The War of Resistance

Chapter 588: laggard

Under the premise that the killing radius of the shell remains unchanged, how can it cause the greatest damage to the opponent?

The answer, of course, is to fall into the crowd!

As for where the most people are on the battlefield, it is not in the battlefield to be precise.

No matter how lethal the artillery shells are, the positions are covered, which will reduce the damage of the artillery shells.

Therefore, the lethality of the artillery shells falling on the reserve position is the greatest when the opponent's troops are assembled.

Obviously the Japanese army thought so too.

The Japanese army had blown up a part of Guanghuamen, which naturally strengthened the attack on this place, so it is normal to have extended artillery fire.

The explosions of "boom" and "boom" were heard endlessly. Although many shells missed and landed on the houses behind the city wall, blowing up the houses and flying them into the sky, some of them also landed on the military police regiment—this branch It was about to arrive at Guanghuamen's reserve troops.

As a result, the officers and soldiers who were already densely packed either lay down on the spot or hid in the houses on both sides.

And Shang Zhen took his men to hide in an alley beside the street amidst the shrapnel flying around and the exploded debris.

The "boom" and "boom" explosions actually covered up the shouts of the soldiers, and among them, a soldier heard the sharp whistle of the shells passing by his head, so the so-called concern was chaotic, so he He rushed to a petite soldier beside him, and pressed the soldier under him.

The petite soldier held another small suitcase in his hand, and the little suitcase fell on the ground and the lid of the suitcase fell open again.

And the moment the box was thrown open, a black figure no bigger than an adult's fist rushed towards the distance like lightning.

Here, the adjective must be used like electricity, never like a civet, just because that little thing is a kitten!

"Hua Hua is back!" the petite soldier shouted, the voice sounded urgent, but it was a female voice, just because this female soldier was exactly the female student who was "abducted" by Chu Tian!


This female student is of course weak, but she regards her little black-and-white cat as her life. Seeing the little cat jumping into the distance startled by the shells, she struggled hard The male soldier lying on her body who was originally a hero to protect the beauty saw the shell exploded elsewhere, so he quickly got off the female student.

The first thing the female student got up was not to avoid the bombardment, but to chase the kitten!

There is a saying, women are weak at heart, but mothers are strong.

Although the female student has no experience of being a mother yet, she regards the kitten more than anything else.

After all, she is a well-born rich lady. Although she is beginning to experience the pain of the war, her little bourgeois demeanor is just gone?

Why do you say that someone is looking for someone? Or why someone is with what kind of person is fate.

At this time, Chu Tian even forgot his duty as a soldier, but he also yelled, and chased after him while yelling "Lie down!"

The artillery fire of the Japanese army continued.

Although some soldiers were hit by shell fragments and some houses were destroyed, it was more of a deterrent. After all, the Japanese artillery was just shooting blindly.

Only two minutes later, Shang Zhen had gathered his people together.

"Listen to my order now, all of us go to the gate of fire immediately and leave the city from there!" Shang Zhen ordered in an eager voice.

The soldiers were more or less taken aback when they heard Shang Zhen's order. First, they couldn't figure out why they didn't go to the Guanghua Gate in front of them now. They were already ready to sacrifice their lives for the country in the positional warfare. Second, they don't know where the fire escape is!

"We have to go out of the city! Let's go!" Shang Zhen also saw everyone's doubts, but he neither had time to explain to everyone in detail, nor did he want to explain in detail to everyone.

how to explain? Do you want to keep people like yourself from going to the battlefield? These words can be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

To say that among people like him, those whose minds are fast enough will naturally not ask any questions.

And it was Hu Zhuzi who said his brain was slow, but Hu Zhu was used to listening to Shang Zhen's orders, so he didn't ask "Why?".

Guo Baoyou is considered a new recruit among them, but he is used to listening to the veterans. It turns out that the veterans told him that we can do whatever we tell you to do. In short, it won’t hurt you, so he didn’t say a word. .

As for veterans like He Xiangcai, Qiao Xiong, and Fan Chanchan who are not from the Northeast, they will never behave like soldiers from the Northeast, and they just follow orders.

As a result, Shang Zhen's order was carried out.

However, just when Shang Zhen was about to take the lead and go into the alley, Chen Hanwen said: "Boss, Chu Tian and the others are not here!"

"What are you throwing?" Chen Hanwen's words made Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao ask at the same time.

"Aren't those two playing games still there when they came out?" Wang Laomao was anxious at that time.

"That what—" Chen Hanwen was most afraid of Old Mao Wang, and when he saw Old Mao Wang stare, he was a little slow to speak, but after all, he was a veteran, and then he spoke as fast as possible, "The cat ran away, the little one The girl is chasing the cat, Chu Tian is chasing that girl!"

When he was dodging the shelling just now, Chen Hanwen noticed Chu Tian's movements, but when he said this, he was startled, "I'm 20!"

"I don't care about them, one by one is holding back!" Old Mao Wang cursed angrily.

What he meant was undoubtedly that Chu Tian dragged the entire team back, and that female student dragged Chu Tian's hind legs.

To tell the city to go to a wider world instead of sticking to the ground, on this point, Old Mao Wang and Shang Zhen have the most tacit understanding.

Old Mao Wang waved his arms and urged the soldiers to go into the alley.

But at this time Shang Zhen said: "Little dustpan, take them to the Taiping Gate, I'll go back and look for them!"

"Why do you go back and look for it?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

As the so-called at this time, Chu Tian, ​​who didn't know how to live or die, actually left the team. It would be understandable if Chu Tian was only doing it for that female student, Mr. Wang. God turned out to be for that female student's cat, this is too unbelievable, and too stupid! People who have learned too much culture have learned their brains to death!

Shang Zhen hesitated for a moment, but Wang Laomao ran forward with the other soldiers.

But at this time Shang Zhen said: "You guys go first, I'll go back and pick it up, don't worry about me!"

"What are you throwing?" Old Mao Wang couldn't believe his ears.

"Obey orders!" Shang Zhen yelled, turned around and ran back.

"This—" Old Mao Wang really didn't expect Shang Zhen to go back to find Chu Tian. "What the hell!" He cursed again.

But at this moment, when he saw Shang Zhen running back, Old Mao Wang saw Ma Erhu turned around and ran after him.

This was the first time Wang Laomao encountered such a situation after serving in the army for many years. He had no choice but to stomp his foot and shouted: "Qiu Bo, you take the white chicken too!"

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