The War of Resistance

Chapter 631: fast gun

There were two people standing next to Shang Zhen, and those two people were Bai Zhan and Yu Zuolong.

At this time, Bai Zhan's face has changed slightly. He really wants to drag Shang Zhen and run away immediately, but in fact he can't, because there are puppet troops and even a few Japanese soldiers around him, so he just wants to run away. I can reach out and poke Shang Zhen lightly.

What he meant was undoubtedly, now is not the time for you to be a hero to save the beauty, let's run away as soon as possible!

They traveled all the way, avoiding the Japanese army, and tried to find ordinary people to change into ordinary people's clothes.

And they were stuck at this intersection before, and seeing the chaos at the intersection just now, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos, so when would they not run now?

However, how could Bai Zhan expect that Shang Zhen, who is always astute, would stop leaving now like a wooden stake? So what if the woman is beautiful? There are many injustices in this world, can you handle it?

It's just that he also stabbed Shang Zhen at this time, but Shang Zhen didn't seem to notice the finger he stabbed, and then Bai Zhan saw Shang Zhen put his two hands into the left and right pockets.

Fortunately, this kid is not touching a gun, Bai Zhan thought.

Now the three of them have only one gun for Shang Zhen, which is Shang Zhen's box cannon.

But Bai Zhan clearly remembered that Shang Zhen didn't put the gun in his pocket, but pulled out the magazine again and tucked it around his waist.

No way, who said that the magazine of the twenty-gun box gun is too long.

its not right! But at this moment, Bai Zhan suddenly realized that Shang Zhen didn't have the gun in his pocket, but in fact, no matter how big the pocket was, it was impossible to fit a box cannon.

But the problem is, at this moment Bai Zhan suddenly remembered that there was a grenade in Shang Zhen's pocket!

Fuck, are all people in the Northeast so stupid? What is this kid doing? Is this trying to fight for a woman you never know?

It's just that it doesn't matter what he thinks now, and what he says doesn't matter anymore. Of course, he doesn't dare to say anything.

He saw that Shang Zhen's hands were only inserted into his pockets quickly and then pulled out.

Others didn't see it, but Bai Zhan saw it clearly with the eyes of a thief. When Shang Zhen's right hand came out, he already had a grenade in his left hand, but his left hand took out a magazine!

Fuck! Bai Zhan was really in a hurry, he turned around and blocked Shang Zhen!

He didn't think about anything at this time, he really just wanted to instinctively cover up Shang Zhen who took out his weapon!

If this was discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops first, then the lives of the three of them would be gone!

At this time, Shang Zhen closed the hand of the grenade, and Shang Zhen pulled out the pin of the grenade, and then there was a slight "pop", that was the fuse of Shang Zhen's grenade, that is, the little copper cap. The sound of hitting the magazine!

This grenade of the Japanese army was originally fired in this way.

And then Bai Zhan saw Shang Zhen bent down and pressed the grenade to the ground, and it flew out from the gap between the man!

But the flying direction of the grenade was pointing at the Japanese soldiers who were holding Type 38 rifles and watching the chaotic scene!

"You kid is killing me!" Bai Zhan's reaction was really slow, he whispered something in his mouth, and suddenly reached out and grabbed a puppet soldier beside him.

At this time, the attention of the puppet army was on the woman who was caught and struggling again, and the leader of the puppet army had already picked up the photo.

And at this time, the grenade thrown by Shang Zhen exploded with a "boom"!

God knows if there are puppet soldiers or ordinary people who saw what Shang Zhen did, but in the sound of the explosion, Bai Zhan had already grabbed the puppet soldier by the neck and dragged him in front of him!

If Bai Zhan was originally thin, but no matter how thin he was, he was still a man. How could the puppet army be prepared?

Bai Zhan pulled the Japanese soldier in front of him because he was afraid that the explosive fragments of the grenade thrown by Shang Zhen would hurt him, so the puppet soldier was his meat shield.

Otherwise, how important is a person's reaction at a critical moment, the puppet soldier stood in front of Bai Zhan, and Bai Zhan stood in front of Shang Zhen.

The puppet soldier screamed when he was pulled by Bai Zhan without any precautions, but his voice stopped abruptly at the explosion of the grenade, and he was grabbing the puppet soldier by the neck. Immediately, Bai Zhan felt that the puppet soldier was falling to the ground in his hands.

Needless to say, this puppet soldier really blocked a grenade explosion for him!

The explosion of a grenade really awakened the dreamer.

The puppet soldiers knew that it was a grenade explosion, and the surrounding people saw the Japanese soldiers lying in a pool of blood before they "coaxed" and scattered around.

But at this time, Shang Zhen had already stood up among the crowd, and Shang Zhen had the box cannon with the magazine inserted in his hand!

As a veteran who is good at using guns, the most taboo thing is actually to put a pistol on the opponent's head.

Using a gun in a real battle is by no means pointing a gun at the head like in the shootout movies of later generations. It is easy to be dodged by the opponent. The real way to hold the gun is to shoot with the end of the gun on the chest or lower abdomen.

The advantage of this is to prevent the opponent from taking the gun.

However, this time, I don't know why Shang Zhen, who has always been cautious, did it like this.

When Bai Zhan saw it again, it was Shang Zhen who pointed the gun at the temple of the puppet army leader, and then Shang Zhen's gun rang.

This is no longer a shot at close range, but it is a shot at the point.

No matter how close you are, no one in this world can clearly see the moment when the bullet flies, but the problem is that shooting a bullet will kill, and there is a reference for killing, and there is blood splashing at the gunshot, and the leader of the puppet army fell down immediately. down.

And before the leader of the puppet army fell down, the sound of the box cannon in Shang Zhen's hand had already been connected into a thread!

They were all bursts of "pa", "pa" and "pa", but the bursts were so rapid that the sound of gunfire gave Bai Zhan an illusion, as if Shang Zhen was In general with bursts!

No one can describe the speed with which Shang Zhen fired, so that in a short while, the puppet soldiers standing beside Shang Zhen were all cleared away. The reason is naturally that those puppet soldiers were all beaten to the ground by Shang Zhen!

"Those who don't want to die raise their hands!" Shang Zhen finally shouted.

But in the short time he was shooting, another grenade appeared in his left hand!

Bai Zhan knew that Shang Zhen only had two grenades now.

Ever since he "flipped with Shang Zhen and the he had also studied Japanese grenades.

It was not troublesome to smash the little brass cap, that is, to smash the fuze. The most troublesome thing was actually to pull out the small pin of the grenade, just because it was impossible for anyone to complete the action of pulling the pin with one hand.

Shang Zhen was shooting just now, how could he pull the pin again?

Thinking of this, when Bai Zhan glanced at Shang Zhen's high-handed grenade, he found that the pin of that grenade hadn't been pulled out at all!

Isn't this just scaring people! But is it important?

This is really not important anymore, but those puppet troops have been scared out of their wits by Shang Zhen.

"Put down the gun and raise your hand, or I will kill you!" At this time, another voice shouted, but it was Yu Zuolong who was also holding a box cannon.

No matter how quick Bai Zhan reacted, he was still a thief. He didn't have the fighting spirit of a soldier.

But in this point, Yu Zuolong is much stronger than Bai Zhan, the box cannon of the puppet army leader who was killed by Shang Zhen has fallen into Yu Zuolong's hands!

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