The War of Resistance

Chapter 575: 100 "killing power stick"

Latest website: "Say it again, what's your name?" came the voice of interrogation from one room.

"I, my name is Tiantian." A trembling voice replied.

"Really? Why don't you call yourself Black Night?

I can't even figure out your name now, you have mentioned several names, which one is it? "The voice of the interrogator came again.

"This time it is absolutely true! I swear, I swear by the eighteen generations of my ancestors!" The trembling voice replied again.

And at this moment, the sound of "Zhi Ya" pushing the door sounded, and then a third voice joined in: "How many names did he give?"

"Reporting to the company commander, this kid has reported five names in total, Bai Zhixian, Bai Xiaoxian, Bailang, Bai Zhan, and Baitian." The interrogator replied.

"One fart and two lies can't describe him, this kid has five lies in one fart now, hehe.

How about this, he said five names, right? Then slap him five big mouths first, let him know that the military camp is not a place for nonsense. said the voice of the third person who came in after that.

"Oh, sir, please forgive me, I'm telling the truth, no, no, I'm not telling the truth, but, but—" The trembling voice hurriedly begged for mercy.

It's just that his begging for mercy was interrupted immediately, and what interrupted the begging for mercy was the sound of "pa" and "pa".

The barracks is a place where words must be followed, and the interrogator really obeyed the commander's order, and there were really five loud mouthed voices.

But after the "pop" and "pop" sounds from the five big mouths, the sound of "呀哟" didn't even come, but the room fell into silence.

After a while, the teasing voice of the officer who came in later came out: "It's small, you can carry it, why don't you say anything?"

But this time, the person who answered the officer's question was a voice of "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"Continue to interrogate!" The officer continued to order.

Thus, the interrogation continued, but to the collapse of the person being interrogated, the subsequent interrogation was an exact repetition of the previous interrogation process.

"Say, what's your name?"

The natural answer to this question is silence.

There is no way to answer this question, because no matter which name the interrogator gives, whether it is Bai Xiaoxian, Bai Zhixian or Bailang Tiantian, the interrogator will assume that his answer is false.

Now that people decided that what he said was a lie, then the big mouth of "pia" followed.

Using the sound of "pia" as an onomatopoeia for slapping the mouth seems to be missing one, because it is generally said to be "pia" and "pia" for slapping the mouth.

But the problem is, in this interrogation, the soldiers who were interrogating really didn't hit much, so what they said counted. If they said you told a lie, they really only hit "pia" once!

But after the questioning, no matter whether your answer is right or wrong, people will say it is wrong, and then there will be another "pia"!

Ever since, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 1+3=4, 1+4=5... The big mouths one after another have accumulated like this!

Now the man being interrogated is confused by his interrogator.

The interrogators didn't ask him what he did for a living in this bungalow area, or whether he had an eighty-year-old mother and an eight-year-old baby, or whether he was a traitor, They didn't ask him if he was pretending to be a Japanese, they just asked his name like this, and after the question, they just said "pia"!

Don't you think this is torture?

In this way, what's the point of his answer? But why don't you answer first? People are knives, you are fish, so you don't answer if you don't want to?

"Don't talk, right? If you don't talk, I'll beat you up!" At this moment, the voice of interrogation came again, and there was an unconcealable smile in that voice, or teasing!

Whatever my mother said, what I said was false, and my mother would have to be beaten, so I won't say it, even if I beat me to death! The man being interrogated roared inwardly.

Really, he could only really roar in his heart.

The reason is that, first, he knows that as long as he speaks, people will definitely say that you are lying again, and then he will say "pia".

Second, he can't yell even if he wants to. The so-called "no skin, no hair", so-called "no face, no mouth", his face has long been swollen by others, so Whether his lips are swollen, is there any need to ask?

"Okay, there is something, don't tell me what it's called, this time I won't slap you, come on, take off this kid's pants, and **** his **** with a needle!

Don’t pierce too much, just **** it, but the blood must be seen! "The interrogator said again.

"I, I said, my name is Bai Yutang!" At this moment, the person being interrogated finally couldn't bear it anymore, he absolutely believed that the people interrogating him would do what they said.

Although he clearly knew that this time he would get slapped in the face if he gave another name, but what if he didn't reply? If you want to give up, then let's give up your own face, you have to take care of the upper and lower ends, right?

Just after the person being interrogated uttered another new name, the person interrogating "chier" laughed, but this time he sneered: "You think I have never heard of "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" What? Are you pretending to be a chinchilla for me?"

Then, what's next.

Then, as expected, there was another "pia"!

And just after this "pia", the room fell into silence again, but in that silence, it seemed that someone was shouting silently again: "I just knew—"

"The trial was good, let's do it like this!" At this time, the officer who entered the room later, that is, the person called the company commander, said.

Then a "squeak" sounded, but the company commander pushed the door and went And when the company commander stood outside the door, the sun was shining on his face, but that person was the military police He Liang, the company commander of the first regiment.

At this moment, He Liang had a smile on his face, but he was looking at the three people standing outside the door who also had smiles on their faces, they were Shang Zhen, Old Mao Wang and Little Dustpan.

"How about it, how about my Baishawei stick?" He Liang said with a suppressed smile.

"You are not a hundred-killing stick, you are a hundred-killing mouth!" Old Mao Wang laughed.

"Just interrogate him for another afternoon like this, and if you don't let him suffer, he won't know that his mouth is for eating, not blind!" Shang Zhen laughed softly.

"Grilled shrimp? What kind of shrimp to grill?" He Liang didn't understand.

Shang Zhenwang, Old Hat and Little Dustpan all laughed.

After all, He Liang is not from the Northeast. He doesn't know that "Ba blind" in Northeast dialect means lying, but it definitely doesn't mean grilling shrimp!

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