The War of Resistance

Chapter 563: Damn traitor!

Shang Zhen and Xiao Dupan walked on the street.

Shang Zhen was originally a silent character, and he didn't mean to blame the little dustpan, so naturally he couldn't speak.

The little dustpan walked with Shang Zhen, and after the two of them walked on the chaotic street for a while, the little dustpan's anger gradually disappeared.

Just because the little dustpan remembered, once Hu Zhuzi and Chen Hanwen punched Chen Hanwen anxiously, but Chen Hanwen ignored it.

Later, others asked Chen Hanwen, why didn't you fight back?

Chen Hanwen then said, who knows as much as him, if you are bitten by a dog, will you have to bite back again?

Words like this are familiar to many people in the future, but this sentence is still very novel to soldiers like Xiao Dupan and the others.

All in all, don't be as knowledgeable as a tiger like Hu Zhuzi.

Now that the little dustpan's anger had dissipated, he began to observe Shang Zhen, seeing that Shang Zhen was only leading him to walk quickly, but his eyes kept scanning the side of the street.

"Boss, what are you looking at?" Little Dustpan finally couldn't help asking curiously.

"Look at the surrounding terrain. I'm sure it can be used in the future." Shang Zhen replied.

The little dustpan let out an "oh" and stopped asking, and continued to stroll along the street with Shang Zhen.

And just when they turned on another street, a newspaper boy suddenly shouted: "Extraordinary! Read the newspaper quickly, Gao Yuhang's wings are flying in the sky!"

"What about throwing broken wings?" Little Dustpan's culture is limited, he didn't understand this sentence, but at this time Shang Zhen had already started running.

The little dustpan saw Shang Zhen give the newsboy some money, and then there was an extra newspaper in his hand, and he started to read it.

Seeing Shang Zhen's serious face, the little dustpan remained silent. He also wanted to read the content of the newspaper, but his recognizable characters were really limited, but he didn't know what happened.

Now he regrets it. If he knew that he had the skills, he would have learned more literacy from Shang Zhen. If he can't read, he is really blind!

It wasn't until he saw Shang Zhen sighed after reading the newspaper that he asked cautiously, "What's the matter? Boss."

"A great anti-Japanese hero died in battle." Shang Zhen replied.

The little dustpan was stunned for a moment, and then asked again: "What kind of aunt can be considered a great anti-Japanese hero?"

"He flew planes in the sky and destroyed six planes belonging to the little devil." Shang Zhen replied.

"Huh?" The little dustpan was shocked.

And Xiao Dupan's shock was the same as Shang Zhen's when he heard that Gao Yuhang destroyed six Japanese planes.

The Chinese army was fed up with the anger of the Japanese aircraft. Although they also knew that China had an air force, they did not expect that there were such combat heroes in the Chinese Air Force.

"Then why did he sacrifice himself?" Little Dustpan asked again.

Facing the question of the little dustpan, Shang Zhen answered very simply, with only two words, "traitor!"

"Traitor?" The little dustpan was confused by Shang Zhen's answer.

When he thought about it, how could the traitor destroy the fighter hero's plane? Could it be that a screw was unscrewed before the plane took to the sky?

It was only at this time that Shang Zhen explained: "It was reported in the newspaper that a devil and a traitor destroyed the air defense observation post, but the little devil suddenly appeared, and we were not prepared at all.

The plane of the anti-Japanese hero was blown up by the little devil's plane before it could take off. "

"Damn traitor!" the little dustpan scolded.

Shang Zhen was still looking ahead expressionlessly, but at this moment he no longer observed the terrain, but was slightly absent-minded.

That handsome Air Force officer met him once and then died to serve his country. Gao Yuhang's sacrifice made Shang Zhen feel extremely sorry.

Even if a plane of the Chinese Air Force destroys only one Japanese plane, it is equivalent to saving the lives of many Chinese officers and soldiers, let alone destroying six planes, the number of Chinese officers and soldiers saved is even more unimaginable!

Traitor, Shang Zhen gritted his teeth, he could no longer restrain his anger towards the traitor.

You are also Chinese, if you don’t resist the Japanese aggressors, why do you kill the anti-Japanese heroes from the Chinese themselves?

Because of Gao Yuhang's sacrifice, Shang Zhen was gone. He wanted to observe the terrain, but when he was about to walk back, he suddenly heard a loud noise in front of him, followed by "啪" "Crack" several gunshots.

"Catch the traitors, don't let them escape!" At this moment, Shang Zhen and Xiao Dupan understood the shouts ahead.

At this time, when the gunshot rang out on the street, the pedestrians on the street immediately became chaotic.

Needless to say, the quality of Chinese people nowadays is not high, and some are very ignorant, so the Chinese people have never lacked spectators. Come.

Both Zhang Zhen and Little Dustpan were veterans, and their long-term battles had given them the habit of fighting.

That is, when encountering emergencies, they will only draw their guns and shoot when their own lives are endangered, and more often it is necessary to quickly and accurately determine the enemy's situation.

Now the pedestrians running on the street have blocked Shang Zhen and the two of them from seeing.

So Shang Zhen looked around and saw a strong man next to him pushing a scooter for no reason.

The car was full of sacks, and they didn't know what was inside. For ordinary people, no matter what was inside, it was their own property, so how could they let go of it.

It's just that among the crowd running around, that strong man wanted to move his car, but how could it be possible?

But at this time Shang Zhen turned around and jumped forward, but stepped on the wooden wheel and jumped onto the car.

"Hey!" The strong man shouted instinctively when he saw Shang Zhen suddenly get into his car, but only then did he realize that Shang Zhen was actually a soldier, and at the same time, the little dustpan had already pulled out his box cannon , so the strong man shut up instantly.

Shang Zhen stepped on the sack and climbed up to look far this time. He only looked ahead for a moment, and then jumped off the car.

"Brother borrows your car for use!" Shang Zhen said, the 20-gun box cannon in his hand was also pulled out, and then he pulled the small dustpan, and the two of them hid behind the car.

At this time, the strong man saw the guns in the hands of Shang Zhen and the little dustpan and said to himself, dare I not lend it to you?

At the same time, the pedestrians in front became even more chaotic. This time, the little dustpan also saw that there were four people with short guns in their hands, who either knocked or knocked down the pedestrians who were blocking the way, and ran towards them directly.

"These are the four! Behind them are the military police!" Shang Zhen shouted in a low voice.

"Alive or dead?" asked the little dustpan.

The question asked by the little dustpan is undoubtedly omitted. What he actually wants to ask is "Is it going to die or is it going to live?"

"Pinch your legs!" Shang Zhen said after a short pause.

At this time, the street was in chaos, and Shang Zhen was really afraid of accidentally injuring innocent people. Although he jumped into the car just now and only glanced at it, he also saw that the military police chasing the four people behind them were also shot to the sky.

And Shang Zhen didn't want these four people to run away, so the most ideal situation is of course to pinch their legs, even if they accidentally hurt a pedestrian, there is no danger of their lives.

The so-called leg pinching refers to hitting the opponent's leg with a gun.

While talking, the four people ran closer.

Shang Zhen hid behind the sack of the car, while Xiao Dupan hid beside the wheel.

Those four people were also chased by the military police behind them, and they didn't expect that there were killers ambush by the roadside.

It was only when the four of them rushed to only twenty meters away from Shang Zhen and the little dustpan that they noticed that there were actually two soldiers hidden behind the car.

At this moment, the box cannons in the hands of Shang Shangzhen and Xiao Dupan rang simultaneously.

They also just "snapped" a burst of shots, and the two people running in the front were shot and fell to the ground and rolled.

It's just that when Shang Zhen and Xiao Dupan were about to raise their guns and shoot again, the remaining two people on the opposite side reacted surprisingly quickly.

One of them heard the gunshot and saw his companion fell down, so he pointed the short gun at Shang Zhen and the others. At this time, Shang Zhen fired again, and this time the bullet hit the man directly on the forehead.

"One ran away!" "Pa" the little dustpan shouted and fired again, but this time he shot the bullet into the The reason was that the fourth person was cunning very.

The moment he saw his companion hit the gun and fell, he didn't raise his gun to fight back. Instead, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a passerby, just pulled it, and then hid behind the passerby.

There were too many pedestrians on the street, and some pedestrians ran even more desperately when they saw the murderer shooting, and that person also sneaked into the crowd.

When Shang Zhen jumped up, he saw that the man had already rushed into a grocery store by the roadside.

Just as Shang Zhen was about to chase him, he caught a glimpse of a man who had been shot and fell to the ground, and even raised the gun in his hand to him again.

Shang Zhen instinctively dodged his gun and fired, and the gunshots from both sides rang out almost at the same time. Shang Zhen's shot directly hit the man, but that man knocked down a passerby with one shot.

The street became more and more chaotic. Shang Zhen was just about to rush into the grocery store, but he was bumped by a passerby again, and at this time the military police behind him also chased him up.

"Oh, Shang Zhen, where is he?" One of the officers shouted, but that man was He Liang.

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