The War of Resistance

Chapter 615: Ways to deal with chatterbox

Fighting styles of fighters vary from person to person.

Some people are very proud on the battlefield, shouting to attack without fear of death.

Because if you are not afraid of death, then death will come.

What does this situation look like? It's like some people in a unit are very capable of working, but the more capable they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes. This is an undeniable truth.

As for those who are not afraid of death and can survive the battlefield in the end, it is really rare.

Fortunately, China has never lacked brave fighters. When this group of fighters fell, the next batch of fighters rushed up again, and this is a war based on the country and the nation.

There is no doubt that the more battles you participate in, the more likely you will die, so it is not Shang Zhen's fighting style to be proud and fearless of life and death.

But now seeing that there was only one member of Company Commander Lu's group left, Shang Zhen suppressed his emotions in spite of his joy, and focused all his attention on the Japanese soldiers who were searching this side.

There were only six Japanese soldiers who came back this time, and they were walking sparsely, naturally with the image of bending over and holding guns.

Shang Zhen has already assembled his box cannon. Although he threw away the wooden box of the box cannon in order to escape pretending to be a Japanese soldier, he is sure that if these Japanese soldiers dare to rush to this firewood pile, He could kill three of them in the blink of an eye by himself.

It's just that shooting is not the best choice, and you have to avoid war if you can avoid it.

Shang Zhen stared at the Japanese soldiers who were walking towards the dilapidated house, but the people around him refused to be idle.

"It's a big surprise, we are authentic Chinese, we are just dressed as Japanese." At this time, Bai Zhan turned on his chattering mode again.

Shang Zhen stared at those Japanese soldiers, but at the same time he didn't hear the fourth person, presumably the last one remaining from Company Commander Lu's group to answer, but at this moment Yu Zuolong scolded: "If you don't speak, you can Suffocate you?"

So, Bai Zhan shut up.

At this time, the flare from the sky fell down again, but there was a sound of "嗵", which meant that another flare was fired.

During the transition of light and shadow, Shang Zhen and the others did not move.

With previous lessons learned, Shang Zhen and the others would never be able to run for a few tens of meters during the very short time when the old bullets had fallen and the new ones were rising, so Shang Zhen and the others could only hide here.

In Shang Zhen's eyes, the Japanese soldiers were getting closer, but the attention of the Japanese soldiers was naturally on the dilapidated house.

It's understandable if you think about it. Company Commander Lu and the others encountered the Japanese army just now. Company Commander Lu and the others were almost wiped out, and the Japanese army also suffered dozens of casualties.

As the victorious side, the Japanese army must clean up the battlefield to see if there are still remnants of the Chinese army.

But the surrounding area was empty, there was no doubt that Company Commander Lu and the others rushed out of these shabby houses, so how could the Japanese army not come to check?

As far as the current situation is concerned, Shang Zhen, a veteran, is already used to it, and he is maintaining a moderate tension now.

The reason why you should be moderately nervous is that you can't be too nervous, as your actions will be exaggerated and you may overreact to the enemy's situation, and you have to be nervous. After all, it is a matter of life and death. If you are too casual, you will not take your own life seriously.

It's just that Shang Zhen is like this, but someone can't, and that's naturally Bai Zhan.

"I feel like we're trying to cover our ears and steal the bell. Hey (ái), I'm talking about Xiaozi, do you know the idiom to cover one's ears and steal the bell?" Bai Zhan was chanting again.

What Bai Zhan meant was that they were all hiding here, and even the Japanese soldiers didn't dare to look at them, so he kept comforting himself and said, "Young devil can't see it! Little devil can't see it!"

Even though Shang Zhen has always had a good temper, now he can't help but think that this guy deserves a beating. When he really runs out to find Wang Laomao and the others this time, he really has to let Wang Laomao and the others gather this boy together!

Bai Zhan's murmurs became smaller and smaller, and Yu Zuolong didn't care about him at this time, just because the Japanese army had already arrived, and now those Japanese soldiers were pointing their guns at those dilapidated houses, and someone walked into it. In that house.

Naturally, there was no one there. When Shang Zhen and the others arrived at the house, Company Commander Lu and the others had already rushed out. Shang Zhen and the others had run hundreds of meters, and Company Commander Lu and the others had also rushed out for hundreds of meters. .

Shang Zhen also couldn't figure out how the last remaining member of Company Commander Lu's gang came back. Shang Zhen didn't search those houses at the time, but he shouldn't be in the house after all.

Shang Zhen continued to observe the Japanese soldiers, the firewood had naturally covered him, he looked out through the gaps in the firewood, and he saw a Japanese soldier turned around and was looking at where they were hiding.

At this moment, they were only seventy or eighty meters away from those houses. Since the flare was obliquely above the Japanese soldier, Shang Zhen could even faintly see the expression of the Japanese soldier.

The Japanese soldier came here, it was a face of the same youth

, but the word "foreign race" was clearly "written" on that face.

After studying Shang Zhen, he is no longer the little white man who does not know a single character. He also knows that the ancient Chinese talked about the great harmony of the world, but the Chinese talk about the great harmony of the world is only limited to the scope of China, that is, it does not include the people in front of us. These dwarfs from Japan!

Shang Zhen was not in a hurry to put his index finger on the trigger of the box With the firing frequency of the box cannon, Shang Zhen didn't need any special preparations to kill a few Japanese soldiers who were right there.

As for the brigade of Japanese troops rushing over after the gunfire, Shang Zhen could only resign himself to his fate.

At this moment, he saw the Japanese soldier walking a few more steps towards this side, but the light had already dimmed. Even if Shang Zhen didn't look up, he knew that the incendiary bomb on the zenith was about to fall again.

And at this moment, he vaguely saw that the Japanese soldier turned around after all and did not go any further.

Shang Zhen let out a breath and relaxed a little, but at the same time he felt some regret deep in his heart.

It was dark again.

Presumably those Japanese soldiers should have withdrawn, and Shang Zhen and the others were temporarily safe again.

But at this time, Bai Zhan's chatterbox opened up again: "Hey, tell me, can we suddenly find these little devils standing in front of us with guns when they fire up the flares again?"

At this moment, Shang Zhen, who was indifferent to this situation and didn't distinguish between priorities, suddenly had the urge to step forward and tear this guy's mouth open.

But fortunately, Bai Zhan changed the topic immediately, and what he said was: "Hey, I said brother, what part do you belong to?"

But at this time, the fourth person who just joined Shang Zhen and the others, and who had not even met Shang Zhen, said what Shang Zhen wanted to say: "The devil hasn't left yet, don't force me, or I will choke you!" kill you!"

The man's words were extremely vicious, maybe Bai Zhan really felt a pair of invisible hands strangling his throat in the darkness, so he shut up again.

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