The War of Resistance

Chapter 531: courage

Shang Zhen and all of them fell into ambivalence.

They are now located in the southeast corner of Jiangyin County, and the Japanese army attacked the east gate of Jiangyin County from the east.

So now they are less than one kilometer away from the Japanese army.

On the one hand, they didn't dare to show their figures, for fear of being discovered by the Japanese army, but on the other hand, they really wanted to know how the battle ahead was going.

They watched the Japanese tanks rumbling towards the city gate, and everyone couldn't help but worry about the defenders.

"The little devil's tank won't directly smash open the city gate, or they can shoot two shots directly, maybe they can break through the city gate!" Hu Zhuzi said worriedly.

This is one of the rare times that what Hu Zhuzi said was not refuted by everyone.

Today's China is so poor and weak.

From the perspective of later generations, it is nothing more than piercing the steel plate with a thickness of only 1.2 cm on the Japanese tank. Not to mention all kinds of cutting-edge weapons of later generations, in fact, even the current steel core bullets can shoot through the steel plate.

It's just that history is history after all, not a time-travel drama. In the world, there are only hindsight and few foresight.

The Japanese tanks with only 1.2 cm thick steel plate left an unforgettable and painful memory for the Chinese officers and soldiers, but now the Japanese tanks are about to smash through the gate of the county?

They watched the five Japanese tanks moving forward, and it would be fine if they were other soldiers. Because of the telescope, Shang Zhen even saw that the bullets fired from the top of the city hit the tanks and built countless sparks.

Finally, the first tank slammed into the gate, and onlookers like Wang Laomao watched intently. What made them happy was that the Japanese tanks did not break into the gate.

That kind of situation is like that Laoshan Taoist priest who once learned the wall-penetrating technique, thought he could pass through the wall, but bumped his head against the wall!

"Did it go through?" Those who didn't see it clearly asked, while those who saw it clearly felt that it was inaccurate and asked Shang Zhen.

"It didn't break open." Shang Zhen replied while observing with a telescope.

There was a sigh of relief from the crowd.

At this time, the Japanese tanks slammed into the city gate one by one. This situation is like the ancient times when the city was besieged. The soldiers below hit the city gate with the big round wooden stakes, and the soldiers couldn't help but feel worried again. .

But after a while, Shang Zhen suddenly said joyfully: "It can't be knocked open, I feel that the city gate is blocked by bricks!"

Shang Zhen's statement immediately aroused admiration from the soldiers, but before the admiration subsided, Old Mao Wang suddenly said, "Oh, it's not good!"

"What's wrong with Uncle Wang?" the little dustpan asked.

"It seems that not only this city gate is blocked, but the three city gates are also blocked. In this way, the little devil tank will definitely not be able to fit in, but it is impossible for the guards to come out of the city gate. Already!" Old Mao Wang analyzed.

"That's not necessarily true. The city wall is dead, but people are alive. People can come down from the city wall when they come up with ideas!" Hu Zhuzi objected to Old Mao Wang's analysis.

It's just that Hu Zhuzi's statement was immediately despised by everyone.

Although they are still relatively far away from the county seat, they estimated that the city wall must be nearly 10 meters high.

How to get down from the nearly 10-meter-high city wall? jump off? Or climb down the rope?

Now is the era of hot weapons after all.

The battlefield is changing rapidly. If people climb down from the rope, as far as the Japanese army’s marksmanship is concerned, one soldier who comes down will become a living target for the Japanese army, and two soldiers who come down will be beaten as a pair. Several people come down at the same time. Then the candied haws can be pierced by Japanese bullets!

"They probably didn't intend to come out at all." At this time, Shang Zhen, who was still watching with a telescope, said in a low voice.

"No way?" Old Mao Wang said in a low voice, but then he remained silent.

Although rationally speaking, Wang Laomao didn't believe it, but in fact he already believed it.

Everyone has a head, everyone thinks.

The situation of blocking the city gates to prevent the Japanese tanks from rushing into the city is like the last stand in ancient China. The defenders did not leave themselves a retreat at all. This cannot but make Shang Zhen and his soldiers respectful.

But if you think about it further, the system cost method of guarding the city officers and soldiers is actually more decisive than a last stand.

Although the last stand is a tactic of putting death to the next generation, but as a defender, there is hope of victory after all.

But now, the Chinese officers and soldiers are now facing the extremely powerful Japanese invaders. As far as this battle for the city is concerned, they have no hope of defeating the Japanese army.

Winning wars in this world depends on strength after all.

If there is such a force that can stand up to the Japanese naval guns, artillery planes, and tanks without letting the city fall, then how can the nearly one million Chinese troops on the Songhu battlefield be defeated by the Japanese army?

So the Chinese officers and soldiers guarding the city are not fighting with their backs, but vowing to live and die with the city! That is a kind of courage to face sacrifice directly!

"I think we shouldn't wait and see here, we should enter the city in front, even if we die together with the defenders, I think it's an honor to die!" Lu Di said at this time.

"I think it will work!" Hu Zhuzi was the first to express his opinion.

"I think it will work!" Old Mao Wang also expressed his opinion.

Hu Zhuzizi and Wang Laomao said the same sentence, but in different tones.

Hu Zhuzi's statement is warm and sincere, because he has always been a master who is not afraid of anything.

However, Old Mao Wang's statement was slightly disdainful.

However, after Wang Laomao finished saying "I think it will work", he added another sentence, "China will perish unless the people of Hunan die first!"

So far, what is Wang Laomao's attitude?

It's one thing to watch other people's heroic killing of the enemy, but it's another thing to approve of others' heroic killing of the enemy. If you let Old Mao Wang fight the Japanese army to the end like a defender, he will never be able to do it!

And Lu Di had already heard what Wang Laomao meant, so he retorted angrily: "Hunan people deserve to die?"

"According to what you said, as long as we are Chinese soldiers, we should die! If we don't die, it proves that we are not Chinese!" Wang Laomao still said in a disdainful tone.

"What's this called?" Lu Di was already a little anxious after being choked by Old Hat Wang.

To be honest, ever since Ludi and the others were rescued by Shang Zhen and the others, they still admired Shang Zhen and his performance in At least it’s not enough for them to add up. A force of 40 people can actually wipe out dozens of Japanese troops. On this point, it is by no means something that can be done by simply recruiting a force.

But now seeing other people's troops fighting **** battles with the Japanese army, and they are watching the excitement nearby, I always feel uncomfortable.

It's just that Lu Di didn't think about the problems he encountered, but Shang Zhen and the others discussed it long ago.

Shang Zhen and the others would rather beat the side drums and attack the Japanese army from the rear, but they would also resolutely refuse to fight the Japanese army!

In fact, the subtext of what Wang Laomao said was that he did not necessarily die by beating the devils and the Ministry of Health, nor did he necessarily have to fight positional warfare.

"I see it this way. Let's take advantage of the little devil's inattention and sneak around in other directions to see if we can enter the city from another direction. Now that the city gate is under heavy attack, who can go up?" At this time, Shang Zhen came up with a compromise idea.

When Shang Zhen said that, Lu Di had nothing to say after all, while Old Mao Wang looked at Shang Zhen thoughtfully. Although he disagreed with Shang Zhen's idea, he didn't say anything. After all, Shang Zhen was theirs. head.

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