The War of Resistance

Chapter 555: Be surrounded!

Are there fools in this world, of course there are.

But it is doomed that there are only a very small number of fools and extremely smart people in this world, and more people are still lost to everyone.

If we talk about one of the natures of people who are obsessed, it is called good faith in Northeast dialect, and gossip in later generations. Yes, whether it is good faith or gossip, it is the nature of human beings—this kind of group animal.

If it is said that Mrs. Wang was sleeping naked on that luxurious big bed, it was covered with a quilt, and at most half of his long hairy legs were exposed, but in the mouth of the little dustpan, he became naked. Rub it!

It's nothing to say that Old Mao Wang just slept with his buttocks naked, or that people have the nature of gossip, but at this time, Old Mao Wang made a fatal mistake, that is, he shouldn't talk to Little Dustpan. Playing around!

As a result, Wang Laomao's naked sleeping and the nature of the soldiers were combined because of Wang Laomao's arrogance.

Suddenly there was a "crack" sound from the bedroom where Shang Zhen and Old Mao Wang were sleeping, and then the little dustpan shouted: "Oh, you are my father-in-law, how can you Hitting silver (person)?"

Then the little dustpan ran out of that bedroom and went straight downstairs, but he was still muttering: "Isn't this kind of a donkey's liver and lungs? I gave you a cotton coat with good intentions, but you took it The bottle hit me!"

It turned out that when the little dustpan entered the room earlier, the "whispering" voice directly woke up Old Mao Wang who was having a Spring and Autumn Dream, or was reminiscing about the Spring and Autumn Dream!

That is, no matter how ordinary people are soundly asleep, they will be anxious if they are awakened by someone, not to mention that the one who is awakened is Old Mao Wang?

No one knows which part Wang Laomao recalled from last night's spring dream, who knows if it was the pouring of candles or the old hat's pushcart, anyway, Wang Laomao who was woken up by the little dustpan was extremely upset!

So Old Mao Wang opened his bleary sleepy eyes and didn't care about anything. Seeing the little dustpan standing on his bed and looking at him, he cursed angrily, "Get out of here, you little bastard! " Immediately, he just swiped and pulled a vase on the bedside table in his hand and threw it out, so there was that "snap".

At this moment, He Liang was looking at the collar badge of the Japanese army that Shang Zhen handed to him outside.

After all, there are people with knowledge in this world, and He Liang is just one of them.

"Where did you get this thing?" He Liang asked in surprise.

"Brothers from the Northeast Army killed a devil officer and snatched it back. Can this be a big credit?" Shang Zhen asked a little nervously.

"Of course this counts! If this is not considered a great contribution, which one can count? Don't worry, if you have this fun, I will get you some Czech styles this time!" He Liang replied excitedly.

But at this moment, both He Liang and Shang Zhen heard the startled cry of the little dustpan from the door of the building.

But so what? He Liang is not a member of Shang Zhen's circle, no matter how important something is in his eyes now, it is impossible to be as important as the collar badge Shang Zhen handed him.

So, He Liang turned around and ran with that collar badge, and his subordinates who followed He Liang couldn't figure out what was going on, so when they saw He Liang going back, they naturally followed.

"Hey! Brother He, I'll go with you!" Shang Zhen saw that He Liang was leaving in a hurry, and he was also excited when he was told that he could get some Czech styles!

"Come on, come on, the benefits will be great!" He Liang shouted without looking back.

Shang Zhen really followed.

What is the Czech style? The Czech style certainly refers to the Czech light machine gun.

After September 18, in the process of Shang Zhen's transformation from a recruit to a veteran, he knew the Czech light machine gun, but he really didn't see the Czech light machine gun a few times.

When he was a recruit, their company machine gunners used the Liao 13 light machine gun, which was made by the Northeast Army in the Shenyang arsenal.

Later, as Shang Zhen's experience increased, he heard that the Northeast Army had actually imported 2,000 Czech-style light machine guns.

It is a pity that during the September 18th Incident, the planes, artillery, and tanks of the Shenyang Arsenal of the Northeast Army became the trophies of the Japanese army, let alone the 2,000 Czech light machine guns!

Forget about that young marshal Zhang, if you always look at things in black and white, it still looks a little immature.

When Shang Zhen left, he was on business, but the little dustpan who came out of the building angrily just happened to see Shang Zhen leave.

When the little dustpan saw that Shang Zhen was gone, his anger at being smashed by Wang Laomao's vase disappeared instead, and he suddenly had an idea!

"Oh, do you want to go to the second floor to see the western scenery?" This is what the little dustpan said to his brothers.

"What Western scene?" Hu Zhuzi, who had already put on his cotton coat and was tying his shoes, raised his head and asked.

Hu Zhuzi is big, let alone, although He Liang didn't get enough pistol bullets for Shang Zhen, the cotton padded clothes he got are quite reliable, Hu Zhuzi felt warm and beautiful in the cotton padded clothes, and he was as happy as a like a child.

"Oh, that big bed, it's so beautiful, that bed is round, and four people can sleep on it!" Who is the little dustpan, his eyes start to droop (lǎi) as soon as he gets stuck.

In terms of single-handedly, he might not dare to provoke Wang Laomao, but there is a saying that the law does not blame the public, yes, it is called the law does not blame the heavy.

My little dustpan can't offend you, the "old man", but don't we still have a bunch of brothers? Aren't you just sleeping on the bed with your **** naked? I got everyone up there, no matter how capable your father-in-law is, what else can you do to everyone?

But at this time, when Xiao Dupan said that the bed where Shang Zhen and Old Mao Wang slept could sleep four people, whether it was Hu Zhuzi or other soldiers, they were skeptical.

Just when someone was about to say, "You must be a kang", the little dustpan spoke first again: "The quilts on the bed are all made of silk, and there are paintings on the head of the bed. It's a woman with her thighs exposed. The thief is beautiful!

Let's go, guys, go up and take a look! "

The eyes of all the soldiers lit up when they heard that the woman with bare thighs and bare legs was painted on the head of the bed.

"Oh, it's still a foreign female bank! I guarantee you haven't seen it, let's go, have a look!" The little dustpan continued to incite with a smile.

"Yes, ditto! Ditto!" This time, it was Chen Hanwen who responded first.

With the increase of experience, Chen Hanwen now also knows that there is a kind of Western painting called "Nude Art", but he wants to see something new.

Let's not say that Chen Hanwen, a half-hearted scholar, has a heart for pursuing art, or he went to see the **** painting with a dirty mind in the name of art, anyway, he was the first to go forward.

As for the others, that bare thigh is more attractive than anything else, even more attractive than that big bed that can sleep four people!

You know, when Shang Zhen arranged for them to stay yesterday, he didn't let them go to the second floor. They were also curious. Now that they heard that there was a novel western scenery on it, why didn't they go and have a look?

As for their group, even the hail of guns and bullets on the battlefield can't be seen by those Western women with exposed thighs? No such statement!

So a large group of Hulala soldiers followed the little dustpan to the building.

But at this time, the little dustpan rolled his eyes and had a new idea, but he turned around and used the most standard military sign language to signal the people behind him to silence him.

The little dustpan is also a veteran, and the veteran's quality is also there.

Their team is good at raids and hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army, and what they pay attention to is the suddenness of a battle.

As far as this ability is concerned, it has already penetrated into the bone marrow.

What the little dustpan thought was, if he wanted to see his father-in-law's ugly face, he must show him everything! How can it be so noisy? Then that old **** will be on guard!

Under the leadership of the little dustpan, all the soldiers tiptoed into the building, but the last one left was Chutian.

Chu Tian was a little hesitant. He really disdained to be with these Qiu Ba in such a matter, but he also thought that he was not good enough to look like "everyone is drunk but I am alone", so he finally followed.

At this time, Old Mao, who had just thrown away the blind dustpan, was lying on the bed in the shape of "太" with his buttocks stretched out.

He closed his eyes very comfortably, as if the passionate woman in the three-body pose from last night appeared in front of him again.

It's a pity, Shang Zhen's little **** won't let him turn on the light, so shouldn't he light it up today?

This man, when he thinks about that **** thing, he gets a little hot, he must be hot, isn't he, otherwise, why Shang Zhen was very self-aware last night and plugged his ears with cotton to fit perfectly!

But just when the rain was about to come and the wind was about to fill the building, Old Mao Wang, a veteran among veterans, suddenly felt that something was wrong!

He suddenly opened his eyes, and then he saw rows of soldiers standing beside his bed looking at him jokingly!

Facts have proved that if a woman is seen by a man while taking a bath and changing clothes, she will definitely cover her vital parts with her hands or a quilt with an "oh", but if a man is admired by many men, it is absolutely Think carefully!

So Mr. Wang is no exception!

With a sound of "Aw", at this moment, Old Mao Wang, this veteran soldier, or rather, the old hooligan, also panicked, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he also dragged the quilt beside him.

Then, loud laughter came from this room!

At this time, Chu Tian, ​​who was at the end of the team, didn't understand what was going on.

Just imagine, even though this family is a wealthy family that took advantage of Wanguan, there must be no less than thirty people in that bedroom.

Chu Tian was looking at the furnishings of this house curiously, and at this moment, he happened to see Ju Hongxia sticking her head out from the attic, and then quickly shrank back.

Where is the door in the attic? That is a platform.

Although Ju Hongxia retracted her head extremely quickly, Chu Tian could still clearly see Ju Hongxia's slender jade neck like a swan's neck, as well as her flushed face after waking up from sleep!

At this moment, Chu Tian froze in place as if struck by lightning, completely unable to hear the laughter of the soldiers in the room in front of him and the angry curses of Old Mao Wang!

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