The War of Resistance

Chapter 520: "Broken soldiers" experience (4)

"Every day is killing, killing, fighting, fighting, no matter how you put it, it's those things.

At first I was terrified to see so many dead people, but I forgot about it when we started fighting.

Especially when he saw his brother bleeding to death, the only thought left in his heart was revenge.

It turned out that stabbing a little devil to death when fighting a bayonet with a little devil would also feel a little disgusting.

But seeing the little devil killed his brother, when he killed the little devil again, he felt that when the knife was inserted into the little devil's flesh, he would feel a sense of joy. "

Lu Di is the narrator. Although he did not explicitly say how many Japanese devils he killed, Shang Zhen and the others understood him very well, because they are veterans, and they have also experienced the same psychological process as Lu Di.

Lu Di didn't mention his beating devils, but he has psychological experience in that area, so this kid must have killed Japanese devils a lot, but he just refused to talk about it.

""I don't fall into the big pit like you, I just got up late. "Lu Di went on to tell, "When we launched a surprise attack on the Japanese devils, halfway through the battle, the sound of bugles came from behind, which told us to retreat, and I followed suit. "Ludi told his story very flatly.

Seeing that Lu Di was like this, the old hat showed a disappointed expression.

But at this time, He Xiangcai asked again: "Is our teacher okay, how many people are left in our 8th Division?"

"Master is fine, there are more than 700 people left in our 8th Division." Lu Di replied.

"There are only so few people left!" He Xiangcai couldn't help sighing.

Lu Di didn't say a word, but at this time Chu Tian couldn't help but sighed in the same way: "On average, one teacher per day!"

It is reasonable for Chu Tian to sigh so much. As low-level soldiers, they only know that the troops suffer heavy casualties, but they don't know the exact number of casualties every day.

But this time when they were retreating with those rout troops, they heard from people in other armies that it took a day or half a day to wipe out the strength of a division. For example, when the Sichuan army attacked the Japanese army, There have been such cases.

It was just that Chutian sighed, He Xiangcai and Lu Di looked at Chutian at the same time and said, "One day?"

"Isn't it a day?" Chu Tian was also surprised, and he asked back.

"How is one day enough?" Ludi retorted.

"How many days?" Chu Tian asked.

"How many days?" Lu Di was laughed at by Chu Tiantian, and then he said amazingly, "We fought for a full twenty-three days! We had to withdraw after the positions of other troops around were occupied by the Japanese army." Otherwise, we will be able to wipe out the entire teacher!"

Lu Di's words shocked everyone, the room was silent, no one spoke, they just looked at Lu Di in shock, including Shang Zhen and the others.

The Sixty-seventh Army of the Northeast Army fought the Japanese army for three days, and as a result, more than 20,000 troops were beaten down to only about 400.

They heard that sometimes a division of the Sichuan Army was wiped out in less than half a day.

However, a division of the Hunan Army has fought for more than 20 days. This is beyond their imagination anyway. It is normal to have five or six thousand people.

Even if the 8th division where He Xiangcai and Lu Di belonged had 8,000 people, it could hold up against the Japanese army for more than 20 days. With this record, not to mention the Northeast Army, even the Central Army known as the Yulin Army could not beat it!

"Brother, don't be picky when I say it. Are you fighting the Japanese army all the time? How did you persist for so many days?" Finally, after a long silence, Old Mao Wang asked.

"Of course I fought against the Japanese army on my own ground." Lu Di replied.

And then Rudy lit a third cigarette.

Looking at his young age, his addiction to smoking is not small. Shang Zhen and the others feel that Lu Di's addiction to smoking can catch up with Old Mao Wang!

"Actually, I know why you are surprised?" Lu Di said slowly after taking another puff of cigarette, "You think that with our military strength and firepower, we can't withstand the attack of the Japanese devils at all.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with you thinking so, but we are playing active defense, why should we resist the Japanese attack in the position?

Resisting the Japanese attack is only one aspect of defense. Our Master Tao always let us take the initiative to attack the Japanese army from both wings.

Sometimes before the Japanese army started to attack, our attack would arrive first, and we would fight hand-to-hand with the little Japanese devils.

At other times, the Japanese devils broke into our positions, and our death squads also broke into the Japanese devils' positions. After fighting for a whole night, it was not the same. "

As soon as Shang Zhen heard Lu Di's explanation, his eyes lit up.

Although Shang Zhen was just a low-level soldier, of course, he was a company commander, but he never took himself seriously as a company commander.

So although Shang Zhen is just a low-level soldier, he strongly disapproves of the way the superiors order the army to stick to their positions.

It was obvious that he couldn't bear the artillery fire of the Japanese army, so if he had to bear it there, wouldn't that mean to bear it to death? Carry it to death, when you die and when the position is lost, you don't have to carry it anymore.

But this style of play is heroic, but it will also cause great casualties to one's own side.

So since Shang Zhen participated in the battle, he was still able to make decisions for his own group. It cannot be said that he always avoided positional warfare, but he would never fight positional warfare if he could not fight positional warfare!

Otherwise, why did he take his group from this brigade to that division, and then from that division to this army?

But now that he heard what Lu Di said their Mr. Tao actually adopted this method, he naturally felt sympathetic in his heart.

If there is a chance, I must take a look at this Mr. Tao, this Mr. Tao is quite right for his temper when fighting, no! It should be said that my style of play is quite in line with the temper of Mr. Tao.

Of course, the above are just Shang Zhen's own inner thoughts, and he will not tell Lu Di about these thoughts.

However, whether people can meet or not depends on fate, and Shang Zhen will not have fate to meet that Mr. Tao in the days to come.

Shang Zhen didn't know that Mr. Tao was also a legend.

The 8th Division of the 76th Army, where Mr. Tao belonged, became famous because of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War.

Really no division can beat the Japanese army for more than 20 days like his 8th division, as a motley army.

It's just that although Master Tao became famous in the first battle, due to the complex command system of the Nationalist government, the various complicated relationships between direct line troops and miscellaneous troops, although he showed his excellent command ability in the Battle of Songhu, However, in the subsequent war of resistance, because he wiped out his division, he lost his military power instead.

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