The War of Resistance

Chapter 603: flee

"Thank you to the brother just now, you were not accidentally injured, right?" Someone said apologetically in the darkness.

"It's okay, I just got pierced by a bullet." In the same darkness, the answer came from the window. It was Shang Zhen, but he picked up the flower mechanism that he accidentally dropped out of the window. return.

"It's a time when you don't say thank you for your kindness. We are brothers in life and death. Hurry up! You won't be able to leave the city any later!" Someone urgently urged, it was the officer in the gendarmerie.

Yes, this is war.

People calculate life with the time unit of year, which is further divided into months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

It is the extremely tiny unit of time that constitutes the countless details in the entire long river of life.

There are countless details in war.

When the enemy threw a grenade, the veteran instinctively threw down his brother beside him, and he himself was shot to death.

When stepping across the moat filled by the dead, the living, and the dying brothers to charge the enemy, even though they know that there are people below who are still alive and are still reaching out for help, but as the main attacker, they can only use their own Step up and put your weight on it.

When the brother who was still chatting and laughing with me and taking turns smoking a cigarette just now died in front of him in three steps, but he had to retreat again.

After all, war is about victory and defeat.

Some surviving veterans said that they thought who saved me back then, but he was killed in battle.

In fact, from a certain point of view, even the person who died because of saving others is lucky, at least someone still remembers him.

And the most unfortunate thing is that the rescuer saved others, but then the rescued also died on the battlefield of saving the country and resisting aggression.

Everything is like smoke, and the details in the long river of history are more than the waves in the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Only the children and grandchildren of later generations squander their happiness, time and peace, which demonstrates the value of the ancestors.

Footsteps sounded, and the two groups joined together and became a group, and then they rushed out of the bungalow and ran towards the southeast.

Although it is said that Shang Zhen's group and the group they rescued were soldiers who dared to resist the invaders without putting down their weapons, in fact they could not be called rout soldiers, but they were also called stragglers. got together.

In the footsteps, someone said: "I am the commander of the third battalion of the second military police regiment. My surname is Wen." It was an officer of the military police.

"My surname is Lu, and I am the first company commander of the Central Army's ** division, and battalion commander Wen. Then we will follow your command." Someone in the rescued group said.

"Okay." That battalion commander Wen replied and said nothing else.

It was really because they were very eager to break out of the siege. First of all, they had to get out of Nanjing City, and secondly, even if they got out of Nanjing City, they had to rush out before Nanjing City was encircled by the Japanese army!

Otherwise, what awaits them is still death in battle.

That Battalion Commander Wen actually had other things to say, for example, how was the veteran of the Northeast Army (Shang Zhen) who dared to risk himself and was almost killed by the friendly army? For example, how did that veteran have such calculations, such guts, and such marksmanship?

It's just that it's not the time to say these things now, time is that life really becomes the most real truth in this world at the moment they start to decide to break through!

"Boss, are you alright with your injuries?" But in that team, Bai Zhan was asking about Shang Zhen's injuries in a low voice.

"It's nothing, it's just that the shoulder was scratched by the falling stone chips." Shang Zhen replied.

"Oh." Bai Zhan felt relieved, and he stopped talking.

Now they are marching, how can there be so much nonsense?

But this time Bai Zhan did not act as a guide, but followed behind Shang Zhen.

oops! It is very wise to find this "bodyguard" of my own!

The mind is good enough, but the skill is good, and I am not afraid of death!

However, you must not die, I am only counting on you to take me out of this Nanjing city!

I'm the same, for a person like me who is so skilled that he doesn't have to worry about food anywhere, why should I go to the city of Nanjing to brag about it?

The above is Bai Zhan's Xiao Jiujiu, and it can be said to be his true thoughts.

But at this time, Shang Zhen has no intention of caring what Bai Zhan thinks.

His injury was indeed not serious, or very light.

It was true that he was not injured by a bullet, but was hit on the shoulder by the brick fragments thrown up by the bullet hitting the wall.

This kind of situation is like when a person is doing something, someone suddenly **** him with a needle. This kind of pain is not a serious injury, but it can definitely make people let go of what they are doing.

What Shang Zhen is thinking now is that he doesn't know where his gang has gone.

This group of Gendarmerie regiments are good, they can fight and are not afraid of death, especially that Battalion Commander Wen.

But after all, I didn't cooperate with these people to kill the enemy very well, and the tacit understanding was a bit poor. If my group of people were there, at least I wouldn't have to risk myself.

There was a sound of "Boom", and the Japanese army fired flares not far away.

It's just that although the Chinese officers and soldiers eager to break through at this time are very responsive to the illumination of the Japanese army in their hearts, they are not slow in their steps. They must hurry up.

Under the light of the movement of the flare, they, a group of stragglers gathered together from three parties, ran forward in the long alley, and as the flare moved, their shadows also turned. with.

At this time, there is no daytime hustle and bustle in Nanjing, but there are still gunshots and explosions, and what enters the nose and mouth is the choking smell of gunpowder smoke.

For the city of Nanjing, this is a sleepless night. The night has become the umbrella of the Chinese military and civilians. If it comes to dawn, it will change the sky!

The blue sky, white sun, and red flag above the city head are destined to be stepped on by the invaders, and what is raised is the dog-skin plaster flag.

As for what will happen after the Japanese army occupies Nanjing, the team running at this time is not foresighted, how could they know, the only thing they can say now is that we did our best.

Now, they are very close to the gate or city wall of Nanjing City.

In order to be able to escape, the battalion commander Wen who was in the bungalow even asked the soldiers to collect ropes.

Usually, who would pull a long rope and climb down from a height of 30 to 40 meters? To be honest, the three parties they gathered together now are all in good physical fitness.

In order to defend the city of Nanjing, the garrison commander in charge of the defense even ordered the arrest of 30,000 strong men.

The so-called "strong man" is just a title, and the 30,000 "strong men" are not fake. Whether they are strong or not is another matter. Climbing down from a height of ten meters, I am afraid that many people will fall off in the middle of the road.

Just because they don't have that kind of arm strength, and this is China right now.

"Boom", another flare rose up, but this time the flare flew to the top of the fleeing people like them.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was running in the team, took advantage of the light to look back, and he saw Bai Zhan following behind him, and Yu Zuolong followed behind Bai Zhan.

"You two keep close, run as fast as you can in a while, I feel like I'm going to go all out this time." Shang Zhen said in a low voice.

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