaining puppet troops surrendered.

However, according to the captured puppet army, one day the Japanese puppet army seemed to be searching for their whereabouts, so now they must retreat immediately, and now Bai Zhan and Hulu are arguing over a gun, isn't that just because they don't know Life and death!

Under Shang Zhen's scolding, the reunited people ran to the south under the guidance of Xiao Dupan and the others.

Seeing that there was no Japanese and puppet troops chasing after him, Shang Zhen finally had the time to look at this newly captured gun.

This gun can be determined at first glance. It is a deformed gun of a box cannon, which is similar to the box cannon connected to the box of the gun.

There is a gun barrel that is much longer than the long seedling box, and there is no handle of the box gun, but there is a **** that connects the gun body together through a tenon.

The magazine is not big, and with the eyes of a Shang Zhen veteran, one can think that the magazine should be loaded with ten rounds, and the caliber of the barrel must also be 7.63mm.

On the whole, it is more slender than the box cannon with a wooden box. The **** is used for shooting against the shoulder. If it is not for shooting against the shoulder, the front of the **** has a curved middle with a concave grip. , the shooter can also hold the **** against the armpit and shoot directly with one hand.

The safety of the gun is on the front of the concave grip, and when shooting, you only need to press down with your thumb to open the safety.

Compared with the box cannon, this kind of gun has the relative compactness of the box cannon, but it has the shooting advantage that the box cannon does not have.

The barrel is long and the **** can reach the shoulder, which will undoubtedly make the shooting more stable and accurate, and the bullet will be very powerful (much faster initial velocity).

And based on the length of the gun, Shang Zhen believes that its effective range should be farther than that of the box cannon plus a wooden box.

It's a really good weapon.

"Horse box! Don't say that this puppet army really has good guys!" At this time, Qin Chuan directly called out the name of this gun.

Shang Zhen laughed.

"Horse box" is exactly the name Shang Zhen thought of for this gun.

The name is vivid and accurate.

Box, that means that this gun has a fixed magazine, just as box guns are also called "box" subguns.

And the "horse" refers to the cavalry, and this gun can be understood as a horse rifle or a riding rifle.

It was only then that Shang Zhen remembered that he had seen a puppet soldier with his arms unleashed and holding his gun to his shoulders, but they were afraid of being discovered by the other side, so they retreated back into the big pit.

Come to think of it, this guy is also a bit of a backstab, maybe he just joined the Japanese soldiers and wanted to show off in front of the so-called Japanese imperial army, but in the end he killed himself. Sincerely do not deceive me!

"This gun is good for horse pìn, but it's also good for beards. It's probably the old uncle Wang's favorite." Shang Zhen laughed.

"The gun is a good gun, but not necessarily. The bullets in this gun are all loaded in the chamber. I know there is a better one. It is like your twenty-ring gun. It can change the magazine. There are ten guns. There are 20 rounds left, which are more convenient to use than this." Ma Tianfang also said at this time.

If the magazine is fixed to feed ammunition, you have to use a bridge clip or press the bullet in with a single shot. If there is a movable magazine, the so-called "shuttle" is naturally better to use.

"I snatched this gun first." Hulu said at this time.

Hulu has a sincere heart, he saw Shang Zhen say that other people also like this gun, he fell in love with this gun and was afraid that others would take it away, so he finally spoke again.

"You haven't even fired a gun, your gun is a waste of money!" As soon as Hulu spoke, Bai Zhan refused to let go.

Gourd is a newcomer after all, he loves this horse box very much when he sees it, that's why he went to get it.

And that Bai Zhan is a thief, although he doesn't like guns, but he doesn't like rifles, he looks stupid, and when he saw this horse box, his eyes met, then Which thief doesn't like fun throwing things?

It's really hard to blame Bai Zhan, his knowledge is so mixed, he actually knows the idiom of "violent waste".

Shang Zhen looked at Bai Zhan and Hulu.

Earlier, these two guys had a half-blurred fight over the gun. At that time, the situation was urgent, so how could Shang Zhen have the time to settle the lawsuit between them.

Shang Zhen looked at these two people this time, they had different expressions, the gourd was a dull gourd, the honest man's face would turn red when he was angry, while Bai Zhan's face was not red, but his two thin How could the lips be the ones who gave way?

But now that Shang Zhen looked over, both of them shut up.

Hulu also knew now that Shang Zhen turned out to be the leader of this group of soldiers, and if he was the leader, he was the officer, and he had to listen to the officer.

But Bai Zhan saw that the two separated groups reunited again, he would never dare to mess with other veterans other than Shang Zhen.

"This is the army, are there any rules?" Shang Zhen looked at the two men angrily and amusedly, then looked at Yu Zuolong and asked, "Who took the second devil who used this gun from the horse?" Beat it?"

"I hit it." Yu Zuolong replied.

"Look at what the boss hasn't said yet, you two are grabbing it." Shang Zhen continued the training and then "éi", "By the way, you can't just seize this gun, can you? What about the loaded bullets and magazines?"

"I'm here!" Yu Zuolong replied hastily.

"Look, Yu Zuolong is a veteran after all, it's useless for you to just grab guns!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

Now that Shang Zhen has found out, he and Bai Zhan can't be polite anymore, this guy is a master who can hit a snake with a stick, and can kick his face with his nose!

"Whoever captures this gun will get it!" Shang Zhen ordered.

When Shang Zhen said that, Hulu and Bai Zhan could only stare blankly. One was that Shang Zhen ordered it, and the other was that there was nothing wrong with Shang Zhen breaking up the lawsuit.

But who would have thought that at this time Yu Zuolong said: "I don't want this gun, I'm used to using a rifle."

When Yu Zuolong said this, not only Shang Zhen, but also Little Dustpan gave him a high look.

"Okay, then put this gun here first." Shang Zhen smiled and then turned to Bai Zhan and Hulu and said, "You two, one of you is incomprehensible, and the other doesn't even know how to use a gun, just grab the spoils ?

How about this, I guess this battle will have to be fought less, if the two of you kill more devils, this gun will be rewarded to whoever. "

"Then I hacked six Japanese devils to death with a big guillotine before!" Hulu objected.

"This can't be counted." Seeing the gourd's tendons, Shang Zhen could only explain, "You have to practice the gun well to kill more Japanese devils. What's the use of giving you this gun? The guns of the Erguizi who were killed were also used very well, if you want to keep your own weapons, you must have real skills."

"That's a deal!" After Shang Zhen said this, Hulu had no objection. After all, the last time he went to Li Dahu's house, he and Shang Zhen actually killed the enemy. He admired Shang Zhen very much.

"Hmph, Bibi is just Bibi, I have traveled more bridges than your kid, I am a big overripe watermelon, how can I not compare to your raw melon egg?" Bai Zhan didn't say anything.

Seeing that Shang Zhen has finished the lawsuit, the little dustpan moves towards the It seems that you are just a soldier, can you hack six Japanese devils to death with a big guillotine? "The little dustpan asked the gourd curiously, and people like Qin Chuan, Ma Tianfang, and Chen Hanwen also joined in.

The first time a commoner beat devils, he hacked six of them to death with a big guillotine. This incident is legendary! Which of these veterans is not interested.

Shang Zhen saw that it was all right this time, but he saw Gao Yuyan, who was always beside him, pursing his lips and smiling.

"What are you laughing at?" Shang Zhen asked.

"The guards following the high officials are not called Ma pìn, they are called Ma biàn." Gao Yuyan laughed.

"Isn't it?" Shang Zhen scratched his head, "I think that word looks quite similar to my mistress's mistress!"

"Do they look alike? That's two words." Gao Yuyan smiled and explained to Shang Zhen.

Note: Ma Bian biàn, concubine (pīn) head

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