The War of Resistance

Chapter 583: Shang Zhen Distress

The latest website: Twelfth, why is it so familiar? Shang Zhen, who had already put down the binoculars, began to recall.

Only then did he suddenly remember that on December 12 last year, his group was in Xi'an City, and on this day last year, their Northeast Army men captured the old man in Nanjing in Huaqing Pool .

It's not right, you can't call him the old man in Nanjing anymore, you should call him the old man in Chongqing.

It was only because Shang Zhen and the others only found out after arriving in Nanjing that the old man had actually moved his capital!

Oh, if this is changed to ancient times, if the country is captured by the enemy, will it be considered a subjugated country? Shang Zhen thought as he watched the puffs of gunpowder smoke bursting from the Guanghuamen city wall ahead.

The little dustpan was sent away by him, and now he is the only one left on the water tower? .

He has been thinking about how to get out of the predicament from yesterday to now, but even though he usually has a lot of tricks, he can't do anything this time.

It is impossible for a person to concentrate his thoughts on something for a long time, but now that Shang Zhen is tired of thinking, his mind will inevitably become wandering, so that he ignores the rumbling gun in front of him. Voice.

Since he couldn't think of how to get out of the predicament, he could do whatever he could think of, and Shang Zhen let his thoughts run wild.

He thought about it, the city wall of Nanjing City is still very thick, or it is not called thick anymore, to be precise, it should be called quite wide.

He heard from He Liang that the city walls of Nanjing City were thirteen or fourteen meters wide.

Well, for a city wall like this, it would not be so easy for the Japanese mountain artillery and infantry artillery to blast it away, and I don't know how long the defenders can last.

After thinking about the city wall of the city wall, he thought of Old Mao Wang again.

This old hat of the dead king really delayed things, if he didn't stay upstairs with that Ju Hongxia every day, he should be able to take people like himself out of the city earlier.

Alas, it's all life! Shang Zhen sighed.

But when he thought of Wang Laomao, he thought of Ju Hongxia, and when he thought of Ju Hongxia, he thought of Leng Xiaozhi.

I don't know how that girl is doing now.

If the Japanese army really captured Nanjing this time, and people like myself failed to break out, then it would be better to go to the Eighth Route Army with that girl?

Although the Eighth Route Army was poorer than the national army, but because of their poverty, they must be fighting guerrilla warfare, which is in line with the way people like me fight.

Shang Zhen was thinking wildly like this, completely forgetting the artillery fire ahead, and what finally woke him up was that he heard more violent explosions of "boom" and "boom".

Only then did he wake up from his wild thoughts, and at this moment he saw a Japanese plane flying towards him in the sky!

Shang Zhen couldn't help being shocked by this discovery. He was really distracted. He didn't even notice the Japanese plane flying over amidst the previous explosion.

But when he looked up again at this time, he saw that the Japanese plane that was coming to him had already pulled up its nose. Obviously, the water tower he was in was not the target of the Japanese plane's bombing.

But just as Shang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, he saw another Japanese plane swooping down towards the Guanghuamen in front, and when that plane pulled up again, he saw the gunpowder smoke from the explosion. In the gap, a string of bombs dropped by Japanese planes fell towards the top of the city.

Shang Zhen couldn't help feeling tense. Of course he had seen Japanese planes bombing, but this was the first time he saw Japanese planes dropping bombs in clusters.

Since he was not far from the city wall, he could see the spindle-shaped bombs dropped by the Japanese planes.

But he had only just seen the shape of the aerial bomb before he heard a violent explosion, and huge smoke and dust erupted from the Guanghuamen and the adjacent city walls!

Damn, this little devil really invested his money!

Shang Zhen also didn't know if there was his side's defenders on the city wall, this aerial bomb was much bigger than the bombs he had seen before!

With the sound of the explosion, the exploding dust immediately turned into black smoke all over the sky, and the sky in front of him was blinded by the black smoke for a moment, as if it was the end of the world!

Who is the real hero? Shang Zhen sincerely admired the officers and soldiers guarding the city. He had to admit that he was not as brave as those officers and soldiers.

And just as he was thinking, he heard the roar of Japanese aircraft behind him.

He subconsciously turned around, and saw that the Japanese plane that had flown past turned around and came back.

Isn't there a light bomb yet? Shang Zhen thought to himself, but at this moment he saw one of the planes swooping towards the water tower where he was hiding!

not good!

Shang Zhen is a veteran, at this moment, without thinking about anything, he jumped up from his hiding place, and crawled down the deformed iron ladder.

He grasps the pedals so fast, if he climbs up, he will definitely not be able to keep up with monkeys who can climb trees, but he can guarantee that he is faster than monkeys when he climbs down!

In a moment, he slipped under the ladder, and at the end of the ladder was a reinforced concrete floor, but there was a big hole in the middle of the floor.

Naturally, that big hole was also bombed by Japanese aircraft, and there were twisted steel bars at the hole.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen heard the roar of the Japanese military aircraft very close!

Danger! At this moment, Shang Zhen jumped directly towards the hole!

Of course he knew how high the room below was. This was a water tower, not an ordinary residence.

Ordinary residences are only more than three meters high, but the water tower is an industrial building, no matter whether it is called a hall or a factory building, there are always five or six meters high.

But Shang Zhen really couldn't care less!

He desperately controlled his body to jump down from the gap in the hole, he didn't want to hit the steel bar in the hole, and if he was put on by the broken steel bar head again, Then his own life would be gone.

However, he has no choice!

Because if he didn't hide, he would definitely be dead. It was clear that the Japanese plane was here to drop the bomb!

Everything was too fast, Shang Zhen felt that his legs had really passed through the hole, so he couldn't allow him to think too much at this time, he was afraid that the steel bars would scratch himself when he jumped down, Those arms were raised above the head like the person who dived.

And just when he felt that more than half of his body should have passed through the hole, he instinctively grabbed it.

The left hand was empty, but the right hand was caught on a steel bar. didn’t catch the fracture of the steel bar, and unfortunately, the height he jumped off was two or three meters high. At this height, how can the acceleration of gravity of his own weight belong to him? One arm can hold it?

He yelled and felt the huge pain in his shoulder, so he instinctively let go.

It's over, a thought slipped through his mind.

Being able to pass through this hole smoothly is only the first step in survival. If he falls, there will only be a small half of the hole left, because the bottom is full of bricks and concrete blocks that were shaken off by the original explosion. of.

If he falls like this, no one can catch him!

But at this moment, Shang Zhen suddenly felt that his body was strangled by something, and then he hung in the air like a swing!

It doesn't seem to fall!

Shang Zhen just felt lucky, and then he heard a "boom" in his ears, and he felt that Venus was popping up in front of his eyes, and his ears couldn't hear anything except the "buzzing" sound!

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