The War of Resistance

Chapter 637: Reverse Thinking

In the end, Shang Zhen didn't shoot. In fact, Shang Zhen just made a precaution. He wanted to prevent the old man from the puppet army from turning his carriage and running to the puppet army before he ran too far. big.

Shang Zhen also has no intention of abandoning Gao Swift.

He could guess that the puppet old man must not dare to look back when he just drove the carriage down the road.

Then he didn't hurry to run to the woods, he just wanted to see if the old man would run away, if the old man dared to drive a carriage to the puppet army at a position of three or four hundred meters, then he would definitely shoot of!

Of course, whether it can be hit is another matter.

However, he guessed that the puppet old man would never dare to bet that his rifle was inaccurate after seeing his marksmanship with the box cannon!

Facing the same dilemma, different people have different ways of coping.

On the carriage, Shang Zhen began to calculate that they could escape the pursuit of the Japanese puppet army safely, and it was part of his plan to let the puppet old man drive the carriage away.

He didn't want to sit in this carriage all the time, that one was too flamboyant.

So he ran to the woods first to look at the puppet old man, as for Gao Yuyan, he ran as fast as he could behind.

It's just that whoever thought it was, also ran to the front, and Gao Yuyan also fell to the ground.

Shang Zhen also felt helpless looking at Gao Swift.

In Shang Zhen's eyes, Gao Yuyan is very beautiful, even more beautiful than Leng Xiaozhi.

It is said that beautiful girls call pear blossoms with rain when they cry, but now Gao Swift is not only pear blossoms with rain, but also pear blossoms with mud!

Gao Swift's tears came down, and her face was covered with mud again. Didn't she mix mud with her face?

Now Shang Zhen is amazed by Gao Yuyan's beauty, but he also knows that he might have to carry a woman on his back again.

He suddenly sighed, what is his life in this life? Why do you always have to run for your life with the woman on your back?

In the earliest days, I had to carry Leng Xiaozhi on my back, and when I ran out of Nanjing city, I had to carry that female student who had a good relationship with Chu Tian, ​​but now, it seems that I have to carry this Gao Swift again.

Alas, why can't women in the world have thick waists, big buttocks and good physical strength, so that I can save energy?

There are four of them in total now, seeing how bad Bai Zhan is, can you still count on him to carry Gao Swift on his back? Besides, he is as thin as a monkey, so he probably doesn't have that energy. As for Yu Zuolong, it's even more impossible for him to blush when he looks at a woman!

Gao Yuyan has already got up, she is staggering in written language, but in Northeast dialect it is called "Lie Lie Gou Gou". How can she do it if she doesn't memorize it by herself?

"Let's hurry up, come on, I'll carry you." Shang Zhen finally said to Gao Swift from the other side of the forest.

Gao Yuyan also knew that now was not the time to be hypocritical, so she could only lie on Shang Zhen's back.

Shang Zhen saw that Gao Yuyan was not shy, and he liked Gao Yuyan a little more. It seemed that this Gao Yuyan was not the kind of Xiaojiabiyu, but she also knew her body.

"What's the matter, why do you let other people carry this old bag?" Bai Zhan said sarcasticly on the side.

"Bai Zhanji, if you don't want to go with me, then get out, I didn't let you follow me!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

Shang Zhen, who was already angry, finally lost his good temper.

But when Bai Zhan saw that Shang Zhen was in a hurry, he could only keep his mouth shut, holding the rifle in his hand as a crutch.

After Shang Zhen and the others got out of the car, Bai Zhan now had a rifle, Yu Zuolong had a rifle and a box cannon, and Shang Zhen still had his 20-gun box cannon in his hand.

Although it is already early winter and all the leaves have fallen, the forest is still quite dense, and the trunks and branches can cover Shang Zhen and the others.

This is Gao Yuyan's first time being carried by a strange man.

She is not the kind of little girl who has never seen the world, knowing that she is walking too slowly, she can only be caught by Shang Zhen.

She was grateful to Shang Zhen for not leaving her alone, but in order to ease the discomfort of being carried by a strange man, she finally asked, "Why do we need to get off the carriage?"

"Be wary of all the old thieves."

"Oh." Gao Yuyan responded.

House thief is a name for sparrows in Northeast China, because sparrows always steal food and keep company with humans as house thieves.

The old house thief means that the old sparrow is very "cunning", and it is difficult to be caught or killed when stealing food, so there is the saying of the old house thief.

"Then why are we going to the village now? What if there are traitors there?" Gao Yuyan asked again.

Yes, Shang Zhen and the others are now using the forest as a cover to walk on one side of the forest, and they dare not go to the other side. If the puppet old man turns around, he will definitely see them.

"There are traitors everywhere, even if we run, we can't run very far, and those devils and puppet soldiers will catch up.

With this forest as a cover, let's find a place to hide in the village in front of us. The devils and puppet soldiers should not think of it. We will see the situation after we finish. "Shang Zhen replied.

This is the reverse thinking that Shang Zhen usually uses.

There is also a village a few hundred meters away on the other side of the forest. Shang Zhen saw cooking smoke in that direction earlier.

So he gave the puppet army old man the illusion that they were fleeing there, but in fact they hid under the puppet army's nose.

As for the truth, what if it is discovered by the puppet army? It's a big deal to fight another battle!

At this time, worrying about her own future, Gao Yuyan, who was on Shang Zhen's back, temporarily forgot the discomfort of being carried by Shang Zhen.

Only then did she realize that she and Shang Zhen had only met each other for a while before, and they didn't know each other well, so she asked again: "How did you know my seventh brother?"

"Seventh brother?" Shang Zhen was a little puzzled.

"Well, there are seven brothers above me, and I am the youngest old lady, and Gao Yuhang is my seventh brother." Gao Yuyan replied.

Shang Zhen let out an "oh".

No wonder I said to recite this girl, she is not hypocritical, it turns out that there are seven elder brothers in her family, presumably she was also recited by her elder brother when she was young.

"How did you meet my seventh brother?" Gao Yuyan asked again.

"I met him in a bookstore in Nanjing, and he told me a few poems. That's fine, don't talk about these things, let's talk about them after we escape." Shang Zhen replied.

So, the four of them stopped talking and continued to move forward.

It was only five or six minutes later that they approached the village under the cover of the forest.

The end of this long and narrow forest is only thirty or forty meters away from the village. It turned out that Shang Zhen had observed the terrain long ago.

When they got here, Shang Zhen put Gao Yuyan down.

In fact, it's not that Gao Yuyan can't walk, Shang Zhen just thinks Gao Yuyan walks too slowly.

It is impossible for the old man of the puppet army not to go looking for the puppet army. If Shang Zhen and the others walked too slowly, the puppet army might find them.

Shang Zhen used the forest as a cover to give the puppet army the illusion that they fled in another direction.

Shang Zhen whispered something to Yu Zuolong, and Yu Zuolong ran forward with a gun in his hand. After a while, Yu Zuolong hid next to a firewood stack next to the village and stood up with a gun.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was also guarding with a gun in the woods, rushed forward and waved his hand. Bai Zhan ran forward while protecting Gao Swift, and finally Shang Zhen ran over.

Five minutes later, Shang Zhen and the others appeared on the other side of the village.

Of course they didn't dare to enter the village, they walked around the village.

The puppet old man said that the two platoon leaders of their company did not deal with each other (there were conflicts).

But just because they didn't deal with it, it is unlikely that all the puppet troops in the platoon that stayed in this village will go out to reinforce.

Not to mention that they were discovered by the puppet army, even if they were seen and shouted by the, then they are also in danger, so it is better to be careful.

But Shang Zhen and the others couldn't continue to run to the outside, just because the other side of the village was an open area with a sweeping view. If they ran up in broad daylight, they would inevitably not be noticed.

"Let's hide there first." Shang Zhen pointed to a dilapidated brick kiln outside the village.

Shang Zhen really just wanted to avoid the limelight temporarily, he guessed that the Japanese puppet army couldn't find them, so they couldn't search everywhere.

"I don't like that place, it looks like a dead end, and people will block it again." Bai Zhan said, looking at the broken brick kiln.

He looked around for a while, then pointed to a straw stack not far from the broken brick kiln: "I'll hide there!"

Yu Zuolong looked at the broken brick kiln and straw stacks and said, "I won't go in either, I'll keep watch outside for you."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Gao Swift.

Yu Zuolong had never dealt with women before, and Gao Yuyan was too beautiful. When he was with Gao Yuyan, he would feel inexplicably nervous, more nervous than fighting.

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