The War of Resistance

Chapter 634: The roots of troubles?

"Prodigal!" Bai Zhan said while throwing the rifle from the bumpy carriage to the side of the road.

He doesn't like guns, it's because he doesn't like to touch guns to save his life, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know how valuable each gun is.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't throw your own gun down!" Shang Zhen reprimanded Bai Zhan while throwing the gun under the car.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that Bai Zhan didn't like guns, but now he was putting on a show here.

Since joining the army, Shang Zhen didn't know how many guns he had discarded, some of which were even his very cherished guns, such as the flower organ.

However, a gun is a weapon, and it is only a tool after all. If you can save your life, there is nothing you cannot give up.

"Are you really going to go through the village in front?" At this time, it was the old man driving the carriage who spoke instead.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen, who was throwing the gun down, looked up and his eyes lit up, although what he saw was only the back of the old man's head, "You mean you can go around from other places?"

"We can go around, and our commander doesn't have a telescope." The old man said slowly, still shaking the big whip.

"Then you didn't say it earlier, I almost threw away my gun!" Bai Zhan said angrily.

At this time, the old man yelled and drove the carriage off the road, but the direction he was driving was a pond on the side of the road. Of course, according to the Northeast people, it was called Shui Pao Zi.

"Old man, you wouldn't trick us, would you? If the carriage gets stuck in water—" Yu Zuolong expressed his worry.

"What good does it do me if I put the carriage in the water so that you can kill me too?" The old man still didn't turn his head and said dissatisfied.

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare!" Yu Zuolong said angrily.

Otherwise, Yu Zuolong's mind is a little simpler, Bai Zhan didn't ask this question.

Previously, Shang Zhen killed all directions at that intersection, and the puppet soldiers must have been terrified by Shang Zhen's killing.

"Why do you want to help us? Don't just say you want to help us." At this time Shang Zhen asked the old man instead.

"You're a smart man!" the old man sighed while driving the carriage, and at this moment he drove the carriage into the water bubble.

The horseshoe wheel splashed a splash of water, and the originally clear water became cloudy, and the water had only just reached half of the wooden wheel.

But to Shang Zhen's surprise, the horse didn't seem to be struggling to pull them in the water, and the carriage didn't sink much.

There is no doubt that this water bubble turned out to be a hard bottom. The so-called hard bottom means that there is no mud under the water, and the carriage will not sink into it without mud.

At this time, Shang Zhen asked: "You haven't said it yet, why are you helping us?"

"I don't want to help you, it's because my son is in the village ahead, and your marksmanship is so good, I don't want you to ruin my family." The old man said with a sigh.

So that's the case, Shang Zhen understands.

It seems that the old man and his son are both puppet soldiers, and the old man was afraid when he saw Shang Zhen's combat effectiveness.

As a father, he definitely doesn't care about whether the devils or the puppet army can catch Shang Zhen and the others, but cares about the safety of his son, which is also human nature.

"Tell me about the previous situation." Shang Zhen stopped worrying about why the old man was saving them and started a new inquiry.

Since Shang Zhen also made a hasty move, only now did he have time to understand the specific situation here.

"One company, three platoons, we are in the front, and the two villages behind each village have a platoon. I can avoid this platoon, but the village behind cannot. You should think of a way." very conscious.

People are old, treacherous and slippery, but it has been interpreted again in this old man of the puppet army.

In fact, people are often like this. As people grow older, when their most critical interests are not involved, the boundaries of what is wrong and what is not are no longer so obvious.

And when faced with a decision, you will only choose the one that is most beneficial to you. At this age, you already know that if you want to get something, you have to give up something.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Shang Zhen just stared at the village in front of him.

Bai Zhan didn't care about how to fight the war. Instead, he moved his **** forward on the carriage to get closer to the old man driving the carriage.

"I said, old man, how old are you?" Bai Zhan looked at the wrinkled face of the old man from the side and asked.

"Forty-eight." The old man replied.

"Forty-eight, why are you so old, tsk tsk." Bai Zhan curled his lips aside, "We also have forty-eight, that's really fierce, and they found someone who was more than 20 years younger a while ago. Ladies, hey, I'm about to grow old and have a baby!"

Bai Zhan thought that he was very polite when he spoke. Although he was a thief, he still felt that he was different from those rough soldiers.

For example, if Shang Zhen's group of people said such things, they would have to say to the old man, "Why are you so old?" Bai Zhan would not say such words.

However, when he talked about Mr. Wang's matter, he was too quick to talk, so he didn't control his own mouth. This is not good, he was busy and turned to look at Shang Zhen, and at this time he saw that Shang Zhen's face had changed .

It's broken, I'm sorry, I said what is Mr. Wang doing? Bai Zhan immediately regretted it, and when he was about to divert and talk about other topics, Shang Zhen had already said: "The carriage should not go fast, just at this speed."

Ok? It turned out that Shang Zhen didn't change his face because of his words. Bai Zhan came to his senses, and followed Shang Zhen's gaze to look forward.

What's ahead? A few hundred meters ahead is the village, that is to say, there is a platoon of the puppet army in the village that the old man of the puppet army said.

At this time, some people came out of the village in front of them in a line. Although they didn't have binoculars, but judging from the way they lined up, they must be puppet troops.

The intersection they were at was only a few miles away from the village in front of them, and it was impossible for the puppet soldiers in the village not to hear the previous gunshots.

Although they had already rushed out of that intersection at the fastest speed, how could the puppet army in this village not send someone to check when they heard gunshots from the intersection direction.

But at this time, the puppet old man driving the car said: "It's too late, the relationship between these two platoon leaders is not good, otherwise, it's almost as good if we don't run into him."

But even so, it is estimated that the puppet soldiers who came out of the village should have seen them, no, not should, but have seen them.

Both sides have eyes, Shang Zhen and the others can see each other, how can the other party not see them? It's just that the distance between the two sides is still far away, and the two sides just can't see the details such as the color of the clothes and the length of the clothes.

"Uncle, sit back, Yu Zuolong, let's move forward to block the uncle." Shang Zhen old man was wearing the clothes of the puppet army, and Shang Zhen and the others were in casual clothes. If the distance between the two sides was closer, those puppet soldiers would see that the people driving the carriage belonged to their puppet army, and they would really be in trouble.

But at this time, in Bai Zhan's view, the world is really like chess, and Shang Zhen let this puppet old man lead the way. He originally wanted to get away with it, but now it seems that he can't do it.

Although the puppet soldiers in the distance saw the carriage that drove off the road halfway, it seemed that they had no doubts, but they still went to the intersection ahead.

However, they could feel that the group of puppet soldiers who came out of the village did not move fast. It seems that just as the old man of the puppet army said, the two puppet army platoon leaders had a grudge, otherwise how could this group of puppet troops Maybe just walk over so slowly?

"The two of you, what enmity do you two platoon leaders have?" Seeing that nothing happened, Bai Zhan asked curiously.

"Because of a widow." The puppet old man replied.

"It's really a disaster for a beauty. This widow, who is not considered a beauty, can be a disaster, tsk tsk." Bai Zhan sighed and glanced meaningfully at the young woman who was sitting in the carriage at this time.

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