The War of Resistance

Chapter 514: Encounter emergencies again

Shang Zhen and the others didn't know that they had somehow escaped.

If Wu Keyong hadn't asked them to attack and kill the Japanese scouts, then they would have defended Wu Keyong.

Then when the Japanese scouts attacked Wu Keyong, even if Shang Zhen and the others could keep Wu Keyong's life safe, they were destined to suffer heavy casualties.

Life is like this, the future is full of unknowns, not to mention this is a rapidly changing battlefield.

But even so, Shang Zhen and his group's retreat to Nanjing was by no means smooth.

Following the retreating broken soldiers, Shang Zhen and the others first went south, and then went west along the road.

Poor Shang Zhen, they don't have a map of the whole country in their hands.

In their minds, they always felt that Nanjing should be to the south of Shanghai, but when they inquired about the routs around them, they realized that Nanjing was to the west of Shanghai.

They could only follow the routed soldiers, and two days later, their group appeared outside a village.

As for the name of the village, they didn't know it at all. They came directly to this village from the road because they were already struggling.

Hunger, fatigue, lack of sleep all combined, they had to find a place to eat well and then rest.

It's just that when they were four or five hundred meters away from the village, they suddenly heard gunshots from the village.

The gunfire was not dense, but it was by no means sparse. And according to the ears of these veterans, most of those gunshots came from Japanese 38-type rifles.

Shang Zhen scanned the surrounding terrain, left the path to the village directly, and pointed to a forest in front of the right at the same time.

The woods are on the edge of the village.

If they wanted to enter the village, it was undoubtedly safest to go through the woods.

"Isn't it that the little devil is slaughtering the village again?" Old Mao Wang asked out of breath while running into the woods.

In terms of the physical strength of Shang Zhen and the others, just running is not enough to pant like this, but they are so hungry that they are almost exhausted.

"You'll know it when you see it." Shang Zhen replied, still running forward.

However, based on Shang Zhen's judgment, it may not be that the Japanese army is in Tucun, it is very likely that the Japanese army fought again with the defeated Chinese soldiers who retreated from the Songhu battlefield.

Because based on where they are now, the Japanese troops chasing them down are generally only small groups or scouts of the Japanese army.

Although it is said that the Japanese invaders were extremely brutal, the killing of the Japanese army must be prioritized.

Their first target must be the fleeing Chinese army. They have no need to raise the butcher's knife against civilians, or they don't have that leisure time yet.

After entering the forest, Shangzhen continued to move towards the village, and he naturally ran to the front.

The sacrifice of Erhanzi and Huzi made Shang Zhen's heart ache.

So he felt that even if he sacrificed, it should be him, not his brother, so why is he, the leader, not running in the front?

But just after Shang Zhen ran for a while in the woods, he suddenly stopped and turned around, and then he took the flower mechanism in his hand to the left.

No one can remember exactly how many steps he will run in his life. For humans, running is a human instinct.

As for a soldier who has experienced many battles, no soldier can remember how many times he has fired a gun.

So Shang Zhen pulled the bolt of the gun, placed the flower mechanism between his shoulders, and then made a shooting posture, which was extremely skilled!

But just when his gun pointed at the target he suspected, his finger that had already touched the trigger stopped, because under the gun, he saw five or six people looking at him with terrified eyes. with their own people.

These ordinary people are all women and children, and there is no man.

One of the young women subconsciously hugged the child in her arms, but the child was breastfeeding!

And right beside the woman, stood another seven or eight-year-old boy, who was also looking at Shang Zhen and the others in surprise.

"Don't be afraid, folks, we are our Chinese soldiers!" Shang Zhen said immediately. Valley

Then the muzzle of the flower mechanism in his hand pointed to the sky to show that he was not hostile.

At this time, the soldiers following Shang Zhen saw that they were ordinary people, and their guns only moved without raising their guns.

"What's the situation in your village?" Shang Zhen asked again immediately.

But his answer was silence.

Those women and children, the young ones can't speak and are breastfeeding, and the old ones are still in shock.

"Don't be afraid, folks. We are our own army. Tell me what's going on in the village?" At this moment, Chu Tian took a step forward and asked with a gentle expression.

"The Japanese have entered and are at war with you." Finally an older woman replied.

Although the dialect was difficult to understand, fortunately, what the woman said was somewhat close to official language, so Shang Zhen and the others really understood it.

"How many Japanese are there?" Shang Zhen asked.

Shang Zhen and the others are used to calling the Japanese invaders the Japanese devils.

He now calls the Japanese devils Japanese, no doubt to make the woman understand.

"I don't know." The woman replied, but he was afraid that his answer would dissatisfy Shang Zhen, so he hurriedly explained, "The Japanese entered the village and killed many people. We ran out because of fear. how many people."

Shang Zhen frowned.

As a battle-hardened veteran, Shang Zhen now understands how important it is to understand the enemy's situation.

If the Japanese army has a large number, then they may avoid it. If the Japanese army has a small number, then they might as well fight the Japanese army.

It's just that the woman was just an ordinary woman. As an ordinary citizen, she was frightened when she saw the Japanese invaders entering the village and killing people. How could she know how many Japanese bandits there were?

"There are more than twenty people." This was a crisp voice, but it was the little boy standing beside the woman who spoke.

"Little guy, how do you know?" Old Mao Wang asked.

"I was playing on the sand pile near the village. I saw them running over and I counted them." The little boy replied.

"Did the Japanese soldiers see you?" At this moment, the little dustpan asked curiously.

This is the first time that the little dustpan has said something unrelated to the second fool since the death of the second

"I see, but they went after the people in front, and they wore rags like you." The little boy replied again.

Obviously, the little boy didn't know that the clothes Shang Zhen and the others were wearing were military uniforms.

However, it is conceivable that, as Shang Zhen inferred, some rout soldiers entered the village, and then the Japanese army chased them up, and then the two sides fought in the village.

Shang Zhen saw the little boy looking at himself and the others, and his fear had turned into curiosity.

In this way, Shang Zhen somewhat believed the little boy's words.

The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Obviously no one has told this little boy how terrible the Japanese invaders are.

It was precisely because he didn't feel nervous and was playing by the sand pile that he inadvertently noticed the number of Japanese soldiers.

The situation is like a murder in a place.

The people at the scene at that time forgot the features of the murderer because of fear, but a little boy playing outside the door clearly remembered that the murderer had a mole on his face.

"How many people are there wearing rags like ours?" Shang Zhen asked with a pleasant face.

"There are more than ten!" This time it was a woman who answered.

"More than a dozen?" Shang Zhen pondered for a moment, then looked back at his people, and then shouted in a low voice, "Come on, kill those bastards!"

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